Yesterday went to lottie, fixed the hose and watered the broadies, french beans and onions. Had a nice chat with my neighbour and was given some seeds to try.
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What I Did Today Archive - 2010
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today ive been making the most of the nice weather and have been busy in the garden. i planted out some flowers that ive grown from seed (nicotinias/ larkspurs and gazanias). i then pulled up a row of CACA salad leaves that had gone to seed. resowed some 'colourful and spicy' CACA salad to replace them. i then planted my two winter squashes into their final pots. My brand spanking new plot
After a few days away, it was down to the lottie for some weed removal
Spent 4 hours getting rid of all the nasties and a bit of hoe hoe hoeing.
A few new pictures to update my album.
It is nice to see the progress after only 9 weeks or so of getting my plot.
Beautiful Roses starting to bloom.Pictures of my plot.
Netted the strawberry bed; finished sieving rest of compost from bin into bags to use later; turned this years compost into empty bay, mixed with woody leftovers from sieving and some grass clippings; watered all 25 tomatoes and the peppers, aubergine and cucumber.
Had salad from plot for tea before going to horticultural club for talk by Barry Newman from the NVS about 'the modern vegetable garden'. A fascinating talk, gave us all a lot to think about and some new ideas. Especially the butternut squash grown up and through a large privet hedge!
Now retiring to bed with the NVA magazine and a cuppa to dream .................. zzzzzzz
oops a bit late but on Sunday I re-potted 3 tomato plants that my Step Mum had given to my Mum!!!! I don't eat tomatoes so Mum got the donation instead, but they were in tiny 6" pots so they all got re done AND Mum is going away so I'm tomato sitting!They are now squished in my grow house with my cucumbers (which seem to be growing like trifids with tendrils winding around everything including the tomatoes.)
Then I planted some chervil, dill, parsley and coriander and sowed some nasturtium seeds.
then I found some more ????????? lurking in the bottom of my greenhouse in pots so they got stuck in any available space in my front garden as the back is full.
They are one or all of either cauli, broccoli or cabbage...time will tell and notes have been made to remember to label all my plants and not just one in a cluster of plant pots!
Then I weeded over the entire veggie patch and placed some thin boards down to walk on.
Then today I had a furtle in my Sharpes Express spud bag and felt a small tater...whoo hoooLast edited by NewbieGardenerRow; 23-06-2010, 12:11 AM.Its nice to be important but its more important to be nice
Today i have potted up 8 Pumpkin / Squash plants of differing varieties & 1 Cucumber into bucket sized pots as yet again i got a little bit carried away with my seed sowing and have nowhere to put them in the garden. Not sure what i'm going to do if i get fruit off them all - i'm only feeding 2 of us and already have 3 pumpkin & 3 cucumber planted out in the garden & greenhouse!
Still in 'start-up' mode:
- re-dug/turned an area that was grass & weeds 3-4 week ago
- planted some tomato plants given by a kindly freecycler
- planted a tiny pear tree that a friend was going 'skip' (they have a large garden of pebbles... such a waste of good growing space)
- popped some compost pots under the strawberry runners of the old plants on the lotty
- picked some raspberries (one for the pot, one for me, one for the pot, one for me...)
Following on from my 'Today I Mostly Harvested' witterings.......
When Barbara told me over the phone that her Onions were so pathetic this year that they weren't worth 'putting in the pan', for her and Derek, I took complete pity on her, and went straight out into the garden and harvested one of my biggest Japanese Overwintering ones.
But, knowing that she has a wicked sense of humour, and so do I Children....
I only harvested the one for her.
I was visiting her to pick up tickets for her annual Hog Roast (in aid of Alzheimers, which her gorgeous husband Derek has) Ironically enough, forgive the humour, our very good friends, The Piglets came to it with us this time last year, and it's one of the most enjoyable events I've ever been to. Barbara asked me whilst I was there yesterday, whether I was entering the local Village Produce Show, and I assured her that I WAS going to this year, for the first time, and she joked that it would be extremely funny if SHE won the Onion class with MY onion - and we both fell about laughing, because of course you do need more than one.... you need three, which is when I told her just why I hadn't given her three! Honestly, believe me, you did have to be there (see Wellie and Barbara wet themselves laughing).
Anyway, if I haven't bored the sox off of you yet, my day didn't quite end there, as Barbara Egg Lady said that I MUST go and see 'Storming Norman's' garden, as it was Beautiful.
Now Norman has won every trophy known to man over the last six years in the local show, and what girl in her right mind wouldn't, eh?
So I did. And it was a beautifully-kept garden, very well stocked with Herbaceous, and Hostas, and Lillies..... a real credit to him.
Outwardly, I'm a little nervous of confidence right now, but I've spent my time and money wisely today in local Charity Shops, sourcing the most amazing cut-glass crystal flower vases of all shapes and sizes, ranging from 75p to �14 for the pair for my Cut Flower entries to the show, (which I can now use every year) which is in approximately 9 days time.
Picked the scabby leaves off my climbing frenchies, fed them. Emptied the mouse traps (yet again getting boring now) pricked out some mixed perennial seedlings (haven't a clue what they are yet)
Went to workS*d the housework I have a lottie to dig
a batch of jam is always an act of creation ..Christine Ferber
You can't beat a bit of garden porn
I'd like to join you in harvesting the abundance of Elderflowers, but seriously, I can't remotely abide the perfume or taste of them? I've tried and tried, but fail miserably every time, so Trousers and I agreed yesterday that we'll harvest the berries later in the year instead, if that's okay with the foraging birds down on The Funny Farm (which I'm sure it won't be, but Tough Titty, eh!X)
So, after I'd done other stuff today, I went on the hunt for a few culinary items in the High Street, and we're completely spoilt with a LOVERLY kitchen utensil shop. Stuff to use for my Village Show class entries, to make them that little bit more individual.
Very few pennies wisely spent.
With the show looming now in just one week, I'm going to need to pull my proverbial finger out for the 50-odd classes I'm entering.
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