Today I sowed cucumber Cucino in unheated propagator. Planted remaining early spuds into grow bags. Tomatoes have been in plastic gh overnight so checked they were okay. Planted 6 fruit trees into containers all cordon, 3 apples, 1 pear, 1 cherry and 1 plum. Was going to plant them in the ground but there was so much rubble in there I couldn't get the fork through. Found two suspect looking tunnels so put rat poison in them yukkkkk! Put a new plastic cover over mini gh as zip had gone on last one. Hooked out fleece and bubble wrap from shed in readiness for cold weather forecast. Am just about to go and sow more leeks.
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What I Did Today Archive - 2010
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This gorgeous sunny weekend I managed to do the following jobs:
Remove the netting from old veg patch and weed thoroughly including removing 86 bluebells () and hoed around garlic, all ready for planting spuds next weekend. Added yet more compost to new veggie raised bed - its up to 15 lots now and still not full (double
Made and filled strawberry bed - added manure (well rotted) covered with membrane and then re-planted strawbs 9 of them (its 1m sq)
Planted out 150 snowdrops in the green in the front garden. Also made a cat scare trap for round my ornamental cherry tree in the lawn - (they love to go around the base) - this consisted of all spikey thorny cuttings from my large rose buses sticking up or laid strategically so they can go there or if they try to, they might get a nasty shock!!
I sowed several celeriac in a pot, along with some lemon cues, plus some crimson flowered broadies and 2 types of both chilli (hungarian hot wax and hungarian black) and tom (white banana and black cherry) in heated propagator. I re-potted 6 Bolivian Rainbows too.
I also check out when to sow kale and decided to do it later in the summer.
Aaargh! how do you get the time and energy! I can't keep up with you
I spent yesterday digging the plot ready for the potatoes that are begging to be planted.
Today was the Allotment AGM so as Treasurer I spent most of the day taking money and writing receipts. When I came home I finished pruning the apple tree (rather late for it I know but it was much overdue). Am just about to go and and play - it's bonfire time
I cut the first Spring Cabbage today for din dins tonight majic and sowed a couple rows of peas Hurst Greenshaft .
Transplanted some Club root resistant Brussel Sprouts enough for 2 rows eventualy.jacob
What lies behind us,And what lies before us,Are tiny matters compared to what lies Within us ...
Ralph Waide Emmerson
Originally posted by crudusnovitas View PostBought some multipurpose compost; sowed some parsley, oregano and rosemary herbs today. I'm experimenting with a few of them using some small slithers of natural quartz crystal, placed between the pots. In the next experiment i hope to place some in the soil alongside the seeds to see if this stimulates or hinders growth.Sent from my pc cos I don't have an i-phone.
At the lottie :Planted out the last of the spuds. Planted out some more bored beans. Made a new path. Moved a water butt that was in the way of the said path. Made a new compost bin.
Introduced some frog spawn to the pond. Shovelled some sh*t.
In the GH : Pricked out some Osteospernum . Marvelled at stuff growing.
In the garden : Weeded the front garden. Weeded the patio.
Knackered now.S*d the housework I have a lottie to dig
a batch of jam is always an act of creation ..Christine Ferber
You can't beat a bit of garden porn
Today I continued making my cage for my veg patch (3ft x 6.5ft x 70cm tall, wooden frame, coated in anti-rot stuff, then eventually to be covered in net). Then spent ages figuring out how to get it into the plastic greenhouse in case it rained before I've finished coating it. Troublesome, to say the least.
Then I went to Bratfud to pick up a wooden table and chair set I'd won on ebay, so I can comfortably sit and look at my veg patch in summer ;o)
What I Did Today
Still a little behind with the digging - well, a long way behind really, so dug over a patch ready on the bed where the peas will go in. Planted two rows of Homeguard 1st Early Potato, 4 Raspberry Canes, a gooseberry bush and a red current bush.
Today I picked up some large pots, canes a handful of onion sets from a fellow freegler.
Bought some more bark chippings to tidy things up a bit, and a couple of bags of multipurpose compost.
Sowed some carrots and planted the onion sets in containers, sowed basil and strawberries in cells in the mini propogator by the dining room window.
Emptied the water butt to find at least 8 inches of sludge at the bottom, mostly thanks to the ivy that clambers over the garage from next door I guess. Will give it a good clear out and hack the ivy back. Again. And send hubby up to clear out the gutter but probably not til next weekend.
Planted some busy lizzies with my three year old.
And admired hubby's hard work as he cleared a few years worth of scrubby stuff from the end of the garden, and moved a few shrubs into better positions.
All in all not a bad day!
Out at the tunnel for a few hours this afternoon. Sowed more beetroot, 100 savoy Cabbage Rigoletto. 100 Borecole Darkibor and 18 x 3" pots of each of the following - dill, fennel, sage, sweet basil, lemon basil, coriander. I also sowed a box with a spicy salad mix, sowed 5 x carrot seed in a length of downpipe, sowed 3 rows of Broad Bean Witkiem Manita on the the floor of the tunnel, watered my pots of rosemary, Thyme and French Tarragon.
Had my birthday tea tonight and got my pressies - a Wolf Garten Soil Miller, box of choccies, new MP3 player (I broke the old one) and a huge chocolate cake - well happyRat
British by birth
Scottish by the Grace of God
Yesterday had whole afternoon to myself, so dug up and split my large clumps of chives - had to re-plant in a veg bed, there were so many. Dug over a bed where I had put a thick layer of compost (just to mix it with the first inch or two of soil) then covered it with new low polytunnels to warm the soil (will be a roots bed). Weeded in the fruit cage. Cut down some of the hawthorn which surrounds the veg area in order to have space to put up the shed (which is next weekend's job). Had a bonfire with the tree trimmings from 3 years ago - I don't want to encourage the coral spot any further. Admired the radishes coming up in the tunnel. Sowed some more Ricinus seed (collected from my own plant last summer) and some sunflowers.
Came in to check the time - realised I had spent 5 hours out thereGrowing in the Garden of England
Spent the morning with the village's In Bloom group, tidying up the flower beds. Going again tomorrow!
Potted up some toms into 5" pots. These were my end-of-January sowings are are looking good and strong.
Sowed a few lettuce seeds in a pot in the cold greenhouse. First sowing just about ready to prick out in the garden.
Harvested leeks, spring cabbage and forced rhubarb from the allotment. Yummy dinner!Whoever plants a garden believes in the future. Updated March 9th - Spring
Not an awful lot, blinkin' weatherNot that I mind the rain myself, I'm Irish after all!, but I do mind it when I've got a complaining four and two year old in tow. Bought a couple of saxifrage for the new rockery while doing the weekly shop, so a small element of gardening crept into the day.
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