Dragged the OH down to the plot yesterday to help with controlled destruction - his speciality. He attacked the nettles and docks that were trying to encroach on the southern side of the plot whilst I cut back grass around the fruit trees and removed docks, dandelions and couch grass from the 'paths'. Then I weeded the beds, though that took nowhere near as long. Then I weeded the coldframe, pulled some yellow radish (we had those in our salad last night - very peppery and nice) and planted more lettuce and more radish. We went for a walk yesterday afternoon and took a detour near our local GC - bought lilies and crocosmia bulbs for 20p per packet! Came home and potted on some gherkins in the greenhouse. Planted the bulbs - it is very late, but who knows, they might grow! And as I write this it's raining. Perfect!
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What I Did Today Archive - 2010
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Busy weekend. Planted out all toms in the tunnel, set up and tested the automatic watering system- all worked perfectly even after being stored in the shed in that awful weather.
Planted out red bor kale, perp. spinach, red cabbage, chard and lettuces in the brassica bed. Weeded root bed and sowed more carrots. Put more beetroot seed in modules ready for said bed. Planted out peas from gutters. Tied in sweet peas. Mowed the grass in veg patch (normally OH's job but he was under a car!) Transferred a few plants that needed moving where new courtyard garden is being built.
Potted on artichokes, parsley and cosmos. Stared hardening off for courgettes and butternuts. Planted up bedding in pots outside front door. Weeded all the *****y gravel that previous owners put in front of house - used the flamthrower on some. Think I will have to abandon organic principles and weedkill this lot, it's too much work every few weeks.
Went indoors to read gardening books and relax.....Growing in the Garden of England
It was raining here at about 10 o'clock but I figured....so what!
So, I got all my runner beans out of the blow away greenhouse as some of them were about 2 feet tall!!!
I have now planted all 24 of them in the garden while the rain steadily got heavier and heavier.
Seeing as though I was pretty wet already I decided to plant out 2 squash, 2 pumpkins and 4 courgettes and re-organize my blowaway greenhouse shelves. I re potted my cabbage, cauli and broccoli seeing as though they were still in tiny trays and planted 3 peppers plants out of the Jiffy 7s (or whatever they are called) into large pots.
I then got all my plants out of the greenhouse and left them out to get a bit of rainwater on them before sticking them back in again. I watered the cucs in the growhouse which so far seem to be doing great.
My tub of pea shoots is bursting with new shoots now (after the tip I pinched off The Edible Garden about growing Neo dried peas) and my spinach is now through in the garden after I covered it with plastic net to stop the cat pooping in the beds.
I then caught said cat peeing on my little beetroot shoots so he got squirted with the hose pipe
As I finished all this the rain stopped....typical......but at least its all done.
Now I'm showered dry again and ready for a well earned cuppa....though I'm thinking my bean fence looks very pathetic compared to EddieJs fantastic one.
You are very clever EddieJIts nice to be important but its more important to be nice
Nothing! It's raining. Thumb through Alan T's book and had a cuppa.
Yesterday though, it was gloriously hot so did loads:
Planted up 4 hanging baskets (got to do our bit for the beautiful village comp you know);
Tubbed up runner and french bean for elderly neighbour;
Potted up 2 Ailsa Craig and 2 Cherry Delight Toms for outside growing and placed marigold in front of each. Will add Basil seedling when bigger;
Planted out 9 more sweetcorn (now 46 with 3 still in GH as not quite big enough);
Planted out replacement pumpkins and another winter squash;
Snipped of emerging flower head on an onion - will use the onion in tonights tea, if not too woody;
Secured mangetout and the beans to their canes.
Still loads more sowing to do for next lot of successions but it is sooooooooooo miserable out there .........
Went food shopping and some seeds jumped in with the fruit and veg.
Pootled round the vine.
Went for an interview about a gardening job.
More pootling round the vine.S*d the housework I have a lottie to dig
a batch of jam is always an act of creation ..Christine Ferber
You can't beat a bit of garden porn
Today i harvested 1 Strawberry and 4 sticks of Rhubarb, i also sowed Corriander, Oregano, Pak Choi, Italian Lettuce and a second sowing of Dwarf French Beans & Peas.
Finally got round to sowing my maincrop carrots............33 rows of them from three packets!All covered in enviromesh now!
Took delivery of about 100 old bricks that were being chucked out. Got a use for them on my plot for delineating pockets..........don't ask!
Dug up the last of my parsnips from last year and dug over the pocket.
Noticed an odd one or two of my peas have germinated.
Harvested about 20 sticks of rhubarb to turn into rhubarb jam.....yum!
Been asked to look after my allotment neighbours chooks while they are on holiday for a couple of weeks........they've assured me they won't hold me responsible if any of there chooks snuff it when they are away.I asked for it in writing!
My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)
Diversify & prosper
potted on my cape gooseberries.
de-slugged my veg patch. i dont know about anyone else but the slugs on my patch dont seem to be bothered by the pellets, they seem invincible this year!!!!http://pot-to-plot.blogspot.com/ My brand spanking new plot
Yesterday actually, but didn't get time to post. In constant drizzle, I planted cheerful annual plants in containers. Netted the sweet peas. Hoed the beds. Potted on another couple of tomatoes. Put a fence around a small brassica bed because Chester the Springer Spaniel keeps jumping on them when he takes a short cut across the garden(I wouldn't mind, but it's my daughter's dog, so it doesn't even live here). Started planting up the new ground bed I've dug, but then ran out of steam.Granny on the Game in Sheffield
Dug a root of spuds for din din tonight and cut a spring cabbage to go with it.
Then moved some anti pigeon frames of a row of cabbage plants and put them over a row that was being attacked and put some frames around the first row with clear plastic sides to help them along with some netting over the top nice pleasant morning..jacob
What lies behind us,And what lies before us,Are tiny matters compared to what lies Within us ...
Ralph Waide Emmerson
Intended to go to the allotment today and plant out beans and courgettes. Instead I ended up going with our In Bloom group to buy some half barrels and compost and plant them up by the village hall. Looks a treat (but it ate up my day!)Whoever plants a garden believes in the future.
www.vegheaven.blogspot.com Updated March 9th - Spring
Made 3 tubs of comfrey tea, managed to clear the last of my spare toms to a grateful lottie neighbour,weeded the flower bed +3 others for people with less time than me, ate lunch, watched the blue tits feed their baby, made a start cleaning a vacant plot.
Yesterday's activities but didn't get round to posting.
Planted up 6 tom plants into grow bags in gh. 2 x each of Gardner's Delight, Roma and Moneymaker. Made future watering easier by making my own bottomless plants pots and setting those into holes cut in the bag before planting the toms into those. More root space for them as well I guess.
Added string support to the second broad bean bed - a mix of Red Epicure, Witkien Manita and Crimson Flowered (thanks Two_Sheds!). Harvested from the Aquadulce Claudia bed for dinner.
Planted climbing nasturtiums against a willow fence
Planted out trailing lobelias in old wellies
Weeded out lemon balm from the border and planted in pots
Pulled up bolting rocket
Dug out more flippin' cat poo from the onion bed...come visit a garden
or read about mine www.suburbanvegplot.blogspot.com/
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