I've sowed 2 short rows of Boltardy beetroot and Early Nantes carrots in my new bed then when it rained in the greenhouse some Chantenay Red carrots in a bucket and 3 pentland javlin spuds.
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What I Did Today Archive - 2010
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Sowed 40 garlic chive seeds in tray.Progressed with what is turning out to be an epic chicken coop and run build!
My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)
Diversify & prosper
Originally posted by Snadger View PostSowed 40 garlic chive seeds in tray.Progressed with what is turning out to be an epic chicken coop and run build!
Last edited by Liza; 24-03-2010, 09:46 PM.You have to loose sight of the shore sometimes to cross new oceans
I would be a perfectionist, but I dont have the time
Planted out bored beans that were exploding out of their loo rolls and onions red and yellow. Sowed a row of early nantes carrots (thankyou RHS) all up at lottie.
At home in GH pricked out Lollo Rosso lettuce and moved it, cos lettuce and sweet peas down to my mini gh/cold frame . Which has freed up some space in the gh for the next sowing wave. Now it's persisting down and I'm worrying about my onions and bb's getting battered.S*d the housework I have a lottie to dig
a batch of jam is always an act of creation ..Christine Ferber
You can't beat a bit of garden porn
sowed yet more peas! but this time inside ( my last 2 lots of peas just refused to show any signs of life in my 'greenhouse').http://pot-to-plot.blogspot.com/ My brand spanking new plot
Guess what folks...progressed with the epic adventure of my new chicken run and coop!My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)
Diversify & prosper
I planted out by broad beans in raised beds in rows, with some more on the way
At the walled garden I am reclaiming from the wild and helping to restore to it's former glory, I dug up 17 rhubarb crowns that were uncovered when I was cutting down and removing all the shrubby growth in the middle section. These were replanted in the bed that runs along the east wall (this has been designated the veg bed for this year, until a more formal plan is agreed upon). The crowns, once replanted were given a liberal helping of wood ash from the first of the burnings that the owners undertook at the weekend - they managed to burn three of the eight burn piles, though one was still smouldering this morning. I got a bit of a shock now that three of the burn piles are gone - it is now possible to see just how big an area the mid-section of the garden is - vast doesn't do it justice !
Then I spent the rest of the day digging up and transplanting snowdrops from the remaining wild section at the bottom of the garden to the beds either side of the summerhouse on the south facing wall at the top of the garden.Rat
British by birth
Scottish by the Grace of God
Covered a bit of the paths around my plot with some freebie chippings that had been left at the site.
Thinned the turnips seedlings and put the tunnel cloche back together (when I arrived it was in a sorry state. Looks like a rabbit or something had tried to dig their way in without success).
Noticed that something had been nibbling on my Caulis under the cooler cloches so have assumed it must be slugs as not sure what else would have been able to get into them and get at the leaves. Just as a precaution put some 'Growing Success' organic slug pellets down. Also put some down around my PSB seedlings and where I have sown the Calabrese for when they sprout.
Sowed half a row of sugarsnap peas and popped a homemade fleece cloche over em. Will probably put a scattering of pellets down around these when they're up as well.
Noticed that lots of 'stuff' is sprouting on my dug beds. Gotta feeling I'll be busy with the hoe soon......
Then wished for a few dry days as I sat in my shed with a cup of coffee whilst it belted down outside...
Bought some multipurpose compost; sowed some parsley, oregano and rosemary herbs today. I'm experimenting with a few of them using some small slithers of natural quartz crystal, placed between the pots. In the next experiment i hope to place some in the soil alongside the seeds to see if this stimulates or hinders growth.Don't row, just plough now and thank the cow and sow .
today i planted my potatoes out in three container bags. then the heavens openedhttp://pot-to-plot.blogspot.com/ My brand spanking new plot
Went to lottie to reassure myself that my BB's and onions didn't float away in the downpours of yesterday. Noticed that the rhubarb is finally showing it's face and my first shallot is sprouting.
Came home and sowed leeks, celery and a few more BB's.
Potted up a sunflower for my friends granddaughter.S*d the housework I have a lottie to dig
a batch of jam is always an act of creation ..Christine Ferber
You can't beat a bit of garden porn
Apart from getting seriously fed up with the rain and getting even more fed up when I saw that is was gonna snow next week! (I though it was bleedin' nearly April!).
Popped to lottie to grab rake out of shed and noticed that the rabbits had been at my fleece tunnels again.....
I think I'll just pop the cane frames up and throw the debris netting over and peg it down. I'm hoping that the rabbits won't be able to make holes in this....although I guess the next thing might be them digging under it! Although I'm hoping they'll just go elsewhere when presented with a reasonably difficult obstacle!
Bought some debris netting on ebay - DEBRIS CROP NETTING 3m x 50m GREEN SCAFF GARDEN ESSEX on eBay (end time 14-Apr-10 10:12:01 BST)
Bought some root-trainers, potting tidy tray, canes and a flexible bucket thing from the garden centre.
Also bought my greenhouse for the back garden! - DIY 6ft x 8ft polycarbonate greenhouseLast edited by nerdgas; 26-03-2010, 08:33 PM.
Got a call at 7am from the place I normally work at on Fridays to say that it appallling weather through by them so not to go today. Spent the morning playing with / entertaining / looking after the girls (both of whom are unwell) than this afternoon went over to my own place. Ploughed the acre that I am keeping on for myself, then in the tunnel I sowed the following into cells
100 x Hispi Cabbage
50 x Derby Day Cabbage
50 x Igloo Cauliflower
50 x Early PSB
50 x Green Globe Artichoke
50 X Cylindra Beetroot
50 x Chioggia Beetroot
100 x California Wonder Sweet Pepper
100 x Jalapeno Chilli Pepper
50 x Cayenne Chilli Pepper
20 x Lettuce Amorina
20 x Lettuce GSB
20 X Lettuce RSB
50 X Gardeners Delight Tomato
50 x Shirley Tomato,
50 x Golden Sunrise Tomato
50 x Alicante Tomato
50 x Moneymaker Tomato
50 x Brussel Sprout Bedford Darkmar 21
I also planted up 40 shallots and 100 onion sets, then got all my stuff sorted out in the van for another sowing session tomorrow for one of my customers.Last edited by sewer rat; 26-03-2010, 08:40 PM.Rat
British by birth
Scottish by the Grace of God
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