Devoted the day to my chooks.
Gave them new straw and collected 17 eggs!
Cleaned them all out (all three coops) which was a bit of an onerous task.
Cleaned and resited a laundry basket I use as a nestbox to try and stop them crapping in it!
Finally sprayed inside each coop with permethrin to kill any bugs. Topped up there water and pellets.
Spread the manure directly onto vacant pockets of land.
Made a note that I must go round replacing japanese onion sets that have ben pulled out by the birds, flaming vandals!

Gave them new straw and collected 17 eggs!

Finally sprayed inside each coop with permethrin to kill any bugs. Topped up there water and pellets.
Spread the manure directly onto vacant pockets of land.
Made a note that I must go round replacing japanese onion sets that have ben pulled out by the birds, flaming vandals!