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What I Did Today Archive - 2010


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  • checked potatoes and they are all pushing up, only planted them 12 days ago!!

    Someone gave me some rhubarb so put that in the ground today also.

    Lovely day here hope it carries on!!!
    New to this gardening lark... fingers slowly turning green!


    • Thick frost this a.m. when Ed got me up at 6 a.m. (so he could jump onto the warm bed where Lady S. was still zzzzzing). Decided that as it is Good Friday I shouldn't do too much labouring so spent the morning planting seeds (mainly for the borders - castor oils, love lies bleeding, smoke flowers etc. - about 10 varieties and, just for my conscience, some garlic chives and 'perpetual' brocolli. Thinned out my Alium schubertii which were from my saved seeds and have done very well having been just shoved in an old pot and left ouside all winter. The A. philippi were mollycoddled in the cold greenhouse and haven't shown at all. Just shows yer.

      This afternoon we are spending half an hour at Church then on to Reighton Nurseries. Don't really want anything but I bet it costs me a ton.
      Why didn't Noah just swat those 2 greenflies?

      Why are they called apartments when they are all stuck together?
      >If flying is so safe, why do they call the airport the terminal?


      • Originally posted by Nykied View Post
        Marvelled at my garlics sprouting and half-fixed the zip on the cr@ppy plastic greenhouse which has been broken since we got it. Also got grumpy at my other half, who has lost the receipt...
        If it is a Gardman house and you haven't had it too long, email them. I was given one for my birthday and the zip went in 6 weeks. Three emails later (for size details etc) and I had a new cover. Only took 10 days from start to finish, no receipt needed.


        • Been impressed with my planning which has meant none of my potatoes have gone in yet, what with all this very wet, cold and potato rotting weather.

          "Planning" = Having very bad back again, which means I haven't been able to do anything for what seems like ages!
          "Orinoco was a fat lazy Womble"

          Please ignore everything I say, I make it up as I go along, not only do I generally not believe what I write, I never remember it either.


          • Put in my Charlotte spuds, my own variety, Amethyst and some Masterpeice Green Longpod broadies raised in the coldframe.
            Weeded half the fruit plot.
            Whoever plants a garden believes in the future.

   Updated March 9th - Spring


            • Went down to leisure centre for a game of badminton this morning. Came home & planted up 20 bags each with 3/4 spuds in (Rocket, Pentland Javelin & Maris piper). Planted out a dozen Mangetout & covered with bottle cloches. Replaced string & fastened canes over 4 beds ready for square foot planting. Came in cos it started chucking it down.
              sigpic�Gorillas are very intelligent, but they don't have to be as delicate as chimps -- they can just smash open the termite nest,�
              Official Member Of The Nutters Club - Rwanda Branch.
              Sent from my ZX Spectrum with no predictive text..........
              KOYS - King Of Yellow Stickers..............


              • - dug over my friend's lawn in prep for re-seeding (dog's wee had killed most of it)
                - dug lots of couch grass out of my plot that is invading from next door
                - sowed lupins as a quick green manure, pre-brassica planting
                - planted out chitted Lancashire Lad peas (thanks Flummery)
                - filled my Daleks up again with weeds (mostly chickweed, damn the stuff)
                - turned over the pallet compost bin: not much has rotted, it's just too dry
                - sowed 100 spring onions in modules
                - sowed parsley, cabbages, kale, radish in modules
                - sowed HH annuals in heated prop (I can't do many at a time, sadly. Too little room)
                - planted up a hanging basket with pansies (& found a pelargonium that survived the frost!)
                - dug out some weeds and transplanted nemophila in the front garden
                - took 2 Coke cans out of my holly tree
                - potted on a houseplant (ficus)
                Last edited by Two_Sheds; 05-04-2010, 11:41 AM.
                All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                • Made new 8ft by 4ft raised bed;double dug and added compost to it.
                  Built new 450L composter. Now the scrounging of compostables can begin! Shovelled interim compost pile into new bin: amazed how much compost raw material accumulates in a few months.
                  Planted new bed: Direct sown self saved "Oregon sugar snap" mangetout peas, direct sown self saved climbing french beans "blue lake", direct sown self saved "Sutton" broadies. A real pleasure seeing a plan come together saved the seed last year while dreaming of 2010 to replanting it today seems really exciting: I made those seeds!!
                  Also sowed row of little gem lettuce. Found module grown artichokes have been nibbled by deer so will need to direct sow some spares, but now down to my last few seeds... Poxy wildlife!
                  Deer will be getting shot and turned into venison next time it enters the property!
                  Started to harden off tomato seedlings. Repotted first 18 good ones or so into 5.5inch pots, added a few smaller ones as spares to the windowsill.
                  Found poor germination of leek sedling so second sowed a load more in a pot.


