Wanted to go to the lottie - couldn't get there yesterday because of constant rain and a spectacular thunderstorm late afternoon - but it was Lowestoft Carnival today and one of my granddaughters was taking part so had to go and watch. Thoroughly enjoyed myself (so did the kids - though Lucas slept through most of the parade). Gardening tomorrow.
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What I Did Today Archive - 2010
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This weekend - screwed plastic saddle clips to raised bed to support hoops; bent hoops which look OK (so can order plastic for mini-polytunnel-thing); shortened blue hoops on other bed to fit insect netting (need eyes to hold down netting); sowed module trays of salad & other stuff for over-wintering (bit early but experimenting); sowed morrisons buckets with rocket, spinach, perp spinach, beet for leaves etc etc - all waiting to go into greenhouse later in year; watered SFG & other beds (and admired potimarron); watered beans; fed tomatoes in pots
Yesterday i cut & edged the lawn and picked a few veg for tea. I have a huge bowl of tomatoes in the fridge now too to do something with - probably sauce for the freezer.
- looked at the lotty weeds, turned round and went home again. The rain has germinated 1000s of them
- fed the chillies and gave them a good talking to
- took cuttings of osteospermum to overwinter in the gh
- took rose cuttings & stuffed them in a gap in the back gardenLast edited by Two_Sheds; 20-08-2010, 08:31 AM.All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.
Took a sledgehammer to the garden path , a little job I've been meaning to do for years.
Then went to lottie , planted out stuff , fed stuff and picked stuff .......now absolutely cream crackeredS*d the housework I have a lottie to dig
a batch of jam is always an act of creation ..Christine Ferber
You can't beat a bit of garden porn
Trimmed creeper next door, chopped it up, put on compost heap, turned compost.
Cut down grass along all bed edges. Cleared ground around 2 lovage bushes, put 4 inches of compost around them.
Tied up toms that had fallen over, outside and inside. Watered very dehydrated toms.
Snipped the cucumber plants yellow leaves off, pulled off a creeper doing nothing on the uchiki kuri, just one large fruit on there.
Picked courgettes, runners, tomatoes, plums.
Got very wet.
But still had lots of fun
used a large yellow courgette to make some pasta for tea.
also made some plum jam, and have tried making fruit leather for the first time (currently in the oven drying out as we speak!).http://pot-to-plot.blogspot.com/ My brand spanking new plot
- made 6 more jars of pickled courgettes
- made 1 bottle of blackberry whisky & 1 blackberry vodka
- froze 1.2kg sliced courgettes
- went up lotty for a carrier bag of shelly beans
- pulled up 5 bendy buckets of seeding weeds. The little uns can wait
- added another water butt to my linked-up siphoning systemLast edited by Two_Sheds; 28-08-2010, 08:17 PM.All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.
Yesterday (too busy to post!!) we went foraging and got just under 20 pounds of mixed goodies. Elderberries, blackberries, rosehips and a few pears. Last night I washed and prepared and cooked all the fruit and put the elderberries, mixed with our cooking apples, to strain in a jelly bag overnight. Rose hips topped, tailed washed and frozen for later.
TODAY I made elderberry jelly (13 Bon Maman jars full)
Sieved the leftover pulped elderberries from the jelly bag
Sieved the blackberries and mixed with the above and made five 1lb bags of
prepared fruit for the freezer
Added the two combined above to Compost heap fruit from freezer and have made 8 jars of Compost Heap Jelly (which is lovely!)Last edited by Sanjo; 25-08-2010, 09:52 PM.
Pulled & binned 4 caulis that have been decimated by caterpillars - only 1 left - will it make it?? I have discovered if you give each leaf a few hard taps the caterpillars drop off and you can pick them off the soil
picked salad leaves, lettuce, cucumber and tomatoes for a lovely salad
picked 3 chillis for chilli con carne for tea
sowed more basil, pak choi, french beans and mangetout to see if they will do anything in the greenhouse.
Potted up 50+ primrose plugs & 30 viola to grow on for some nice autumn colour
picked a load of blackberrys and apples. hedge row jelly on the go. and also made blackberry marshmellows which was a new way to use up the excess blackberryshttp://pot-to-plot.blogspot.com/ My brand spanking new plot
Started two batches of sweet cucumber pickle, did a chunky one and a fine cut one. Used four large cucumbers and six crystal lemon - think i'm going to end up with rather a lot of it!!! Harvested a load of fruit / veg and pulled out the crystal lemon plant from the greenhouse as it has now all but given up the ghost. Watered & fed toms, made a mental list of all thats still to do in the GH & garden - lots & lots!
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