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What I Did Today Archive - 2010


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  • At the castle garden, removed all last years rasp canes - sounds easy but they are growing on either side of a near vertical stairway that links the castle above with the veg patch below.
    Strimmed the grass round the veg patch - sounds easy but full of clods and great tufts of couch, not to mention small stones, boulders etc.
    Dug over and cleared the last section of the fruit cage - sounds easy but was a mass of nettles, couch and cleavers - 17 large polytrugs full !!
    Cleared last years stems from the fennel which is putting on growth rapidly - sounds easy - it was

    British by birth
    Scottish by the Grace of God


    • Dug over nearly half of my growing area,made the strawberry bed ready for poor little things in the pots,pulled out last year's wigwams,widened the trench for greenhouse foundations(with my dearest OH's help),3 wheelbarrows of stones and 3 with weeds out.Decided to come inside-it's lashing down now.


      • Took Mum and Bro to garden centre - no wheelchairs so Mum sat in car - bought patio allotment type things and some summer bedding plants - two huge bags of compost - seeds to set Bro off on making a his salads from scratch - came home - weeded some very sandy borders (no soil in East Suffolk?) wore myself out.
        Whooops - now what are the dogs getting up to?


        • Went to the seaside! with a bag of carriers. Got seaweed for the garden, shells and sand for the chickens. Good foraging day, and with lovely weather too.


          • Originally posted by gillian62 View Post
            Went to the seaside! with a bag of carriers. Got seaweed for the garden, .
            wot will you do with the seaweed? i know it makes a good feed. do you apply it direct or do you soak it in a barrel of water?
   My brand spanking new plot


            • Dragged OH to the woods (!) ..... no forage for pea sticks. Took them to the plot, planted some yellow radish - a freebie - and some parsnips. First lot of peas are up, only about half an inch, but they are visible. Watered the cold frame where lettuces have made an appearance. Came home and watered all the modules in the GH - am anxiously awaiting the appearance of my Frenchies. I love my beans. Sweetcorn in the conservatory are well through - I ought to plant another batch today. OH adores sweetcorn - his reward for all his efforts at the plot. (He hates gardening.)


              • Yesterday whilst OH & FIL re-felted the shed roof i mowed the top lawn, then along with MIL i planted up 3 hanging baskets with lobelia, pulled up some of my autumn raspberry canes that were making a break for freedom from the raised bed & sprouting up in the path, thinned autumn raps in the rasp bed, planted out 3 rows of Pak Choi seedings, cleared weeds around base of 3 apple trees, mulched base of apple trees with MPC, potted on 5 tomato seedlings (Costaluto), 6 broccolli seedlings & several cucumber seedlings.

                And today i have finished mowing the lawn, watered everything that needed it, potted on my over wintered chilli and two courgette seedlings. Can't be faffed with much else so lazy afternoon - or lazy until i find the motivation to do the ironing!
                Last edited by Newbie; 18-04-2010, 03:43 PM.
                keen but (slightly less) clueless


                • Got stuck into moving stuff from the ghouse (chillis from seed etc) into the garden. Probably not the right thing to do but had a rush of blood and did it.


                  • Painted my Fergie bonnet this morning, then sorted chooks and collected eggs................then crawled under my Sons's car and ascertained that he needed two 'coil over' shocks for the rear....urgently!
                    My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
                    to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

                    Diversify & prosper


                    • Planted out peas with twiggy sticks, sowed more coriander, potted on toms. Weeded flower border, transplanted more salad, hoed and watered. All with the help of my granddaughter Megan, who loves to grow things.
                      Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                      • Shifted about 30 wheelbarrows of topsoil from next-door-but-one; they were getting rid of their lovely organic soil (digging up their veg garden to make a lawn) JUST at the time we needed it (digging up some lawn to make kitchen garden bed).

                        Also about five loads of limestone rock to edge it - definately owe them a nice bottle of wine!

                        Sowed some celeriac (late but I forgot), some of the little scalloped squash (the name has completely gone), and a few other things. Planted cherry tree and walnut.

                        Cannot decide where to put asparagus bed...
                        I don't roll on Shabbos


                        • Delivered granddaughter back to Mum this morning after a sleepover. Ended up spending all day there. Cut the back lawn for them while daughter and friend cut back the blackberry hedge that shouldn't be there. SIL cooked tea (bless). Kids had a happy time and we all enjoyed the glorious sunshine.


                          • Went to lotty 1, recovered paths with chippings, weeded, cut the grass.
                            Went to lotty 2, looked at it in despair! Made the remaining raised bed areas. They are all the same length but completely different widths, wanted to measure with string but got voted against by ny OH and lotty buddy! Shifted a bit of manure.
                            Moved popcorn seedlings, cucs, potimarron and snowman seedlings to poly.

                            Made a squid salad for tea!



                            • Sowed some more carrots and spring onions, beans, coriander, basil, parsley and last of potatoes. Also sowed some cornflowers, cosmos, busy lizzys, hollyhocks, larkspur and poppies which will hopefully make the rest of the garden look nice. All helped a bit to take my mind off saying goodbye to our son who is as we speak on a train (as his flight was cancelled for obvious reasons) on his way back home to Switzerland


                              • Potted on my Marmande tomatoes that are now in bud

                                Filled loo rolls ready for sowing runner and french beans then sifted enough compost/soil to fill a couple of containers to plant my extra parsnips.
                                Location....East Midlands.


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