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What I Did Today Archive - 2010


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  • spuds finally in- phew!
    "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

    Location....Normandy France


    • Today I lovingly sowed the lemon basil seeds given to me by Wellie and ate three of the eggs found in the egg hunt yesterday (cheers both for that, twas fun).

      The main events of today have been making an aricula theatre for the Gert which now just needs a second coat of paint, and two big salad bars on the verandah which will save the slog to the lottie just for a few leaves. They are now filled with compost, soil and very vintage manure and have some plants now in residence.


      • I now have courgettes(black beauty thnx to BBC diggin. Defender F1) Sugar Baby Melons,
        gherkins, Cuc's (aurelia F1) in kitchen propogators, and Gazanias in the germination room. Was going to sow sweetcorn but decided to leave it a couple of weeks as house is looking like a garden centre and there's no room at the inn .
        S*d the housework I have a lottie to dig
        a batch of jam is always an act of creation ..Christine Ferber

        You can't beat a bit of garden porn


        • Sowed a 2nd batch of Sweetcorn, 24 plants, prepared ground for a 2nd row of Broad Beans to plant in the morning, and a 2nd row of Carrots.


          • Over yesterday & today i managed to get the net on my fruit cage with the help of my other half, planted out 6 pots of nearly flowering tulips & a large clump of lillies into the flower beds, noticed that none of my daffodills have any flowers on this year so will need to dig those up & replant much deeper. Pricked out French Marigolds, Winter Density Lettuce & Basil. Sowed Peas, Paris Market onions, Chard, Pak Choi, San Marzano Tomato, Poached Egg Flower, Sweetcorn, Red Cabbage, Poppy, Spring Onion, Courgette, Son of Mars Pumpkin, Squash Green Hokkaido, Loofah, cucumber and possibly a few more that i can't remember!

            Ooh, and just remembered that i planted my 5 Swift seed potatoes in 2 pots in the greenhouse!
            Last edited by Newbie; 05-04-2010, 07:08 PM.
            keen but (slightly less) clueless


            • At the estate garden today, amongst other things, I planted 1 row of Red Dukes, 2 rows Kerrs Pinks, 2 rows Broad Bean Witkiem Manita, 2 Rows Pparsnip Gladiator, 2 rows Beetroot Cylindra, 3 rows Carrot Early Nantes 2, 5 rows Carrot Autumn King, 20m peas, and sowed calabrese, assorted lettuce and PSB into modules in the greenhouse. I also ercted bamboo cane wigwams for Runner Beans, French Beans and Sweet Peas.

              British by birth
              Scottish by the Grace of God



              • finished emptying the greenhouse border and moved all plants from it to brave the outside world for tonight.
                Swept up a bit then burnt the sulphur candle. IT stinks.
                Moved the spinach to the large pot and threw it to the world.
                sowed pots of beetroot, carrots.
                went to garden centre and bought 10 growbags to fill greenhouse border.
                Made trellis for sweet peas from chicken wire and 2 bamboo canes as wilko's wanted �7.99 for one.
                Put down some slug pellets are have lost too many pea plants and stood some up with twigs ala Hugh.


                • planted out my peas (first batch), sow some different types of seeds like crystal lemon, cauli, bla bla


                  • went to the polytunnel and potted on 30 odd toms, sowed some rhubarb, we'll see if it grows in there, it's doing nothing in the ground, went to the garden and took a few trays of toms out of their plastic bags, they all seem to have sprouted really well, except the tigerella,that's a bit iffy.
                    The celeriac, jalapenos, and prairie fire chillies have all sprouted too, watered the broad beans and peas, cut the grass along the raised beds, cleaned up around the compost heap a bit, de-weeded the outside beds, spotted some self-seeded borage, will pot that up after for the farmers wife for her bees.
                    Got myself involved in a sunflower growing competition...doh!!


                    • Today spent far too much at the garden centre!! Sowed patty pan squash, cucumber emelie, spring onions, savoy cabbage and cabbage minicole. Checked on toms, chillis and pepppers in unheated gh and they seem to be doing well. Tomorrow will be planting all the perennials I bought today!
                      AKA Angie


                      • Borrowed a corner of the wifes flower bed for a tray of peas and a half tray of "the Sutton" broad beans. Hope she is not too miffed when she realises...
                        Checked tomatoes that have been hardening off outside: They seem to be thriving. Next checked aubergines: I can forsee a space problem as good germination and good seedling care mean 40 odd aubergine plants are now 5 inches high and growing out of their 10cm pots. I guess we will be eating a lot of moussaka and thai curry if they all fruit! Rumour has it this area has hot summers so lets see how many make it that far....
                        Chillis got fed and watered today.
                        Bloody wildlife has been at the artichokes again. So far at least a dozen have been destroyed. However as I have several hundred seeds arriving in the post and plenty of pots I will keep sowing until they lose interest. At least while they are eating artichoke they are ignoring my lettuce so far!


                        • Spent the afternoon at the plot - planted my early potatoes - AT LAST! Prepared the first bean trench - I have decided on wigwams this year rather than a bean row. My row blew over last year and was a bit of a disgrace. My Dad helpfully suggested that I hammer some stakes in to 'tether the row' to. It is a good suggestion, but since he retired he forgets that most people don't have stakes lying around waiting to be used! Moved the cold frame and dug over the bed underneath, put the frame back. Forked over the beds ready for peas, dwarf frenchies and lots of other goodies that will be planted over the next week or two. Still a bit chilly here I think, though I will start some dwarf frenchies in pots today. Came home tired and then cleared out the flower beds at the front of the house and planted out some climbing yellow perennials whose name I have instantly forgotten.

                          More to do today I think!


                          • I've spent the morning in my greenhouse potting on toms, chillis, sweet peppers and aubergines and there looks a lot more plants now they're in bigger pots.
                            Last edited by Bren In Pots; 06-04-2010, 01:27 PM.
                            Location....East Midlands.


                            • I built a netting cage whilst the hubby built something that defies description to house his sarracenia in.

                              Going to plant some lemon cukes as someone has mentioned them elsewhere on the forum and I want some.
                              So long and thanks for all the fish....



                              • Went out and bought some more canes, water trays,, a hoe (for the garden t'other one is at the lottie) and ..yup some seeds.
                                repotted my Costuloto fiorientino toms that had rusty bits (following Flum's advice)
                                Peered hopefully at the seeds I sowed yesterday ...Why ?
                                S*d the housework I have a lottie to dig
                                a batch of jam is always an act of creation ..Christine Ferber

                                You can't beat a bit of garden porn


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