Sowed 3 rows of peas planted 12 runner beans and 11 dwarf beans plus some sweet peas 1 row of beetroot 3 beefsteak tomatoes and 2 cucumbers into green house potted up some cornflowers cosmos and marigolds in poly tunnel did 2 hanging baskets and a trough did a bit of weeding in the fruit bed and now i'v come in to clean up and start on dinner OH sowed some more lettuce nearly forgot that i think bed will be very welcome tonight lol
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What I Did Today Archive - 2010
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Hello all, long time no chat (got blocked at work and, like Wellie, usually too cream crackered at home to post or even get on t'interwebblie! But I am still managing to keep my plot going and some things in the garden too, amongst all the other dramas!
Today, I planted the 3 tumbling tom tomato plants I'd grown from seed into their hanging basket, and I put a chilli pepper in the middle as an experiment. I potted on my other 3 chillis (pyramid) and 4 sweet peppers (haven't a clue!). And watered lots.
I sowed a second batch of courgettes at the weekend as none of my first sowing came up. But I planted out 2 summer squash, 2 winter squash, 2 pumpkin hooligan and 3 butternut squashes onto the plot at the weekend. And the PSB and brussels sprouts for the winter. The brassica bed is now full, although the pak choi will come out soon.
The last of last year's leeks will be taken up next weekend, as they have started to go to seed - they were SOOO late getting going and then the harsh winter didn't help. But I seem to finally have a few proper lettuces growing - it's taken 4 years to get to this point!
Peas are doing very badly this year, but other things seem to be doing ok. I must plant out my Toms super roma next weekend into the garden at home. And I finally this year also have some basil!
But I am looking forward to some nice eating in about a month or so!! And some nice sun this season!!
Hopefully will find more time to keep up with the grapes too.....
Planted out Turks Turban x 2, BNS x 3.
Also planted sweetcorn Incredible and some from Sarraceniac. Looking forward to seeing those!
All my plum tomatoes and Marmande tomatoes are planted out under a debris netting shelter to protect them from the elements (mostly scorching sun atm)
Was feeling rather virtuous until I read what everyone else has been up to - another planting session is planned for tomorrow evening. I shall be so glad to get my kitchen back and be able to find a space to sit out on the patio!
Yesterday I set up one of the Big Drippas in the greenhouse, looking forward to see how effective it is. Went to the GC and met FionaH, bought a fleece cloche to use over cabbages with a mesh cover instead. Watered lots! Went to my local horticultural society meeting (Milford H&GS) for the 1st time. Enjoyed it enormously so will join up.
Today I put up another bean pole row and planted some more runners and some Blauhilde purple climbing beans. Planted the three yellow dwarf beans that were the only ones from 12 seeds that germinated. Will sow some more later. Planted a Moneymaker in the SFB, only one empty square left now until some of the salads are harvested. A quick sort out later to choose some tomato plants to give to some friends and a tidy up too.
Spent the morning weeding in 'The Water Garden' for Mrs. Hyphen-Hyphen, and I must say, her garden is looking an absolute PICTURE, so we must be 'making a dent in it' somewhere along the line, which was nice.....
Arriving back at The Funny Farm, I thought I'd use the morning's inspiration to good effect, so set about weeding my Onion Bed (hardly a comparison, but you get my drift?). Just HOW demoralising is it to see your shallot and onion sets 'bolting/going to seed'? I'm horticulturally 'gutted' I am - even the ruddy Garlics are as well?
Still........ you can't possibly expect everything to go the way you want it to, so I'll just placate myself in the knowledge that yesterday, I took cuttings from my tomato plant 'armpits', and, if I'm successful at that, I can increase my stock ad-infinitum until the cows come home, for completely diddly-sh!t, and brilliantly 'stagger' my tomato crop to my own ends, until I'm completely fed up with them!
(Mind you, given that I'm intent on selling tomatoes of every shape and form to local folks round here, I'd be mad not to want to extend the season to my benefit, eh?!)
You're very kind for listening, thank you.X
I sacrificed a Rocket potato plant and whey hey 32 little Taters not very big but they tasted nice tonight i have been soaking them with well diluted comfrey juice so they are making tater so i gave them another good soaking today 10 by 10 litre can fulls when i water taters i soak them like the farmers do .
then i hoed the onions and shallots and 1 row of sproutsWhat lies behind us,And what lies before us,Are tiny matters compared to what lies Within us ...
Ralph Waide Emmerson
My first post in this thread
Today I planted out carrots (cant remember the brand but they came FOC from the BBC) and along side them I planted out radishes and covered them both with the little plastic tunnel I got from the 99p storeI pulled a few weeds from between my onions and sprinkled broken egg shells around the spinach and little tunnel in the hope that the slugs will leave it alone. Just as I was getting ready to go back out and give everything a watering ......... the heavens opened
yeah finally some rain !
Planted out a trayful of 'Long Red Florence' onions also five white chrysanthemums.My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)
Diversify & prosper
Weeded and watered, weeded and watered. (Home and allotment!)
Transplated the thinnings of a short row of cos lettuces.
Looked at my peas again! Wonder if I'll let any mangetous?Whoever plants a garden believes in the future. Updated March 9th - Spring
Put up my bean fence tonight. 14 canes tied tightly together with string and anchored to my fence and shed.
I looked at my little beetroot seedlings and put them back under my home made bottle cloches for tonight.
I put more nets around my peas then decided to yet again dig over and de-stone the beds where I plan to put my courgettes, pumpkins and squash as well as digging in some chicken poo pellet
I watered everything in the greenhouse and grow house and all looks good in there so far.
Then I earthed up my potato bags again. All 8 are almost full now.
My blow away greenhouse is full of bean plants that have started to look like they are searching for something to wind around but I just daren't put them in the garden yet. I would have done it tonight but it was so cold this morning when I went out at about 7, that I could see my breath!
I have managed to persuade my sis in law to let me use her garden to plant out some of my surplus squash, courgette and pumpkins though.Bonus.Its nice to be important but its more important to be nice
Received my batch of late flowering chrysanths from Woolmans and potted them into 4 inch pots.
These will be grown in Morrisons flower buckets and left outdoors for the summer. After toms are finished I'll bring them into the greenhouse to flower.
I have a cunning plan for doubling my stock when it comes to pinching the tops out.........I'll use these 'pinchings' as cuttings!My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)
Diversify & prosper
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