I've just come from Wilko, who are very good on gardening basics, though if you want a wider range you need a garden centre. Bought some organic multipurpose compost, and had a look at their range of cheap greenhouses, covered with reinforced plastic sheeting instead of being glazed. They come as flat-packs. I've been meaning to buy a small one for some time - the one I was thinking of is about 6' high x 4' wide by 2' deep, and is big enough for a few seed trays or pots, but they've got a bigger one, only �40, which is a near-full-size walk-in job, 6'3" high in the middle (it has a pitched roof, of course), 4' wide, and 6'3" long, so big enough to stand up in in the middle, though you have to duck to get through the door (well, I do, at any rate, being 5'11" - a short-arse wouldn't need to). It has staging on one side. I could use the staging side for tender seedlings (instead of my windowsills, which I was in danger of running out of space on last year), and grow some of my toms on the other side, planted direct in the ground. I'll get out my tape measure when I get home, and see if I could squeeze it in next to the goosegogs. If not, I'm sure I can find a space for it somewhere. I will probably buy one with my flexible friend tomorrow.
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I went into Wilko's for a roll of sticky back plastic and came out with a palm, 3 Lily of the Valley, 2 Aquilegia, 3 Hostas and 2 Dicentra (�13 in total).
At home I'm still turning my windowsill plants every day, because they lean towards the light. Tomatoes have suffered a bit from the cold (sometimes I forget/can't be bothered to take them into the room at night) but the chillies are all very robustLast edited by Two_Sheds; 12-03-2010, 05:37 PM.All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.
Sowed some more Toms, Chillies and Peppers as the ones I planted are not doing as well as I hoped. - Same prob as TS I think - too cold on the window sill at night. Have invested in an electric heated propogator which will make a big difference.
Several varieties of lettuce are now "up" in the green house. Sowed some Kelvden Wonder Peas under a cloche. Jumped up and down on my newly topped paths to firm them.When the Devil gives you Cowpats - make Satanic Compost!
How about adding some lemon juice? Or if you can find a shop that sells pectin.Susiewoosie
A novice but keen to learn
My Blog - http://www.growfruitandveg.co.uk/gra...s/susiewoosie/
My photo Albums - http://www.growfruitandveg.co.uk/gra...ie-albums.html
Found this recipe if its any help
The jam is extremely easy to make; ideally, you should 'start' the pineapple in the sugar a few hours beforehand, and about 25 minutes or so to make the jam and jar it. I'm planning to make some coconut walnut bread tomorrow to go with what's left of the jam...I hope it lasts that long! If you've never made jam before, give this recipe a shot..
Pineapple Jam Recipe
INGREDIENTS - makes 5 'average' jam jars
1500g fresh pineapple cut into 1cm cubes (this equated to 2 pineapples)
700g sugar
Juice from 1 lemon
100ml of water
1. Put the pineapple, sugar, and lemon in a non-metallic bowl and mix well. Leave for about an hour, turning every 15 minutes or so. You will find that the pineapple will release a LOT of juice at this point. Reserve the squeezed lemon 'shell' because you will need this later on during the cook.
2. In the meantime, sterilise the jam jars and lids in boiling water for 10 minutes, then, using tongs, place the jars ONLY in a low oven to dry.
3. Place the pineapple mixture into a large cooking pot and add the water. Tie the reserved lemon 'shells' in muslin and throw those in as well (this will help the jam set).
4. Cook on a medium heat and allow the mixture to simmer for 20-30 minutes. Don't forget to stir, and be attentive not to burn the sugar because then you will be stuck with a toffee flavored block! A good way to test for the setting point of the jam is to place a spoonful of jam on a cold plate... and place it in the fridge for a few minutes. If the jam 'wrinkles' when you run your finger through it then its ready!
5. When the cook is over, fish out the muslin with the lemon, and pour into your prepared jam jars. They should be nice and hot from the oven so they should not crack when you pour the hot jam in! Seal the jars tightly and leave them to cool overnight.
The jam should keep for a couple of monthsSusiewoosie
A novice but keen to learn
My Blog - http://www.growfruitandveg.co.uk/gra...s/susiewoosie/
My photo Albums - http://www.growfruitandveg.co.uk/gra...ie-albums.html
Planted spuds today 1 row of earlies 10 Rocket 6 Red Duke Of York and 10 Swift .
! Row of Saxon second earlies (22) and 3 rows of King Edward (56) .
And finally a mixed row 5 Highland Burgandy red 5 Vales Sovereign 5 Yukon Gold and 5 Red Pontiac .
A nice selection we will see how they grow but one thing is sure they will all get eaten...jacob
What lies behind us,And what lies before us,Are tiny matters compared to what lies Within us ...
Ralph Waide Emmerson
Spent most of the day down the lottie in the lovely sun.
Moved strawberrys and planted up another row of babies.
Dug the onion bed and planted half of them so far.You have to loose sight of the shore sometimes to cross new oceans
I would be a perfectionist, but I dont have the time
Lovely day today, if a little windy. Spent the morning with my Bro & SIL walking our dogs together & having a good catch up. This afternoon i moved my 2 goosegogs & Blackcurrant bushes to their new homes with the Redcurrant i moved the other day. This leaves their old bed free for the autumn rasps they were sharing with. Also planted out 60 Radar onion sets from modules in the GH into the veg bed with the Shallots that have been in there since before xmas. The Shallots are now showing signs of life & most have shoots. Not so convinced about my onion sets though as although all of them have good roots & shoots, the actual bulbs are really soft & a bit mouldy looking - planted them anyway though, they have 2 choices!
Just remembered, i also mulched the rhubarb with a pile of manure!Last edited by Newbie; 13-03-2010, 10:08 PM.
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