Today i finished off erecting my bean frame & finally got my French Beans planted out, noticed that the peas are just starting with a few flowers too - hurrah! Planted out module grown Golden Beetroot into the gaps where the Bolted Pak Choi were evicted from last week. Also, potted on my Freesia plug plants, watered Greenhouse & hanging baskets and picked a handful of Strawberries.
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What I Did Today Archive - 2010
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This morning I went in the Greenhouse and admired my first ever chilli that is just starting to show in the middle of the flower. This is a Fresno.
Also made sure my 5 courgettes were still growing
I then did the daily maintenance of the toms by hunting any side shoots down.
Went round to middle daughter's and started creating the children's veggie plot - hard work, but got french beans and courgettes planted, also discovered a concrete path which will divide it nicely into beds so they don't need to stand on the soil.
finally planted the pea plants I bought at weekend. Filled 2 planters with drainage rubble, clay soil and then compost, fixed up some nifty wigwams and wound thick twine round and then watered everything well. Time will tell if it was worth it.
Earthed up last lot of potatoes, did a bit of weeding
Just off to do last watering.
4 of my runner bean seeds have germinated and are poking out of the ground.
Morning spent at the lottie. Planted out some Kale, Left the slugs some organic blue sweeties, left the slugs a nice drop of beer in their new slugpubs , fixed a gap where I think a wabbit may be getting in, hoed around the sweetcorn.
Lunchtime came home , power walked the dog before going to work . On way to work popped into wilkinsons for some more Kohl Rabi seed, then posted two books out. Then went to work.S*d the housework I have a lottie to dig
a batch of jam is always an act of creation ..Christine Ferber
You can't beat a bit of garden porn
Potted on 12 Cavalo Nero Kale, 14 Pumpkin / Squash, 2 Cucumbers & 5 Gerbera Daisy, Planted 3 Cucumbers (3 varieties) into growbags in Greenhouse. No idea where i am to plant all the Kale, Pumpkins & Squash though!!
filled a re-usable growbag with 1/2 mpc and 1/2 home grown compost, watered it well so it will be ready for 2 courgette plants. Put it on a bit of veggie garden that is a bit weedy and hasn;t been dug for years, so hoping that it will suppress some weeds as well as be hpme for my courgettes.
I am very late doing everything this year.
also watered all pots, came inside and heavens openedLast edited by hamsterqueen; 10-06-2010, 04:52 PM.
I have a half built ramshackle 3rd greenhouse that has glass in the roof and only a few panes around the sides (waiting for some scrounged glass or plastic to become available)
Rather than waste the growing area, this evening I planted sweetcorn down one side and chrysanthemums for cut flowers down tuther. Have a few spare tom plants for the end.......I DO like experimenting!My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)
Diversify & prosper
No, don't tell me Paulottie, you prefer Muck'n'Magic to Shoes'n'Handbags as well?
(Sorry, I just couldn't resist that....Ouch!)
Yup! this will indeedy be the third greenhouse to be introduced into The Funny Farm Pretty Productive Kitchen Garden, and that's WITHOUT Trousers having erected my 16ft Grown Up Big Girls' Greenhouse yet.
Perhaps I should seek help from a therapist now? Nah! Haven't even begun to get started yet already soon...
Unusually for me, I also took quality time out today, and spent an hour or two in a garden centre coffee shop, talking, laughing and joking, comparing notes and discussing future plans with a like-minded bunny. (Note to self: Really enjoyed that....Do that more often Wellie.)
Thank you for listening. X
Today i planted out a tray of Peas, some Paris Silverskin Onion seedlings, a second tray of sweetcorn and a couple of Pumpkins which went into some biggish gaps in the large flowerbed in front of the fence. Did a load of weeding too whilst i was planting. Plenty more to be done though after all this rain.
Finally got around to planting out my Blue lake climbing french beans!Also planted out some more leeks, which because they were potbound had bulbous bases!
My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)
Diversify & prosper
I'm guessing that there's a lot of us Grapes 'coming from the same space' at the moment, as I too need to clear the weeds that have magically appeared, before I can plant out my waiting soldiers of leeks standing to an orderly attention, although not yet bulbing, thankfully. Which is a Blessing, because I've got enough mutiny happening with Trousers, all of my Onions, Garlics and Shallots, and quite frankly, ditto with the overwintered cauliflowers, so I can't wait to get shot of them all to replace them with something marginally better behaved....
All suggestions gratefully received, thank you.
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