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What I Did Today Archive - 2010


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  • Sowed Mixed lettuce leaves, Pak Choi & Tendersnax Carrots on the plot - my first sowing of outdoor seeds this year, although they are under a layer of fleece at the moment!
    keen but (slightly less) clueless


    • realised I may have sown a few too many tomatoes, but undaunted, I sowed more, mainly the ones that I'm hoping to save seed from, the more unusual ones.
      re-seated some shallots and onions the birds played with.
      found a taker for some of the seedlings,I will convert everyone I know within a few years.....


      • Yesterday I potted on all my salad seedlings into decent YHS peat free multi compost.

        The B&Q peat free multi compost that we got the other week, has been a disaster - dreadful drainage and coarser than our gravel drive. We know the YHS stuff is pretty fantastic as we used it last year and thankfully it's on offer at our local garden centre - 5 bags (60ltrs) for �10 (for those of you near me it's the Brigg Garden Centre).

        Today I'm going to repot all my tomato, chilli and sweet pepper seedlings into the decent stuff and then I've a lot of outside gardening to do today.


        • Read all the jokes in the joke thread, cried lots, off to the tunnel to some work now


          • Just finished potting on 85 leeklings (well OH said he wanted a lot this year). About to start the sowing now.


            • 2.20am Woken up by Youngest phoning from outside for help with a drunken lad collapsed in the road.
              2.45am went back to bed after ambulance arrived to cart him off to hospital
              7.45 am woke up an hour late after turning off alarm
              Rushed around like a madwoman walking dog , hanging out washing, watring plants, opemimg GH, sweeping floors, emptying dishwasher., etc.
              10.00 am rushed for the bus and someone stopped to give me a lift so wasn't late.
              11.00am now at work till 4;00 and with the help of Zaz counting down the minutes till I can leave
              S*d the housework I have a lottie to dig
              a batch of jam is always an act of creation ..Christine Ferber

              You can't beat a bit of garden porn


              • Tomatoes (Gardeners Delight and Sungold) all potted on. Courgettes sown in pots in the propagator.


                • Visited neighbour this morning - well, in the next village just about - and repaired a hose for her also dropped off some ?aqualegias that she wanted. Then to brico shed for a new head for one of the strimmers and a new guide for one of the chain saws, both long overdue, and bought a couple of odds for neighbour's watering system.

                  This afternoon worked in the near wood, cutting up and stripping off some of the trees I've dropped in the past few days and decided that a lot of the twiggy stuff will make good pea and bean sticks. Will deal with them tomorrow because we can't use power tools round here on a Sunday which is actually very cool!

                  Just done the watering, in for some sardines on toast and then out to put the babies to bed.

                  And the weather is glorious, really warm and sunny
                  TonyF, Dordogne 24220


                  • Spent most of the day in the greenhouse. Potting seedlings on, throwing out failures & giving it a general tidy up. Put 6 Canary Toms into morrisons buckets. Tied 3 wires down the length of the greenhouse 5' above the toms to which I attached strings & buried them into the pots giving them something to be tied to. Only another 6 to pot on......... Sat down on patio & fell asleep........
                    sigpic�Gorillas are very intelligent, but they don't have to be as delicate as chimps -- they can just smash open the termite nest,�
                    Official Member Of The Nutters Club - Rwanda Branch.
                    Sent from my ZX Spectrum with no predictive text..........
                    KOYS - King Of Yellow Stickers..............


                    • Finally got the remainder of my potatoes planted. Got fed up with mixing compost and filling used fertiliser bags, so the last ones were planted direct into the beds. It will make for an interesting trial to see the difference in yields from both methods.
                      Weeded and loosened the soil on two of the beds. The chooks were given the weeds and any worms I dug up, much to there pleasure.
                      Topped up my pond with the hose as water level had dropped a couple of inches and I didn't want the tadpoles to struggle.
                      Managed to get some rat poison from the site rep so set some in my greenhouse where the chooks had been. Watched two rats tuck into it later on with mixed emotions. I know they are vermin and need to be eradicated but I have no fear of them and to me they are just like big mice!
                      It goes a gainst the grain slightly that I try to make a haven for all animals then once certain ones appear...............I try to kill them!
                      My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
                      to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

                      Diversify & prosper


                      • built a fruit cage for my currants from safety net & poles from trampomline DD has finally given up i am so pleased with it its cost me nothing and i'll hopefully get to pick currants myself t his year
                        The love of gardening is a seed once sown never dies ...


                        • Dug up some self-seeded borage to take round to farm, left it at the house,doh!
                          Shovelled manure into old compost bags to rot down for end of this year. Skimmed the duckweed off the tanks outside and put it on the compost heap.
                          De-weeded and tidied up a bit.
                          Watched the cows having their first taste of outdoors again with their calves going mental in the sun.


                          • What a glorious day! Potted on my tomato plants, planted potatoes, radishes, beetroot and had a general clean up and clear out. Hope the weather is as lovely tomorrow!


                            • Originally posted by NewbieGardenerRow View Post
                              Oh and stood and looked at my handiwork from the weekend and figured it was all worthwhile..then took more
                              Now I'm researching what I can put in a shaded corner of my garden under a tree....where the cat has been fertilising...ideas anyone?
                              The normal answer to this is salad leaves, lettuce, herbs. I'm trying Kohl Rabi and Turnips this year.
                              Sent from my pc cos I don't have an i-phone.


                              • Potted on tomatoes, pricked out salad leaves, watered where necessary. Put new cover on last year's blowaway. Looking forward to more of the same tomorrow and one of my granddaughters, Megan, is coming to help me and to learn, she is beginning to take a keen interest.
                                Granny on the Game in Sheffield


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