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What I Did Today Archive - 2010


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  • Planted out primroses, violets and a Globe artichoke that I was very kindly given, thankyou Mr JM. Planted out greyhound cabbages, cauliflowers then put the slug and pigeon protections in place.
    Weeded , watered and spoke words of encouragement to everything else.
    Last edited by binley100; 16-05-2010, 10:04 PM.
    S*d the housework I have a lottie to dig
    a batch of jam is always an act of creation ..Christine Ferber

    You can't beat a bit of garden porn


    • This weekend I have planted strawberry plants in two troughs.
      Put "Tumbling Tom" yellow x2 and red x1 in their hanging basket.
      Rearranged GH to allow for bigger pots in final positions and potted on cucumber "Tasty King" and "Melonie" into final pots in GH, but cover at night.
      Earthed up potatoes in buckets for final time.
      Sowed Beans "Borlotto" and "S. Anna" in 3" pots.
      Sowed Lettuce"Little Gem" in modules.
      Discovered slugs appear to have destroyed all my maincrop spuds.
      Discovered aphid infestation on overwintered chilli and all Pumpkin, Cucumber, Courgette and BNS seedlings in the window
      Not a bad weekend really. Could have done more, but it wasn't essential so chilled out and relaxed some more. Cool
      Last edited by COMPOST CORNER; 16-05-2010, 11:10 PM.


      • Earthed up the potatoes
        Transplanted my carrot and beetroot seedlings in to a big planter (sowed before I knew carrots shouldnt be transplanted and fingers crossed they survive).
        Potted on my alpine strawberries.
        Potted on baby aubergines.
        Bought yet more plastic pots at B&Q and a bean plant (cant remember what type!).
        Potted on my dwarf peas and my sweet peas.
        Threw away my rocket that had half died and half gone leggy and re-sown some more.


        • Helped my SIL get bitten by the gardening bug by helping her sow six pots of herbs for a windowsill herb garden
          keen but (slightly less) clueless


          • It's deceptive this weather thingy, because even though we're kind of south/west, we still get a sharp draught up your frock from the Bristol Channel when you're least expecting it....
            However, there's only a limited amount of molly-coddling you can do, and the sweetcorn just got evicted from the conservatory today, planted out under milk carton cloches.

            Thank you for listening.


            • Got my first two rows of Red Rum runners outside, and have sown some White Lady runners in erin pots and their 'fermenting' nicely in the airing cupboard as I write.
              Last edited by tevo; 17-05-2010, 01:11 AM.


              • Went up the allotment early this morning to put out slug pellets that we had got on special offer from wilko's. When I lifted the plastic mini tunnel / cloche over my courgettes, I wished I had done this a week earlier, as they have been decimated.

                I fell to the ground, screaming 'why, why why?', whilst sad background music started playing*.

                Then I went home and had a fry-up, and felt much better. I then noticed that my second lot of French beans, a more common variety than my first attempt, had all started growing in my propagator ~ I only managed a 30% germination rate from my first lot. This cheered me up no end.

                * this may a slight exaggeration


                • Finally got my tomatoes which were potbound and sulking planted out into the greenhouse!
                  My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
                  to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

                  Diversify & prosper


                  • Began removing all the nettles that have grown in the garden ovdr the last few weeks, started making a pile with it and ragwort to have a bonfire this evening when the job is complete.

                    Earthed up potatoes, and put out pea netting, before getting soaked, after which I gave up for the day.


                    • Saturday - helped at our allotments plant sale where we raised over �700 for charity. Did a bit of weeding, picked a lettuce and 2 radishes.

                      Sunday - Did a lot more weeding, watered everything. Planted some dwarf runner beans, some dwarf peas, nasturtiums, and marigolds in some flower buckets. Sowed some beetroot into modules as I don't seem to be able to get them to germinate straight in the ground. Also restarted my White Lady Runner beans as the frost got the first batch.


                      • Yesterday I decided to plant my greenhouse broadies into what I now find is a north west facing front garden and not full north as I first thought. Oops rubbish sense of direction.
                        Which is great because it means that my broadies are experiencing a nice warm evening at the mo.....but one had disappeared when I got home tonight (under a pile of cat poop....arrrggghhh)
                        I also planted out the donated forget-me-nots in a more shaded part of the front garden while my son mowed the lawns for me.
                        I also potted up my runner beans (all 24 came up) all my courgettes (oops I have 12 plants..I wasn't expecting them all to germinate) and my 4 pumpkins.
                        I also have about 10 scallop squash potted up and doing nicely.
                        The peas came out of the greenhouse and into the garden and got covered with net (and fleece when I popped out after dark to check for slimy activity and found it to be very chilly)
                        Its the first time I have used the fleece as I haven't been brave enough to plant anything out before now because of all the frosts. I must have looked like a demented ghost with 8mX 2 m worth of fleece wrapped around myself under the security light

                        I am about to ask my brother if I can put some of my surplus plants into his totally unused 6' wide by 40' long beds (all dug over and standing empty) as he has a massive garden and doesn't grow anything but a couple of roses,some shrubs and grass in it....oooh if only that garden was mine <sigh>
                        I plan to donate a couple of my Jack O Lantern pumpkins to my 10 year old nephew to 'look after till Halloween' for me...and maybe some of the courgettes and squash is my cunning plan! mwah haa haaaa

                        P.S I just did a little dance in my kitchen as finally I have some beetroot seedlings. greenhouse ones no show,windowsill 4 so far...whoo hoooo
                        Last edited by NewbieGardenerRow; 17-05-2010, 06:27 PM. Reason: added a p.s
                        Its nice to be important but its more important to be nice


                        • Planted out some Golden Bear onions I've grown from seed. They aren't very big but hopefully by getting them established now.....they will be!

                          Spent the rest of my evening cleaning and disinfecting one of my chook houses after finding what I think was a single red mite on the outside of the coop!
                          My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
                          to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

                          Diversify & prosper


                          • Planted melon sweetheart in container and put in mini gh. Planted in containers tomato costoluto fiorentino, big boy and pineapple, all against arches. Sorted out spares to give to friends and colleagues at work.
                            AKA Angie


                            • Had to work today, but Mr D was off, and after yesterdays excitement was planning on building some more nuc boxes in case we get any more divisions from the bees, he popped to the plot to water, only to find another swarm heading for our plot, but strangely enough, it wasnt from one of our hives!

                              With help from our friends (who co-beekeep with us) he managed to capture the swarm and house it in the nuc box that he'd just built, bringing our total colonies of bees up to 9 now!

                              Hope we dont get any more divisions, we've run out of hives and nuc boxes now!
                              Suzanne (aka Mrs Dobby)

                              'Garden naked - get some colour in your cheeks'!

                              The Dobby's Pumpkin Patch - an Allotment & Beekeeping blogspot!
                              Last updated 16th April - Video intro to our very messy allotment!
                              Dobby's Dog's - a Doggy Blog of pics n posts - RIP Bella gone but never forgotten xx
                              On Dark Ravens Wing - a pagan blog of musings and experiences


                              • sowed some cosmos and gaillardia seeds to try and plug some gaps in the borders.planted out stanley dwarf french beans in container on patio.set aside some thriving borlotti beans and a bottle full of tadpoles as payment for lottie trade over weekend when i got some autumn raspberries and rhubarb.


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