Yesterday - home from work early so down to the plot for an hour - hadn't been since Sunday. You really notice how much everything is growing don't you! It was not as weedy as I had feared because I did have a go last weekend. Picked a bunch of yellow radish - these were a freebie and can't remember the variety - they are PROPER radishes - really hot and peppery, a tiny punnet of strawberries (First of the season - just finished them off with yogurt for breakfast) and a PaK choi which we ate as crunchy lettuce with some mixed salad leaves out of g'house. Planted out some cauliflower in a little row which I netted over. I have 3 other brassicas dotted about in the onion bed - Snadger - I'm hoping that your pocket planting method means I don't have to net these! Came home, watered the greenhouse, picked the first cucumber, potted on some gherkins and tomatoes. More to do tomorrow but a very therapeutic hour or two.
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Originally posted by susieq100 View PostYesterday - home from work early so down to the plot for an hour - hadn't been since Sunday. You really notice how much everything is growing don't you! It was not as weedy as I had feared because I did have a go last weekend. Picked a bunch of yellow radish - these were a freebie and can't remember the variety - they are PROPER radishes - really hot and peppery, a tiny punnet of strawberries (First of the season - just finished them off with yogurt for breakfast) and a PaK choi which we ate as crunchy lettuce with some mixed salad leaves out of g'house. Planted out some cauliflower in a little row which I netted over. I have 3 other brassicas dotted about in the onion bed - Snadger - I'm hoping that your pocket planting method means I don't have to net these! Came home, watered the greenhouse, picked the first cucumber, potted on some gherkins and tomatoes. More to do tomorrow but a very therapeutic hour or two......I make individual tube nets with three canes surrounded by netting for single plants!
Spose it depends how many woodpigeons or wabbits you have around?
My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)
Diversify & prosper
Sowed a pocket of Mooli and a pocket of Bolthardy beetroot after weeding and tickling the surface with a hand fork.
Transplanted some Nemesia and poppies into ceramic planters.
Did an hours hand weeding.
Sowed some Black Onion Seed in a large pot. These are the seeds used in Naan Bread which don't smell or taste anything like onion?It will be interesting to see what comes up.
My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)
Diversify & prosper
Today i mowed lawn, edged the three flower beds, watered GH & baskets, did a bit of weeding, took a load of photos of the garden, and made Rhubarb & Ginger Jam.
More clearing the new plot. 2 weeks since we 'got' the allotment. Today I decided to clip into the overgrown raspberries and discovered they are mostly the type that fruit on last years growth and also discovered a large but overgrown gooseberry bush - bonus!
Hm, maybe will sow some beetroot tomorrow in the bit we've already cleared...
Today I planted two rows of carrots (Flyaway) a row of kohl rabi and a row of pak choi. then I planted out 4 more yellow scallop squash and another pumpkin that my daughter potted up at Clumber Park weeks ago.Then also decided to put in 2 cauli, 2 broccoli and 2 cabbage. Thats garden is full.
My greenhouse has a few spares in just in case of slug damage.
I've been out a few mins ago to put beer in the trap near the pumpkins and accidentally snapped one of my broadies when I was using the hose to water everything. Grrrrr it would be one with loads of flowers but I have loads more plants but GRRRRRRRRRRRRR anyway.
My potato bags are full to the brim and the greenery is sooooooo long and leggy and starting to fall over.
The bean fence is going great guns and some are already up to the top of the canes.
All this rain then sun has really got things going.Its nice to be important but its more important to be nice
Went to the plot again for an 'hour' yesterday morning before going to do the weekly shop. Planted out 60 leeks and did a bit of weeding. Moulded up the late spuds - they've grown really quickly. Bit disappointed with the germination rate of the Florence Fennel - I've got space for another row, so will try another planting. More weeding - still plenty to do. There were very few other plotters down there and the birds were really going for it ... very vocal indeed. Later in the afternoon, potted on sweet peppers and tomatoes - I've got loads of tomatoes now - different varieties and one or two 'mystery' tomatoes which I neglected to label correctly. So they will be a lovely surprise!
ooooch @Liza :s
Roundup of the last few days ... made a 3' x 2' x 3' fruit cage for my strawberry's(I'll add a pic later) Pulled up what was left of my spinach and rocket and planted out radish in its place. Sown some more beetroot and planted out carrots into a empty toy tub and put it into my newly erected fruit cage to keep the straws company
Put up a shelf under the window in my out house (more room for trays) Made some nettle tea on Tuesday, lifted the lid to give it a stir earlier this morning and the stench well and truly woke me up ..... works great as smelling salts LOL. We should have a post for the 101 uses for nettle tea
done lots of weeding and watering tooLast edited by DigginDebs; 13-06-2010, 10:51 AM.
More gardening at the daughters'. Youngest has had a hanging basket filled and put up, and more plants put in the front garden. Middle daughter and the kids now have a vegetable border, complete with plants from Nanny's sowings. Just one more border to go, and that looks worse than the first one so maybe tomorrow.
Went to my 90 year old uncles for a roast, I weeded his veg garden and he cooked.
We then filled 10 bags full of his finest compost to go on my plot No2.Last edited by Liza; 13-06-2010, 07:33 PM.You have to loose sight of the shore sometimes to cross new oceans
I would be a perfectionist, but I dont have the time
Thought I would hose out my chicken run, then realised there was 2 inches of crud on top of the solid base.
Hosed the chooks to get them to go inside then set too with the shovel.Not a pleasant task but it had to be done.
All clothes in washing machine now and just waiting for the bath to finnish running!My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)
Diversify & prosper
- planted the last sweetcorn onto my neighbour's plot
- planted out more French beans (Serbian & black Tiger Eye)
- planted out more spring onions
- started another rotation of hardening off (Morning Glory this week)
- chitted my last lot of French beans (Canadian Wonder)
- potted on the chillies again
- first fruits showing on tomatoes, so put them on the floor of GH and trained them up string
- sowed radish in modules (can't grow it on lotty)
- weeded the back garden (6 bags full for the Dalek)
- pulled out all the pink foxgloves & poppies (hate pink)
- planted out osteospermum & viola (grown from seed)
- pruned pyracantha & potted up the cuttings
- no rain for a fortnight now, so watered the wilting spuds & new transplants
- dug a load of couch grass out of my neighbour's plot and
- sowed 4 rows of Canadian Wonder kidney bean for herLast edited by Two_Sheds; 19-06-2010, 08:00 PM.All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.
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