I've read down through this page - good for everyone. All that activity has left me tired, though, can I have a cuppa now?
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What I Did Today Archive - 2010
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My hopes are not always realized but I always hope (Ovid)
Apart from bottling a load of tomatoes and freezing some more r beans today I mostly cut up a tree! Yesterday my son did some 'extreme topiary'. We had a 'dead' tree in the garden when we moved in 11 years ago and about 2 years later it became 'the tree that isn't dead', we never knew the variety but it grew and grew and produced millions of berries. We kept saying we must trim it but never quite got round to it until yesterday when DS climbed the ladder and took it down. It is now a stump about 3ft high and there is so much light at that end of the garden, enough that my veggie plot will be extended again. All I have to do is chop up the thinner braches and get them to the recycling point next Saturday.
- dug about 100 dandelions out of the lawn (again) and re-seeded the grass
- salted 245 slugs
- bought even more seeds in Wilko (75% off)
- tried & failed to buy New Horizon peat free compost (it's brilliant stuff)
- dug up a dozen violas from lotty and transplanted at school
- botted 6 elderberry & redcurrant, and 6 dandelion & apple wines
- 1st day of school Garden Club: planted 40 viola & shelled a carrier bag of beans with themLast edited by Two_Sheds; 18-09-2010, 08:06 AM.All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.
trimmed the edges of the allotment plot and began pulling up weeds that have accumulated around the bottom of the plot.turned over some more weeds and took them to council composting site.
came back to garden and deadheaded calendula and cosmos.Spiderpig
Today i went to wilkos to get some jap onion sets. i'll be attempting to grow these in containers. i also ordered some overwintering garlic and a few Polka raspberry canes. now im spent up!http://pot-to-plot.blogspot.com/ My brand spanking new plot
Not been on here for ages it seems. Since last post i've been busy dealing with 2 carrier bags of scrumped apples, 3lbs plums donated from my mother, and 6lbs Damsons given to me by my friend & dog sitter! 1st batch of Damson & Apple Jam done, plums in freezer until a later date, and Gin & Vodka top of the shopping list to get the rest of the Damsons done!! My veg patch is looking rather sad at the moment, the peas are finished, the beans are almost finished, the PSB is crawling with caterpillars, the carrots are almost finished, the cucumbers are dead, the tomatoes are still producing but have been rubbish this year as has the courgettes. Time to take stock, have a tidy up & make battle plan for a more successful year next year!
No gardening yesterday because of grandson's first birthday party (spent the day baking instead), but having tried the plum sorbet recipe (delicious) thought I would make a raspberry and redcurrant one so removed rasps & currants from freezer and simmered to release juice. Now got to put them through a jelly bag.
ive made the first few batches of tomato passata. i'll freeze them for use throughout the winter. ive also started some blackberry vodka. i think ive added a bit too much sugar, but i like it sweet so shouldnt be too bad!http://pot-to-plot.blogspot.com/ My brand spanking new plot
Picked many pounds of tomato's to heavy to carry home, pulled all the sweetcorn as the fox has eaten all of it and had a tidy up (inspection due)
Planted out 24 Spring Hero ball headed spring cabbage in three pockets!My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)
Diversify & prosper
Planted 50 Tulip & 50 Crocus bulbs in the bird feeder bed, finished weeding it, edged it & was going to re-spread it with a bark chipping mulch but my back refused to cooperate so that is left for another day. It does look loads better already though, & will look even better in spring when all the bulbs make an appearance. Started a batch of Damson Gin & Autumn fruits Vodka too.
- picked 3 carrier bags full of elderberries: started "port"
- picked a carrier bag of shelly beans for freezer
- picked 2 bags of blackberries for the "port" and hedgerow chutney
- weeded for 9 hours (chickweed & grass mainly)
- scored a tray of 40 viola for 20p in Homebase
- collected & packeted lots of flower seeds from the lotty, for school Garden Club
- took more fuchsia & pelargonium cuttings
- emptied the pallet compost bin & used the contents to mulch the celeriac bed
- mulched the worst weedy bits with wet newspaper topped with compost
- brought Numex Twilight & Lemon Drop chillies indoors to ripen (south facing windowsill)
- started chopping down the tomato plants in gh
- potted on successfully rooted perennials: passiflora, hebe, jasmine, honeysuckle
- bottled my fruit vodkas and whiskies, now stored for the festive seasonLast edited by Two_Sheds; 25-09-2010, 07:04 PM.All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.
Loaded a truck-load of jars from Piggy's place today the three of us, and then had some brekkie before heading from Blighty back to Wales.
Pigletwillie used to accuse ME of 'being Queen', but no, not today my friends....
This is a bloke that's chooks lay an Egg with not ONE yolk, but TWO....
And even with a Nat Sav, Trousers and Myself managed to nearly get divorced within a radius of about five square miles of Leicester Town Centre on the way back home, and we're not even married.
Personally, I have said this each and every time that we've visited The Piglets, and every single time getting so Furkin' lost......but I do mean it this time..... if I never visit Leicester again, it will be too soon my friends....
No disrespect, but I much prefer the farmyard that we live in now?!
And because I'm such a Grumpy Old Woman, (did I tell you that I'm nearly 50?!) I'd much prefer it if I didn't have to divorce Trousers every time I want a Piggy Hug, or a whole tin of Quality Street unceremoniously tipped into my lap.
Piggy. You're a quality bloke. Thank you for The Chinese and The Dead Slug.
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