                  • Managed to plant all my spuds outside today, or rather this morning. I watched Tattieman's video just to make sure I got it right . Maincrop at the back, 2nd earlies in the middle and 1st earlies at the front - I have a rather strange long veg patch which is quite narrow so just managed to get the spacings as recommended.
                    Still very pleased to have done it.
                    I was given some mayan spuds to try and will be putting them in bags, which is my next task.


                    • Got up. Had a look round to see if everything was OK. Went back to bed.


                      • Went to Lottie for bacon buttie , cuppa and chat.
                        Went to my plot to see if it had turned into a paddy field .
                        Came home and went to the GH to prick out cornflowers . Found the last lot of onions had germinated so moved them into the cold frame(mini GH) along with beetroot. Pondered over the fact that only one scabious had germinated.
                        S*d the housework I have a lottie to dig
                        a batch of jam is always an act of creation ..Christine Ferber

                        You can't beat a bit of garden porn


                        • Building beehive.. hard work. Fed up. Potted on tomatoes in greenhouse. Looked at garden. MMMMUUUDDD.

                          Decided to become a drinker.


                          • Today I reorganised my mini greenhouses to create more space. Potted up my lavendar cuttings I took last year which have rooted nicely. Re-potted my cordon cherry and plum tree into two new large containers. Strengthened trellis which has blown over for the second time in a couple of weeks!! Have sown mangetout delikat, orange thyme, lime basil, borage, dill, coriander and hamburg parsley. Re-planted sweetpeas which were dug up AGAIN by next doors cat!!! Pulled up several sycamore seedlings all over the garden.
                            AKA Angie


                            • Well, today with the help of OH i built a cage around my fruit bushes, just need to get the net on it tomorrow - hopefully i will get more fruit than the birds this year. Then i emptied out the greenhouse, removed all the bubble wrap, swept it out, squirted it with ***** Fluid & OH pressure washed it inside & out - only one broken pane in my louvre vent! Whilst he was pressure washing i finished the chopping & clearing in the flower beds of last years debris & planted my garlic from modules. However, Alium bed is full onions & shallots so garlic has gone in the same bed as last year which is now full with the fruit bushes - i'm sure it won't mind for one year! Then we moved everything back into the greenhouse which now looks twice the size without the bubblewrap & now that its tidy & clean!
                              Last edited by Newbie; 03-04-2010, 08:32 PM.
                              keen but (slightly less) clueless


                              • Put a dozen tomatoes into the cold frame to harden off.
                                Ordered more leek, artichoke, marketmore 76 cucumber seeds....

                                "The sporting editors had also given me $300 in cash, most of which was already spent on extremely dangerous drugs. The trunk of the car looked like a mobile police narcotics lab. We had two bags of grass, seventy-five pellets of mescaline, five sheets of high-powered blotter acid, a salt shaker half full of cocaine, and a whole galaxy of multi-colored uppers, downers, screamers, laughers and also a quart of tequila, a quart of rum, a case of Budweiser, a pint of raw ether and two dozen amyls. Not that we needed all that for the trip, but once you get locked into a serious drug-collection, the tendency is to push it as far as you can."

                                Hunter S Thompson's problem was drugs, mine is seeds.....


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