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What I Did Today Archive - 2010


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  • Had planned a bike ride today but the shoulder is playing up so that went for a burton. So phase two seed sowing started in the raised beds.

    Phase one - yesterday
    Carrot Chantenay
    Parsnip Gladiator F1
    Mangetout Reuzensuiker
    Climbing Bean Mantra

    Phase two - today
    Cauliflower All year round
    Kale nero di toscana
    Mixed Lettuce
    Beetroot bolthardy
    Covered everything in fleece (if seeded) and poly sheet (if not yet seeded)

    Checked on the seeds in the (work in progress) cold frame. Suspect univited guests have been at the beans and possibly the basil.

    Checked on shallots, onions and garlic. Shallots Jemor are off and running. Onion Red Baron thinking long and hard about it all. Garlic similarly biding their time.

    Weeded rose bed alongside the raised beds. Trimmed encroaching grass from middle round bed.
    Ordered last required seeds.

    Tired, sore, earned glass of something restorative = Happy!
    Last edited by icaniwill; 11-04-2010, 10:24 PM.
    All the ideas just no gear


    • Yesterday I put chillies (Razzamatazz), courgette (All Green Bush), pumpkin (Jack O'Lantern), squash (Yellow Scallop) and cucumber (Marketmore) into module trays, plus did two trays of flowers and some sweetpeas. I started finishing my netting frame to put over my veg.

      Today, I planted my chitted potato maincrop (Desiree) and finished finishing my netting frame. I'm now aching, with a throbbing thumb and finger, not being very good at hammer coordination...


      • Today I found LOADS of strawberry plants, both wild and haphazardly placed, and repotted them. They are now sitting quite happily on the new, uncovered GH floor.

        AND.... the most exciting bit of all..... Mum and I have made a new fruit tree bed for our dwarf nectarine and cherry tree!!!

        I am so excited about it, even though we haven't moved the cherry tree in yet!

        I've been bitten by the GYO bug again - just in time for GCSEs. How convenient. :P

        Jen x
        Whilst typing the above reply, I was probably supposed to be doing homework. My excuse: I'm hooked!


        • Sunday

          I wanted to do SO many things, and ended up doing so few of them....
          I did achieve a lot, but not as much as I'd hoped.
          Trousers has clean work clothes for a month, I potted on some of my potatoes that I started in small pots in the greenhouse, and I'm really proud of how they're doing.
          Hopefully, my tomorrow will be a better day.X.


          • Didnt do much today since discovering my next (and only) bag of MPC was covered in mould, but before that I managed to:

            Spend way too much in B&Q
            Pot on some more red peppers
            Sow some lavender in pots
            Pot on a tomato plant that I bought in B&Q
            Clean out all the bunnies litter trays
            Clean out the outdoor bunnies' hutch (Twinkle managed to dart out of the shed and I had fun chasing her round the garden!)

            That was it for today. Had even run out of pear cider
            Back to work tomorrow - rubbish.
            Last edited by Helgalush; 12-04-2010, 12:30 AM.


            • Finally planted out some sweet peas that have been struggling in pots I sowed last autumn - should be ok though, also sowed dozens more mixed-colour seeds. After a disappointing year last year, I am determined to have a -lot- of sweet peas this summer.

              Dug over a bed ready for 'eating' peas (Hurst Green Shaft) and took the lid off a frame in which early potatoes ('Swift') are also bursting for more space, and will now be covered in a double layer of fleece, as even near the Land's End we will still get some cold nights.
              Really great gardens seem to teeter on the edge of anarchy yet have a balance and poise that seem inevitable. Monty Don in Gardening Mad


              • Restocked the family food.
                potted on Roma tomatoes and Aubergines. Courgettes that I'd just got going in half loo rolls (they fit in the propogator) have been put into bigger pots to grow on.
                Encouraged OH to cut the grass.
                S*d the housework I have a lottie to dig
                a batch of jam is always an act of creation ..Christine Ferber

                You can't beat a bit of garden porn


                • Yesterday I
                  - dealt with a greenhouse disaster cos my housemates forgot to open it on Sat morning and several seedlings cooked
                  So resowed sweet peas, coriander, basil, dwarf cosmos - hope it's not too late (esp for the sweet peas)
                  earthed up the first bag of early potatoes.
                  dealt with the massive infestation of scale insect on my bay tree - it''s now a shadow of it's former self and repotted it.
                  repotted my acer tree - bit late as it was in bud but it def needed it.
                  mowed the lawn and turned the compost heaps
                  Left a big note for my housemates asking them to open and close the little greenhouse
                  Last edited by Lovely Helen; 12-04-2010, 03:45 PM.


