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What I Did Today Archive - 2010


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  • This evening I ate the first of this years strawberries - all 5 of them - just served to remind me why I planted up several hundreds of them last year - roll on summer !!
    At estate garden today I weeded the broadies, beetroot, carrots and peas, earthed up the tatties, weeded and cleared the greenhouse in preparation for the toms, chillies and cukes, weeded and strimmed the fruiyt cage and cuit the front lawn (til it started with the hailstones)

    British by birth
    Scottish by the Grace of God


    • Potted on my toms into their final pots. Most of them have blossom on and some have little toms, all sowed on Feb. 2nd.
      Went to the garden centre this morning and bought 12 trailing geraniums and put them into bigger pots as the roots were beginning to grow out through the bottom of the pots.
      planted up 6 hanging baskets with Verbena, lobelia, trailing fuschia, Surfinia and other trailing greenery which I bought as plug plants and grew on in the greenhouse.
      All these are now in the greenhouse with a heater at night until the night time temp rises. Most of my chillis also have buds on but no flowers just yet.

      And when your back stops aching,
      And your hands begin to harden.
      You will find yourself a partner,
      In the glory of the garden.

      Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


      • last night - found my new favourite toy, an unused 20 year old draw hoe - well used now though, wielded like an azada to de-turf the old path, and to clear the weeds from an area to the back of the borrowed garden for somewhere to plant the artichokes and sunflowers once the tree stump is out. It's fab, and I have no bad back today!!!


        • Sowed the second batch of chitted f1 Prelude sweetcorn, the first batch sown two weeks ago, hoping to increase pollination as well as stagger the crop slightly.


          • Didn't do anything, as have large and cumbersome assignment to finish, but thought about planting out more potatos, this time in the 'new' bed, to help break up the soil a bit and considered the fact that 12 types of tomatoes may be a bit much and then consoled myself with the fact that I've only grown one type of leek, which I felt I should sow a few more of at the first opportunity.
            The Impulsive Gardener


            Chelsea Uribe Garden Design


            • Potted on Aubs , planted out some Osteospurnum , evening primroses and a sea holly. Went to lottie to take piccies for a display on the open day. Went B&Q bought canes for gherkin wigwams and some plants to fill the area where we removed a New Zealand Flax. Popped into Lidls, no grow bags so popped out again.
              S*d the housework I have a lottie to dig
              a batch of jam is always an act of creation ..Christine Ferber

              You can't beat a bit of garden porn


              • Hands Up! It's actually what I did yesterday.... but, rather than tell you about it yesterday, I chose to soak in a hot bath of bubbles, and give myself huge quality time. And I feel more brilliant today because of that, so shoot me...

                Originally, I started 'chitting' the many varieties of potatoes.
                Then I kind of 'potted them on', and then I 'potted them on again', and so it went. Until yesterday, I finally planted them in the ground outside.
                That's a little bit of a lie, because I planted them more 'overground' than 'underground', but you'll have to wait for my blog update to find out truly what's happened to them.
                Trousers was suitably impressed with what I did, and we will be able to harvest our new potatoes like falling off a log, if you get my drift.....


                • Today i took delivery of a lovely package, then trotted off the the greenhouse & sowed Crystal Lemon Cucumbers, Hungarian Hot Wax & Scotch Bonnet Chilli & Cavolo Nero Kale. Still need to sow Honesty & Delphinium but needed to make dinner so didn't get chance. Brought all "hardening off" seedlings inside as possibility of frost forcast
                  keen but (slightly less) clueless


                  • Originally posted by wellie View Post
                    Hands Up! It's actually what I did yesterday.... but, rather than tell you about it yesterday, I chose to soak in a hot bath of bubbles, and give myself huge quality time. And I feel more brilliant today because of that, so shoot me...

                    Originally, I started 'chitting' the many varieties of potatoes.
                    Then I kind of 'potted them on', and then I 'potted them on again', and so it went. Until yesterday, I finally planted them in the ground outside.
                    That's a little bit of a lie, because I planted them more 'overground' than 'underground', but you'll have to wait for my blog update to find out truly what's happened to them.
                    Trousers was suitably impressed with what I did, and we will be able to harvest our new potatoes like falling off a log, if you get my drift.....
                    'na s 'n glws a 'n boeth badd a lacia , soothed my aching bones with a glass or two of orange apple and mango bubbly, digging an my back don't agree

                    PS,dydy gostega 'n ddeddfol at egina Brython mewn 'r furia s chan Caerlleon ag a longbow!!!!
                    Last edited by ohbeary; 13-05-2010, 12:19 AM.
                    Eat well, live well, drink moderately and be happy (hic!)


