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What I Did Today Archive - 2010


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  • Originally posted by gilwrig View Post
    the hubby built something that defies description to house his sarracenia in.
    Why didn't Noah just swat those 2 greenflies?

    Why are they called apartments when they are all stuck together?
    >If flying is so safe, why do they call the airport the terminal?


    • - spent 4 hours pulling out chickweed, dandies & docks from my plot
      - discovered the spring onions are nearly ready (sowed a year ago)
      - did a bit of guerilla gardening on the bike home (cornflowers & Zazen's poppies)
      - gave away a couple of chilli plants to a mate of Mr TS (the GYO habit is spreading)
      - potted up potato seedlings (I started them in Jan: nothing doing. Then filled their jar with water for a dahlia cutting, and they germinated! Underwater!
      Last edited by Two_Sheds; 07-04-2010, 02:03 PM.
      All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


      • Potted on some Garden Pearl tomatoes and planted out my broad bean before they took over the mini house. Sowed some more Telephone peas as I now have a bigger patch to grow them in than previously expected.
        Shouted at the cat that onions are not like eggs, they do not need hatching!
        Put three old cheapy metal arches (Gardman?) over one of the raised beds to work out how much enviromesh I will need to make a cage for my brassicas, the arches had rotted at the base and have been cut down so they are about 4' high when pushed in the soil. I WILL have PSB and sprouts, I will so!
        Last edited by Suky; 06-04-2010, 07:00 PM.


        • Today i sowed:

          Leeks (2nd batch)
          Carrots (2nd batch)
          Parsnips (2nd batch)
          Savoy Cabbage
          French Beans

          All in pots except the carrots, french beans and parnips

          Then dug a 2nd garden for the next batch of potatoes and fenced it off, off to get a walk in greenhouse tomorrow from the grden centre to then move everything into, the house is getting abit overwhelmed!


          • i overdid it!

            spent the morning turning over the allotment,hard going especially trying to pick out the bits of couch grass that are still in the ground but sooooooo satisfying to look back and see some nice dark(mostly weed free..for now) soil.
            I then came back home and widened my borders by about two feet by reshaping the lawn.had satisfaction of putting all fat grubs i found on bird table for local robin to feast on. by the end though i knew i'd overdone it and I am now sitting down quietly satisfied at the work completed but equally not so quietly chuntering on about how much my back hurts.........still no pain, no gain.


            • Almost killed myself today as it's the first time in ages had 2 dry days.
              Picked up some more horse muck, threw horse muck on the dug patch. Rotovated entire patch. Rotovated again as it didn't break up the clay. Then again for a final touch.
              Finished cleaning the greenhouse. Made up the border emptying 9 growbags plus potting grit.
              Potted on some tomatoes, dug up some more brambles
              sowed some spare tomatoes, some cabbage, some cauliflower, some other flowers, some cucumbers, some more herbs.
              Planted up 2 tubs of first earlies "arran pilot".
              Discovered garlic bought a few months ago has gone off so no garlic to plant.


              • I am now starting to catch up. Loads of raised beds are now ready for planting and my new salad bar is 3/4 planted up with various leaves and salads. Onion planting time tomorrow for me, and perhaps a few spuds.


                • Decided even with a bad back, that my potatoes had to go in today. So they did.

                  I can still move as well, result
                  "Orinoco was a fat lazy Womble"

                  Please ignore everything I say, I make it up as I go along, not only do I generally not believe what I write, I never remember it either.


                  • Sorted out my containers today. Moved some herbs up to bigger pots. Put old compost over flower beds. Planted several perennials in my flower border and moved some around. Put two wigwams in my flower border and planted sweet peas around them. Re-fixed one of my garden mirrors. Moved some more toms into placcie ghs.
                    AKA Angie


                    • decided to sort the compost out as a prelude to cutting grass which I couldn't do in the end because someone had borrowed the mower :::sigh::::
                      so. put it all in a heap, pulled out the twiggy bits [lots],reformed a heap using twiggy bits, unrotted stuff from other half of pile,sieved it [making tow half bags of lovely stuff], covered with a sheet of plastic [how guilty do I feel for using it?ah well, at least i'm using it, and re-using, and using etc etc] so I now have a 1m square heap of mostlyrotted compost that should heat up nicelyover the coming months, and somelovely fine stuff to use elsewhere.
                      Now have a very big pain in my back, sleeping might cure it.
                      Also checked seedlings/broad beans in greenhouse, doing well, except for the three slugs I summarily ejected [did you know they can fly?] after they'd eaten one of them down to the bare shoot.
                      Gloated that my chillies have sprouted and a friends haven't, especially as he's the expert and I'm not


                      • Yesterday I 'felted' the roof of my chicken coop with two layers of black visqueen. Shifted barrow loads of bricks and lined part of the new chicken run with them.
                        Put loads of brassicas and alliums into the cold frame to harden off. Took trays of stuff out of the cold frame and plonked them roughly in their final planting position.
                        Collected two days worth of eggs as I was away Easter Monday and watered and fed all chooks.
                        My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
                        to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

                        Diversify & prosper


                        • Just had an hour down the plot, so I sowed some lettuce - radicchio, mini iceberg and pak choi in the cold frame and hoed all the onions, shallots and garlic. Raked the beds where my peas and french beans are going to be planted. A neighbour gave me a 'thornless' blackberry so that was installed and watered in. I may have to tidy out the shed tomorrow - not a job I am looking forward to!


                          • Originally Posted by gilwrig
                            the hubby built something that defies description to house his sarracenia in.


                            Cos he's sad.. no he's very protective of them, they all blew down one year and he was gutted. All the "special ones" are in their own private greenhouse and the more common ones are in the super structure!
                            So long and thanks for all the fish....



                            • I have just had a poke around in the bottom of my dalek and it was positively wriggling with brandlings, yuk and horrah at the same time.
                              I tried to lift it and I tried to push it over but it isnt budging so it looks like I will have to shovel through the trap door and poke it loose with my twirly fork.

                              �If your knees aren't green by the end of the day, you ought to seriously re-examine your life.�

                              "What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson

                              Charles Churchill : A dog will look up on you; a cat will look down on you; however, a pig will see you eye to eye and know it has found an equal


                              • ive been sowing all afternoon, all my toms, chilis, aubergine, cape gooseberry and my basil.
                                and yesterday i ordered lots of bargain price seeds off T&M 69p each (was too tempted while the free p&p offer was on).
                       My brand spanking new plot


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