                  • ACHED!
                    Oh and stood and looked at my handiwork from the weekend and figured it was all worthwhile..then took more
                    Now I'm researching what I can put in a shaded corner of my garden under a tree....where the cat has been fertilising...ideas anyone?
                    Its nice to be important but its more important to be nice


                    • Apart from potting on my aubergines I've set courgettes, spinach, radish, and a few more spring onions.
                      Location....East Midlands.


                      • Been conducting the juedges on a tour of our Village in Bloom. Still aching from yesterday's mega bed-tidying project!
                        Whoever plants a garden believes in the future.

               Updated March 9th - Spring


                        • Long day. Spent the morning fixing battens to a wall to tack parts of the watering system to, then spent an hour or two potting on grasses and working out whether I need to buy some more posh pots

                          Garden group this afternoon at a woman's garden who is unable to work her garden any more because she's infirm, huge garden, used to be stunning but now going to rack and ruin but we got into it, pruned overgrown roses and started to clear a nightmare bed full of JAs, hypericum, vinca and goldenrod.

                          Good news we managed to salvage some 'pods' of decent plants that I'll be splitting and potting on to use in the group's plant and seed swap next month - and some very small hazel seedlings that I'll grow on for our hedge and hazel whips.
                          TonyF, Dordogne 24220


                          • Tough day at work, no time for the greenery. Knackered. Just watered the seedlings, succession sowed more kitchen pots of basil and coriander. Checked seed trays, mice clearly found some of the sweetcorn so laid traps and removed junk covering routes of approach.


                            • Yesterday I spent quite a bit of time in my garden.
                              I planted some charlotte potatoes in my old blue recycling box. Beged 2 of my neighbours for their blue boxes,got them as well result! More potatoes in one of them! Not sure what in the other one just yet, prob salad crops

                              I also planted up 6 toilet roll innards with some dwarf french beans, green ones and some purple. several runner bean seeds got the loo roll treatment as well. I started off some radish, spring onions, beetroot and 2 different types of carrots in pots & storage boxes, black ones from tesco they are just under �2 each now, I bought mine last year whan they were on offer for 99P wish I'd bought more that 2.

                              I covered the carrot box with plastic coated wire trellis bent into an arch then covered that with the silky voil wraping that was from big bunch of Tsco finest flowers bought for me as part on my leaving present from work. this voil stuff is green, almost a yard square, will offer just a little shade but also lets the light through and is so fine its almost not a mesh, great stuff!

                              I watered my chillis, sweet peppers, toms, aubergene, courgette, butternut squash, mangtout & cuecumbers.

                              Today I have done nothing gardening wise,except to buy some pea seeds, will pop them in loo rolls 2moz! well I think thats it for now! I'm off to get my plant babies in from the greenhouse b4 it gets dark!
                              Last edited by Irie Jan; 12-04-2010, 08:43 PM.
                              Live like you never lived before!

                              Laugh Like you never laughed before!

                              Love like you never loved before!

                              One Love & Unity



                              • Repotted 6 tomato, 6 chilli and 6 sweet pepper plants. Finshed another terrace and raised bed and chicken pellet manured it, ready to accept I don't know what yet, in a week or so time. Also had a clear up of all the offcuts of wood and broken pallet bits that seem to have accumulated and had a lovely fire going in the brazier.

                                All in all a good couple of hours work and two tasks completed more than I had originally intended (burning the wood and repotting the seedlings). Just one more terrace and raised bed to do this year on that side of the allotment and then I can start concentrating on the other side.
                                It was dark. And cold. And very, very empty.

                                And in the middle of all of the dark, cold, emptiness lay something darker, and colder, but very, very full.


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