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What I Did Today Archive - 2010


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  • #61
    Chucked it down with rain all day.
    So spent the day baking instead. Bread pudding to take up the lottie tomorrow. Sat mornings the communal hut is open for bacon butties and hot drinks and cake, all to raise funds. It's a bit of a social event Then baked a beetroot and chocolate cake so OH can take some to his Mum's (in wales) on Sunday cos she doesn't beleive that a0 its possible and b) it tastes yummy.
    Then chilled on the vine and cooked tea.! i'm now worn out!
    S*d the housework I have a lottie to dig
    a batch of jam is always an act of creation ..Christine Ferber

    You can't beat a bit of garden porn


    • #62
      Just finished building some staging for greenhouse. Have been in garage since 6am..........I must be stupid.........
      sigpic�Gorillas are very intelligent, but they don't have to be as delicate as chimps -- they can just smash open the termite nest,�
      Official Member Of The Nutters Club - Rwanda Branch.
      Sent from my ZX Spectrum with no predictive text..........
      KOYS - King Of Yellow Stickers..............


      • #63
        i looked out of the window and thought "poxy bloody weather".......


        • #64
          Dull and drizzly here today but that didn't stop me! Off to the vets to pick up cat's special food, then on the way back filled up the boot with 7 bags of horse manure that the stables kindly leave out for people to collect, then off to the lottie to top up the compost bin I'm filling with manure. Then picked 2 good handfulls of PSB and uprooted some self-sown sweet rocket plants to post off to another grape. Found 3 decent beetroot plants lurking under their soggy foliage and the cavolo nero looks really good now! I also have carrots to pick tomorrow, but my broad bean plants really look like they have had it So I am going to have to sow replacements this weekend.
          Whooops - now what are the dogs getting up to?


          • #65
            Today i scrubbed clean the bird bath, feeders, & my wooden ornamental ducks - will re-fill the feeders tomorrow when they are properly dry. I also pulled up my dead / mushy Purple Sprouting Broccolli & Swedes and weeded their bed - just left with three PSB plants now that i have given a good haircut in the hope they will start re-sprouting. So now all my veg beds are weeded, three were spread with home made compost before Christmas and one still needs manuring prior to me moving my fruit bushes into it, then i am ready for action. Still plenty to do tomorrow.
            keen but (slightly less) clueless


            • #66
              Arrived at the allotmentsd early to try and barrow away some horse muck that had been dumped at the gate.
              I was met by a convoy of wheelbarrows with muck shifters pushing them. Good job i didn't have a lie in as there would have been none left.
              Got about half a dozen heaped up barrow loads which is ample for my 2010 needs considering i just took delivery of another load.
              Started spreading some of the muck on the beds to let the worms dig it in for me. Dug up about half a doz Chrysanthemum plants that were starting to shoot and and potted them up and put them in the greenhouse, wherer hopefully they will throw up cuttings.
              Lit the wood burner after first chopping some logs with my newly aquired 'Maul'. Missed with it once and nearly put my shoulder out so decided I had chopped enough logs!
              Once the woodburner was away and my car radio and speakers wired to an old car battery were tuned into radio Newcastle, got myself comfortable ready to listen to the match. Fired up the parrafin stove and made myself an endless supply of coffee. Sowed some self saved 'walking stick kale' seeds and spent the rest of the match just adding the odd log to the fire. Nearly fell asleep at one point.
              At half time I went and gathered some brussel sprouts, carrots and herbs for tomorrows dinner.
              Sold 3 dozen eggs today and brought home half a dozen for myself. One of the plotholders wants a couple of dozen tomorrow so that should just about leave me with another half dozen to take to work on Monday.
              Before I went to the allotment I went to Cowell's garden centre and bought a bag each of Winston and Kestrel seed spuds which were only a fiver with an online voucher I had printed off. So now I have all my seeds, mys onion sets, my shallots and spuds to hand. Sorted.........
              My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
              to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

              Diversify & prosper


              • #67
                Originally posted by eastkentspur View Post
                i looked out of the window and thought "poxy bloody weather".......
                My thoughts exactly!


                • #68
                  Today was the first lovely bright sunny day for ages after a frosty start.

