Spent 4 hours on the plot today & planted International Kidney and red desiree, cleared & dug the onion bed as they did not survive the winter so need to plant some replacements soon.
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What I Did Today Archive - 2010
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Will be in my greenhouse as soon as I get home to inspect the progress of my army of broad beans
It's meant to be nice at the weekend so I'm excited.
Today I fixed pea netting and then I planted out Feltham First peas (bought ones as most of those I'd sown went rotten!). I then sowed some Oregon Sugar Peas for pea shoots. Emptied one compost bin as the second was not quite ready and managed to fill 3 x 75l bags and 1x 40l bag with compost from the bin. Transferred stuff from other compost bin into the one just emptied. Cut back dead foliage on ferns. As an experiment have put 1 courgette and 1 aubergine in mini gh to see how they get on. All toms, peppers and chillis have been in there now for 4 days. Sowed 16 modules of sweetcorn Swift. Then sowed in modules Little Gem, Lollo Rosso, Cos Marshall, Romaine Ballon and Cos Dasher. Potted up some more toms and cucumbers.AKA Angie
Reorganised the watering system on the front terrace, installed a watering ststem on the new gravel and pot area close to the house, finished putting bark on the new rose bed.
After lunch started to build new composters and transfer the compost from the old bins to the new ones, then resite the old ones on the bottom terrace.
And managed to fit in setting some seeds (peas and beans) for a chum, tidied up the seeds house, changed the trays round to make sure they get even light and generally tidied up.
Good thing is that we're having some decorating done and I'm not allowed to do it so I have to work in the gardenTonyF, Dordogne 24220
Down the plot this morning - glorious sunshine, light breeze, perfect gardening weather. Prepared the bean trenches and then erected the wigwams and mini row. Planted my main crop potatoes, planted some radish in the cold frame and then beetroot and spring onions in the experimental SFG bed. Had to come home as OH and I were going out in the afternoon. Then this evening, inspired by Flummery, I have been making garden obelisks - they are extremely 'rustic', but still OK - nowhere near as attractive as hers, but a damn sight cheaper than buying them from GC. OH says it looks like pagans live here! I've built 3 so far - 2 biggish ones, one for sweet peas, one for climbing frenchies and a smaller one for eating peas. Now I'm on a roll, I shall do some more tomorrow!
Spent a goodly time this morning at the allotment mowing the grass paths, trimming the edges, finishing weeding the blackcurrant row. Then I took a cabbage and a leek round to my Ma and sister, and went home for my Alderman peas. These are now planted alongside the big frame.
I sowed a short row of lettuce and a longer one of Hamburg parsley.
Home for lunch (home made bread and dippy home-laid egg - real feel-good stuff) then I weeded the back garden veg plot and planted out some lettuces and a dozen crimson flowered broad beans.
After a stonking chilli - with home grown beans in - I finished the basket I've been making and started another obelisk. Yes, Susieq - it' is addictive!Whoever plants a garden believes in the future.
www.vegheaven.blogspot.com Updated March 9th - Spring
Spent the whole afternnon on the lottie. The weather was beautiful, working in the warm sunshine certainly lifts the spirit! Managed to plant two beds of potatoes so they are all done now. Planted a row of home grown broadies and a few more onions.
The rhubarb has made an appearance, all three crowns (planted last year) thought that the harsh winter and the frost pocket at the lottie had killed them off.
Planted another row of peas, some borage, lemon balm. Then weeded the fruit cage. Planted out alpine strawberries.
Hoping to go again at the weekend to extend the fruit cage and finish the compost bins, (with Mr Herbie) and sow parsnips, carrots and beetroot.
I also took a tray of chicory. The said tray has been out all winter and survived with no protection. Don't really know alot about chicory but its planted and it has three chances, grow, dont grow or get eaten by slugs!
This morning..was spent at the lottie. weeding, planting a sacrificial rosemary and borage plant ( to see if the wabbits like them). Watched the frogspawn wibbling about as the tadpoles are starting to grow. Sowed some limanthes for the bees. chucked some pelleted chicken manure around and got excited that finally the shallots are sprouting.
This afternoon..was spent helping my neighbours take down some totally out of hand Ivy .S*d the housework I have a lottie to dig
a batch of jam is always an act of creation ..Christine Ferber
You can't beat a bit of garden porn
Got a touch of sunburn while digging out the tons of couch grass from our extra 1/2 plot1/4 of the way there now
Build, weeded and prepared a new onion bed and manured a few beds."When we drink, we get drunk. When we get drunk, we fall asleep. When we fall asleep, we commit no sin. When we commit no sin, we go to heaven.
So, let's all get drunk and go to heaven!" Brian O'Rourke
Yesterday, pricked out more tomatoes (only another 50 to go!), and sowed carrots outside under low tunnel. Planted some broad beans out in the tunnel to see if I can get an earlier crop. Got my first earlies out (Pentland Javelin and Home Guard) - they are grown 'no dig', so covered in a mixture of shredded paper and straw.
Most importantly - pulled, cooked and ate the first of the new season rhubarbGrowing in the Garden of England
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Reply to Winter projectsby Vince GSo a couple of weeks later than intended, work has commenced on my anti-ratty tunnel today.
Dismantling the existing structure was a lot harder than I expected, a lot of stuck screws that no amount of WD-40 would liberate! So a lot of action for my sharp mate Stanley, my hand axe and my...1 PhotoToday, 05:40 PM
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