                    • Today i forked over the flower bed below the deck (dividing a few plants & weeding as i went along) in preparation for planting up the gaps & mulching with bark chippings as some point in the near future. Managed to get myself three more hardy Geraniums & three more Astrania from my divisions which are now potted up. OH put up three hanging basket brackets on the front of the house, and i then moved all the pots from the front of the house to beside the GH round the back ready to be sorted & replanted - most are either dead, dying or generally suffering from a severe state of neglect over winter! I then planted up three Heuchera in the large bed in front of the fence and a few pieces of Japanese Anemone which was threatening to take over another bed!
                      keen but (slightly less) clueless


                      • Today I re planted a broad bean that was just emerging that my cat decided to dig up while pooping...grrr..despite a net over it!!!

                        I did some weeding then took off net barriers that I'd put over my my red onions as they were starting to poke through the mesh.

                        I found a big tub that I'd sowed carrots in that is actually showing signs of life

                        I dug about in my mint pot and found only dead looking roots so I planted some more supermarket stuff in it to see how it goes.

                        I checked out my mini greenhouse and all my transplanted yellow scallop squash are doing fab, my red peppers are doing nicely in the propagator and the brassicas are looking strong.
                        I started weeding and after pulling up a suspicious looking weed in my compost heap I found it to be a potato that's grown from what looks like a bit I threw out with the peelings so that's been replanted now too.

                        Most exciting of all, my newly planted runner beans only planted a week ago on my windowsill have suddenly all burst through today. No sign this morning and a few hours later...whooo hooooooo
                        Then when I checked my other window sill I found that my courgettes, pumpkins and cucumber that were only planted on the 7th May are also through.

                        My daughters Clumber Park planted pumpkin seed is also just showing so she's very excited too.

                        My beetroot is a complete no show since I planted the seeds on 11th April outside in the mini greenhouse, and after poking about in the soil there is no sign of life at all. So I have watered and popped the tray back in the greenhouse and planted some more on my windowsill instead.

                        I bought a growhouse from a discount store for only �8 the other day, for my cucumbers. I really wanted a walk in plastic greenhouse for �20 but sadly there is just no more room on my patio for it

                        Mum in law has sent me some forget-me-nots for my front garden so I'm off to stick them in now, with a warning that they will take over.

                        I have an idea to stick some extra broadies out in one of the front flower beds that is north facing as I have grown too many for my back garden ( I planted direct and in the greenhouse as back up but all my direct sowings have come through) and will hope that my neighbours (who don't grow veg) will be too ignorant to realise that they are edible
                        Last edited by NewbieGardenerRow; 13-05-2010, 06:56 PM. Reason: typo
                        Its nice to be important but its more important to be nice


                        • Potted on some tomatoes - hopefully their next 'potting on' should be into the grow bags.
                          Moved some strawberry plants into a hanging basket
                          Potted on leek seedlings in big pots where they will stay for most of the summer (awaiting space to be vacated by early broad beans)
                          Sowed some more sunflower and nasturtium seeds in pots
                          Sowed more poached egg plant seeds on raised bed borders
                          Potted on fennel seedlings
                          Took cuttings from mint and lemon balm
                          OH dug a plethora of dandelion from the lawn
                          Now relaxing on the patio with a well-deserved G&T!
                          come visit a garden
                          or read about mine


                          • Yesterday...

                            I potted on tomatoes and squashes.

                            Went to lottie and put said tomatoes and squashes in my tent cloche. Dug over 3 beds and did lots of weeding. Watered the runner beans which were looking very sad indeed, think I might have lost them to frost.

                            Chatted for ages to my lottie neighbour, borrowed my other neighbours hose to fill water butt.

                            Picked 3 radishes


                            • Today

                              Went up to lottie this morning for 4 hour weeding and root removing, I've dug over the main bed that looked like it hadn't been touched for years, hard going but on the hole the soil isn't bad, only a little bit of clay, I'll dig in the little bit of compost I got when I took down the compost heap the other day, I'm going to throw in the last of the spuds I've got and some cabbage (greyhound) my neighbour gave me the other day..

                              At home this afternoon I potted on some little gems and some rocket into there containers, then I sowed some more rocket and gems, I noticed my second batch of carrots are starting to show so I may sow some more over the weekend...

                              Forgot to put my sunflowers away last light and the frost got at them

                              Picked my son up from school and took the dog for a walk up the woods..

                              My Allotment Journal @
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                              Updated Regularly-Last Update was 30-05-16


                              • Planted out some leeks, beetroots and a courgette plant but will keep this covered for a week or two also potted on some of my toms.


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