                  Went to the lottie at 1.30pm and stayed until almost 4pm. Took a pair of loppers up and cut down all my autumn raspberry canes. (16 foot double row). By the time I'd done that and carries the old canes down to the tip at the other end of the site, my arms were aching! Had a good look round and harvested a couple of nice leeks for dinner. Parsnips are looking a bit sorry for themselves.

                  Had taken a bag of Pentland Javelin seed potatoes up and put them in egg boxes to chit in the "glass shed".

                  If the weather stays fine again tomorrow (please, please!) I will be digging a trench for my runner beans and putting a layer of manure in the bottom of it.
                  Forbidden Fruits make many Jams.


                  • #69
                    What did Wellie do today?
                    She's been rather an impatient bunny of late, finally 'cracked', and went to enquire today as to whether her recent job application was being considered, or had been relegated to the bin!
                    Given that she put herself forward for a job that didn't exist, well before it was created, and has been told very indirectly that she's still 'in the running', even though they'll be advertising in the press, I think I'm confident of a positive outcome.

                    Not wanting to 'Jinx': When I know more, I can tell you more. But in the meantime, any other Positive Thinkers amongst you out there, please, please hold my hand for now?
                    Thank you so much.


                    • #70
                      gl with the job wellie!

                      Not technically today, but yesterday I dug down in the raised beds, getting rid of all the chippings and shale/slate/grit stuff beneath that.

                      I then transplanted two firs, and after that sowed some Black Cherry, and Green Sausage toms in a heated propogator, along with some Bolivian Rainbow, and Cayenne Chillies..

                      Not really expecting them to germinate, but we'll see !

                      Today, I plan to dig more out in the garden, and then post on here for some ideas what I can do with my garden to screen the veg a bit !
                      Last edited by chris; 24-01-2010, 10:01 AM.


                      • #71
                        Went down the lottie this morning.......................very soggy...................dug up some leeks & came home again.
                        The river Trent is lovely, I know because I have walked on it for 18 years.
                        Brian Clough


                        • #72
                          Today I got totally beside myself seeing that ALL my tomatoes had germinated - whoooop whoop

                          I pruned, trimmed, tidied shrubs

                          I washed and scrubbed the patio furniture because it was so lovely I had to sit out there

                          I graded all the washed pots (OCD some would say, I say organised and ready for use )

                          SD built my cat-proof greenhouse door so the little blighters can't get in and sit on my broad beans, it is nice to be able to open the door on a warm day

                          SD put up a Green Man for me

                          I dead-headed all the pansies to let them gather strength so they will flower their socks off

                          I sat down with a glass of red wine, so that was my eight-week abstinence shortened a little


                          • #73
                            As it was a mild (though not sunny like some people have had) day I thought I'd plant out my sweet peas. I sowed them in October and they've lived in the cold frame since then. I made up a couple of cane wigwams and Bob's your Uncle.
                            After than instant gratification I thought I might try some eating peas. Year before last I crossed Lancashire Lad (purple podded) and Oregon Sugar Pod (mangetout) and last year I grew out the F1 generation. Some of the seeds from these are now nestling in the compost in a couple of large pots in the greenhouse. Come on Spring!
                            Whoever plants a garden believes in the future.

                   Updated March 9th - Spring


                            • #74
                              Went to Potato Fair and bought far too many


                              • #75
                                Bits and pieces done over the weekend.

                                Friday - Paid a visit to Wilkos for seed potatoes. Came away with Arran pilot, Maris piper, Charlotte and Pink Fir Apple (love these). These will be planted on the lottie, going to keep it simple as this is really my first proper growing season.
                                Saturday - Made paper pots and potted up about 25 globe thistle which were an autumn sowing from home saved seed.
                                Today - Sorted varieties of Tomatoes ready for sowing in the next few weeks. Checked the chili seeds are still where I put them. Mr Herbie fixed greenhouse, a few panes of glass had broken, replaced and all put back together again. Just need to get out there now and clean greenhouse out.

                                Planning to sort onions on Wednesday (Moon day).

                                Oh and started NRT today, feeling very irritable but got to kick it this time.

                                Updated 23rd February 2009


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