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What I Did Today Archive - 2010


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  • - spent 3 hours weeding (mostly dandelion, speedwell & bindweed)
    - sowed a row of spicy salad
    - picked loads of lovely lettuce (4 kinds) & planted out another row
    - planted out the Jan onion seedlings (pathetic specimens) & spring onions
    - planted out sweet peas, alyssum & cerinthe
    - made up another hanging basket
    - watered a baby mouse who was sat in one of my Daleks: he just sat there looking miserable
    - pricked out the best 40 celeriac seedlings, and composted the rest
    - pricked out & thinned drastically the viola seedlings, leaving 160 to grow on
    - sowed more radish
    - mulched spuds with wet newspapers & grass clippings
    - the spring onions in greenhouse have finally decided to grow, so started hardening them off
    - decanted some of the home Dalek to the lotty in carrier bags on my bike (not pleasant)
    - then took the whole lot off and found 2/3 of it was perfectly rotted & spreadable
    - cleaned out the garage, took cardboard to lotty for mulch
    - set up 3 water butts off new greenhouse, linked together
    - the leeks are starting to bolt, so dug them up and made a vat of soup
    Last edited by Two_Sheds; 12-05-2010, 07:41 PM.
    All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


    • Cleared out the purple sprouting & dug over ready for the beans. So much mares tail
      Lets teach kids to cook.


      • Sowed carrot tendersnax and swede. Tied in Akebia and clematis. Potted up some toms and 10 week stock. Brought toms out of gh for a couple of hours and moved a couple of cucs into gh, fingers crossed! Filled wheelbarrow with fresh compost and manure ready for planting squash in it towards the end of the month. Potted up tromboncino and crookneck squash.
        AKA Angie


        • With the kind assistance of Mrs. CC built and filled a lined bed on the patio for Celery,
          planted out 15 celery seedlings bought last week from focus DIY then covered with enviromesh tunnel as radio forecasts temps to 1 or 0 degrees nationally. Earthed up/covered with plantpots potatoes in buckets, for same reason.
          Potted another Sungold to it's final bucket in GH.
          Broadies starting to show signs of flowering, buds starting to open.
          Made an Asparugus quiche using the Thyme from the gh, nearest I have to any sort of harvest yet is herbs.


          • It has been a gorgeous sunny day in North Wales, so much so that i've caught the sun!

            Sowed indoors... yard longs, sweet peas (as it has been a few weeks), late tomatos

            The brassicas have not been slugged, 'De-aphided' The strawberry plants and only found one caterpiller today! Whoop Whoop!
            Checked on the pathetic looking onion seedlings but the round carrots seem perky though!

            Toying with planting baby beetroot soon but not sure what to do with it!

            The 'boy' who is 5 and a half helped to sow and plant out some peas but won't kill the caterpillers... he will fling them into the alley though!

            Fingers crossed!
            GYO Photos, Pests, Problems and luvvin it!!


            • Today I went to B&Q and bought some supplies. Got a bargain as there was a 30cm Terrazzo planter that had a big hole knocked in the bottom of one side. Got it reduced down to �10.

              Then got some French Marigolds - 22 for �2 because two had been lost in some kind of accident.

              Got home and potted on 3 dwarf runner beans, 13 tumbling tom plants, and 5 lettuces.

              Also sowed some spinach in amongst my spring onions and leeks.


              • Went to lottie and sowed more mangetout, another row of beetroot, a row of chantenay carrots(thanks bbc) a row of kohl Rabi , white icicle radishes, a row of spring onions. Gave the strawbs a bed of straw. Planted out nasturtiums and an evening primrose (with a anti rabbit cover) and some purple loosestrife. Noted where the wabbit hopped out when we came thru the gate and increased the defences. Gave the tadpoles some bread then spent ages watching them propelling it around the pond. Said hello to the seedlings that are coming out to play.
                Came home and sowed some winter cabbage, some insurance courgettes, watered stuff and tried to work out what I'm keeoing and what spares can go to our open day.
                S*d the housework I have a lottie to dig
                a batch of jam is always an act of creation ..Christine Ferber

                You can't beat a bit of garden porn


                • Originally posted by binley100 View Post
                  Went to lottie and sowed more mangetout, another row of beetroot, a row of chantenay carrots(thanks bbc) a row of kohl Rabi , white icicle radishes, a row of spring onions. Gave the strawbs a bed of straw. Planted out nasturtiums and an evening primrose (with a anti rabbit cover) and some purple loosestrife. Noted where the wabbit hopped out when we came thru the gate and increased the defences. Gave the tadpoles some bread then spent ages watching them propelling it around the pond. Said hello to the seedlings that are coming out to play.
                  Came home and sowed some winter cabbage, some insurance courgettes, watered stuff and tried to work out what I'm keeoing and what spares can go to our open day.
                  I didn't realise they ate bread? I'll try that tomorrow!
                  My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
                  to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

                  Diversify & prosper


                  • The lady who gave me them said to put in a chunk of bread. They swarm round it and then cos they be wiggling all the time they propel it around the pond. Also they like bits of bacon (cooked) but nobody eats my bacon .
                    S*d the housework I have a lottie to dig
                    a batch of jam is always an act of creation ..Christine Ferber

                    You can't beat a bit of garden porn


                    • I gave my tadpoles and froglets bacon once - then about 2 days later we found lots of dead skeletal froglets with disgusting tiny red worms all over them. Yeugghh. Put me off bacon for months and scarred my daughter for life.

                      We used to give them cooked lettuce before that and they seemed to like it - the piece of lettuce would be floating on the water with dozens of tiny mouths chomping all around the edges! Looked really cute!


                      • Supervised the Granddaughters transplanting beetroot and courgettes.
                        Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                        • Planted some runner beans and some self sown spinach.


                          • when we were kids we used to drop bits of raw beef mince in to the tadpoles and watch them suck all the blood out ( eurrgghh - but kids love stuff like that)


                            • Today I are have mostly worn a hole in my hand!!, still it is an honorable injury, raking stubble from the path on a new allotment, fence posts are in dithches dug for rabbit fence, ground only ripped up by tractor so far but breaking up planned for tommorow, shed 1/2 built from pallets, at home a bit of hoeing and looking fondly at seedlings.
                              Eat well, live well, drink moderately and be happy (hic!)


                              • Spent the best part of an hour after work covering everything with frost protection!!!
                                AKA Angie


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