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What I Did Today Archive - 2010


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  • Well I went my NEW lottie and marked out the beds.

    Then I dug the perennials bed and thought that was enough. (pic in my albums)

    As it was a crop field previously the soil is perfect.

    When I got home I decided it was time to start chitting my first earlies (Red Duke of York and Ulster Classis) the tattieman way.

    Oh and ordered my shed for the lottie.


    • Weeded the fruit area of the plot and found a few strawberry runners with good roots..( four small ones at the front ) which I planted ...sun was very warm on my back...did some more digging, things are starting to take shape at last..!
      Attached Files


      • A beautiful day with warm winter sun and no wind so I cracked on and got loads done. Finished shredding the second stick pile but I now have more mulch material than garden!! The chives are sending up new shoots so I gave them a little liquid feed to spur them on. Rhubarb too is showing its head so I piled some straw round it and covered with a large upturned pot to bring it on a bit more. Mixed some compost and filled a few tubs which I�ve left in the greenhouse. That should warm up the compost a bit before seed sowing and help germination of the peas and beans I intend growing in them. Finished the afternoon with general tidying and cleaning up which is possible now that things are drying out. Ooooh, the anticipation


        • Added two wheelbarows of compost to potato bed from 330 litre dalek.
          Turned remaining contents of bin, which was bit wet and compressed in places, so added some straw and newspaper, hopefully it will get going and start heating up again soon. Bin now full again. Need fourth bin soon, as Gh still full of last years toms and pepper plants.


          • Put some broad beans to soak then filled loo rolls with compost, will set those tomorrow.
            Location....East Midlands.


            • Went to lottie and made a start on the weeding between raspberrys and strawbs, dug up some parsnips for roast dinner and spent an hour gassing with other allotment holders.
              You have to loose sight of the shore sometimes to cross new oceans

              I would be a perfectionist, but I dont have the time


              • Went to lottie. Didn't do anything up there just wanted to have another look!

                When I got home I cleaned up the freebie trays that I got from the recycling bin at the local garden centre then filled them with some compost and planted the Red Electric onion sets I had left, all the Lautrec Wight garlic and half of my picasso shallots. Then popped the onions and shallots in the cold frame outside and popped the garlic out by the side of the house under the covered walkway to the garage.


                • What Trousers Did Today

                  And I helped!

                  He took a chain saw to a cherry tree that had 'allegedly' reverted to wild, that was blocking out the summer sun to part of the original kitchen garden, and now it won't be. A lot of it was covered in ivy, and the Sheeps 'Down on the Funny Farm' love ivy, so we felled it into the Sheep Field. Symbiosis.....Simples!
                  Then, once the sheep had finished munching all the ivy off the trunk, Trousers chain-sawed the trunk up to store for the woodburner.
                  Thank you for listening.


                  • What Wellie Did Today

                    And Trousers was too busy to help?!

                    I started to tidy the Draughty Dutch Greenhouse up:
                    Took all the tools out, put them in the Peach/Nectarine Greenhouse, trimmed up all the potted up Strawberry Runners in pots, relocated all the bamboo canes where Trousers felled the tree, generally tidied a bit more of the messy garden corners.
                    And entertained the cat, as is her want.
                    Thank you for listening.


                    • I went back to the lottie to weed the herb patch at the front, pruned my diddy apple trees - looked for the winter wash and couldn't find it so either the lottie thieves have nicked it or I put it somewhere else. Took some pics and picked some psb for the week.
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                      Whooops - now what are the dogs getting up to?


                      • Went to the plot, pulled a load of leeks for soup. Pulled up the remains of my brassicas (lord I am rubbish at growing these things - what a waste of a bed!), barrowed loads and loads of woodchips for paths and had a poke around in the compost corral (I wouldn't dignify it by calling it a bin). Came home and fired with enthusiasm, put early spuds to chit. I shall be able to go and do some proper work down there over half term (weather permitting).


                        • Today we went up to the lottie. OH took apart some pallets so we can use the wood. Iwent over the new bed again removing even more weed roots . Then gave it a good helping of compost , covered it back over again. Had a cup of tea and a natter with our neighbour . Then walked the long way round the site to get back to the car.
                          S*d the housework I have a lottie to dig
                          a batch of jam is always an act of creation ..Christine Ferber

                          You can't beat a bit of garden porn


                          • this weekend me and the O/half went up the lottie and i made a start on digging out my bean trench, we then secured an unused bit of land in the lottie next to us and fenced it off, it is in a little shade but we think it will be ok for main crop spuds, i then went home and transeferred wome winter gem from modules to pots, the same for salad leaves and mizuna. i then went and planted in my propogator some red and yellow habaneros, red scotch bonnet, peppadew, cheyenne and other assorted chillis, 2 types of toms, 4 types aubergine, 3 x basil, thyme, oregano, and a sweet pepper, i then run out of space and am waiting for my alpine strawberries to hurry up and grow so i can carry on sowing.


                            • Today i....

                              The parts covered with black sheeting is what ive done on Saturday and Sunday and the bit uncovered is what ive done this morning, ive still got a bit to do as you can see but im taking my time so i don't get disheartened.It feels good though, to finally start to see it come to shape
                              Attached Files
                              Life isnt about surviving the storm.....But learning to dance in the rain.


                              • Cleaned the shed out and found the fingerless gloves I blamed my Dad for stealing (sorry). Put my potatoes into thier egg boxes for chitting.
                                Stood looking at the rain making the wet, wetter and wishing I'd done more in the Autumn (every year). Also giving evils to the work shy git in the next plot over, who can't work due to a back problem, but can knock a post into the ground with a mell like its going through butter..... Bitter? Me? No not me!
                                Cryin won't help you, prayin won't do you no good!


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