Nothing got done on Saturday due to it Peeing down all day, Very little done today despite the glorious weather as i was at the in-laws & visiting friends. However, was given a tray of marigolds, 2 fuschias, 2 large plastic buckets with lids & 2 large storage jars by MIL. Once home i nipped into the garden for a couple of hours & managed to earth up the spuds in the veg beds, plant out 10 sweetcorn, pot on 2 spare tomato plants, plant up two wall planters, plant out a tray of Hollyhocks, a tray of poppy seedlings and a tray of lupins. Plenty, plenty more to be done!
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What I Did Today Archive - 2010
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the bad winds stopped play yesterdayluckily I didn't have much in my blow away mini greenhouse to get damaged, only 1 watermelon shoot got destroyed
only one left now so its getting very special treatment. Managed to bring in my strawberry's from my grow bag greenhouse, I tied it down some more and put in a few extra bricks in there .... and this morning it lives on to tell another tail PHEW !
Pleased as punch to find a slug in the bottom of the jar of beer I put out
cleared up even more cat poo
pulled up the bolted perpetual spinach and pbs.
planted courgette seeds ( 3 pots and 2 straight in ground)
planted runner beans, flat beans - my seed from last years plants
some red rum runners (never used them before), climbing french beans
2 types of dwarf bean and some dwarf runners - can you tell I love beans!
also some more chard (popeye)
lastly salad seeds and radish in odd spaces.
topped up potatoes in pots
covered beans with netting to try and thwart evil cr*pping cats
chopped flowering heads off onions.
finished off by thouroughly watering everything.
Feel quite pleased with my efforts
going out later to dig over and prepare ground for the tomatoes.
planted out some lollo rossa and little gem plants. sowed some more carrots, sping onions, radish. sowed some kale, swiss chard and PSB. My brand spanking new plot
Harvested some huge fb radish, salad for tea tonight I think! Sown in modules lettuce lollo rosso, red cos and romaine. Also sown turnip purple top milan. Weeded front garden, between path and path down back garden. Swept all then tackled patio area and washed it all down. Generally had a good tidy up as rain is forecast for most of tomorrow down here.AKA Angie
Finished rigging up the Big Drippas in the greenhouse, put an enviromesh cover over the brassicas and the dwarf peas next to them, pricked out some leeks (thanks to FionaH), sowed some Romaine and density lettuce, planted out a tomato in the square foot bed, this is now full and watered everything that needed it.
I want my veg patch to look like Eddiej's!
Today i planted out 2 trays of french marigolds, 2 pots of sunflowers, a tray of corn flowers and 4 Aquilega. I also dug out a plant from the bed in front of the greenhouse that was taking over, cut the grass, weeded, dismantled my little plastic greenhouse making it into 4 shelves for the summer and re-organised the greenhouse to accomodate another grow bag (to house the cucumbers) and fit the 4 shelves under the staging. Feels like i did a lot more than what it appears written down!
At forest estate, I moved 3 of the horses to a new paddock and sprayed off the one they were in with Blaster (kills thistles, nettles and docks in grassland). Harrowed the dressage arena. Lunged one of the horses for half hour.
Cut grass along driveway with quad and flail mower and strimmed banks at the junction with the public road.
Weeded all the bveg beds and planted out courgettes and Climbing French Beans.
Started cutting back gorse from bridlepaths between paddocksRat
British by birth
Scottish by the Grace of God
Didn't get to the plot this week, but I moved the tomato plants all outdoors, including hanging the basket of tumbling tom. We will plant out the toms into the ground at the weekend, and the rest of the flowers in trays as well. I expect to harvest a couple of small heads of lettuce on my next visit, and will pop in some fresh salad plugs to replace them (that I actually managed to grow myself - who knew?!) - I must remember though to sow some more at the same time for the next lot of replacements.
I expect that the weed-growing fairy has hit me too, I know the garden is bad enough and there's hardly any space there FOR weeds!
Recycled an old homebrew barrel as a comfrey tea barrelHas its own top to keep the smell in and a tap for when the tea has to come out.
S*d the housework I have a lottie to dig
a batch of jam is always an act of creation ..Christine Ferber
You can't beat a bit of garden porn
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