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What I Did Today Archive - 2010


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  • Bought overwintering onion sets from Wilkinsons about 10 days ago (50 red & 50 yellow). Typical Wilko - no variety stated, but they were cheap. Today finally got round to setting them in cell trays to sprout. They will go on the lottie as soon as they are growing away (I PROMISE - no more bonsai veg).


    • I've been a 'Right Royal Welsh Lush' today I have?
      Because there's been a Breast Screening 'Lorry' in Tesco CarPark for Ages, and, unceremoniously, I had THAT done at 9.15am, having been invited to do so by letter (in Welsh and English), .....and I closely followed my appointment by recycling Cardboards and Plastics, in the bins next to it.

      And I bet the majority of you think that I lead a boring life?!X


      • Yay! my garlic arrived today. 2 HUGE bulbs of early purple wight. they smelly yummy already. just hope that the ones i grow are half the size of these two and taste as good as these smell. My brand spanking new plot


        • Made plum crumbles for the freezer. Finally got round to cutting back the pyracantha and put the prunings in the council bin. It looks amazing now, you can really see the berries (loads of them - glorious orange). Also cut out the fruited raspberry canes. Then rain stopped play.


          • Dug a trench and filled it with semi-composted waste. Topped it off with a bit of blood and bone and a touch of manure - to be ready for my onion bed next year!

            Sowed some Alisa Craig by way of experimentation with early sowing.

            Then went to work - what a downer!


            • picked some french beans and runner beans before the canes they are climbing up blow down did my sweet pea seeds in poly tunnel and planted some hyacinths into pots hopefully for c******mas time


              • I started my day by making some French Tarragon Herb Jelly, then Trousers dragged me out to Waitrose (other supermarkets are also available), where I met such a lovely lady who was also looking at the latest Sarah Raven Cookbook, and after a long chat, and a common interest in growing our own vegetables, we exchanged telephone numbers, finding that we live and garden just four miles apart, and I'm sure there's a lovely new friendship there somewhere.

                And I ended my day by making 6 jars of Mint Jelly, sterilising about a hundred jamjars and lids, cleaning and tidying the entire farmhouse kitchen in readiness for another day of preserving the bounty of The Funny Farm Garden tomorrow, and, stopping myself in my tracks, just to thank 'the powers that be', for just everything that's making me happy right now.
                Last edited by wellie; 26-09-2010, 02:25 AM.


                • - sent off my application for levels 1 & 2 of the RHS Campaign for School Gardening thingy
                  - did more mulching & compost shifting on the lotty
                  - scraped 4 bin liners full of leaves from the bike lane
                  - put down the raised bed at school, & decided to have a go at lasagne composting
                  - covered a 2nd area with cardboard & bags of leaves, to kill the weeds
                  - planted lots of onion sets with Garden Club (Radar & "Wilko unknowns"
                  Last edited by Two_Sheds; 01-10-2010, 07:19 PM.
                  All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                  • Yesterday i finally finished off the bird feeder bed by spreading two huge bags of bark chippings over it as a lovely thick mulch, and if i do say so myself it looks rather tidy & wonderful. I'm sure the blackbirds will have great fun spraying the bark all over the path over the coming days too! Afterwards i have a good tidy up in the greenhouse and half filled the garden bin with choppings, prunings and general weeds.
                    keen but (slightly less) clueless


                    • Having defrosted 4 litres of frozen Redcurrant Juice yesterday from the chest freezer, today's tasks included making Redcurrant Jelly, and Redcurrant Jelly with Port.

                      And having some freshly-chopped French Tarragon left over from Herb Jelly-making yesterday, I've just made two jars of Tarragon Grain Mustard for my bulging Squirrel Cupboard.

                      I think there's a new period drama being screened on the telly tonight, so I shall prolly chop a load of red chillies whilst I'm ensconced in it. Someone remind me later not to tickle the cat's ears until I've washed my hands?!


                      • I raked and mowed the lawn and planted some bulbs in a pot then deadheaded and sprayed the roses.


                        • Erected our frame of tennis balls, canes and netting to protect the PSB (thanks to whichever kind grape gave the tip). Redid the raspberry supports as the top wire wasn't high enough. Harvested beetroot, one BNS (experiment to see if it'll ripen in the GH) and the pumpkin which is a lovely shade of orange . Got smoked out and covered in ash from someone elses bonfire
                          Made four plum crumbles (one to eat and three for the freezer) and two apple crumbles also for freezer (am loving having a new freezer .more room yay ) Cooked and pickled the baby beetroot .
                          S*d the housework I have a lottie to dig
                          a batch of jam is always an act of creation ..Christine Ferber

                          You can't beat a bit of garden porn


                          • Cleared the tomato plants out of the greenhouse and removed the outside ones which were blight stricken.

                            Cleared 3 pumpkin plants and 3 cobnut squash plants, all of which had produced 1 fruit each which have now been harvested, and the remaining sweetcorn plants, as the last 3 hadn't produced any viable cobs.

                            That bed now looks pretty empty but is ready for a delivery of horse manure which I hope to pick up in the next week and which I'll store there until the other beds are emptied and ready for 'digging in'.



                            • Weeded, removed grass and dug over a small amount of the area of land I have been allowed the use of for a veg plot. Going up tomorrrow as I have a day off work so am praying it does not rain.
                              My allotment


                              • Took the tent down, don't think it will be needed again this year. Weeded daughter's front garden and brought the bits round to mine for composting. Cooked up some of the windfall apples.


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