cut back my grape vine to 4 leaves after fruit (hope i've not killed it) potted on my asparagus, picked strawbs and peas, collapsed in chair with glass of wine and chilled. long hard day at work!!
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What I Did Today Archive - 2010
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Yesterday, my dear husband planted 3 sweet potato vines for me. Today he planted 3 butternut squash plants in our last grow-bag, and bought me 3 more poly-bags in which I plan to plant carrots and onions, and not sure what else. He discovered some larger bags that should work well for swede, as we have no room in the ground in our garden. We watered LOTS, and gave drinks of compost tea to courgettes, cucumbers, and okra. That's a first--hope they survive!! Hubby waged war with black fly on the okra this morning. I have about 3 little pods growing on each of the 13 or so plants, and I'm very excited about this! Can't remember what else we did, except rearranging the patio to make room for the sweet potatoes, etc, and, as I always TRY to remember to do, I made notes in my garden diary of the items we planted. Oh, I did plant a little row of radishes in a trough for hubby to enjoy.
Yesterday i planted out early & late leeks (probably a bit late but they were homeless until now). Planted 35 early & 25 late with a load more earlies left over but the bed is full for now. I may dot them in amongst the flower beds though, i'm sure the flowers won't mind and the OH doesn't know the difference between a flower & a leek anyways
Not much today, Had a spare hour between work to plant 16 cauliflowers and 1 courgette. They were in the greenhut until last week, then hardened out in the cold frame.
Need to update my album. Things going great guns.Pictures of my plot.
Pulled up some onions..........some had white rot, some didn't! Hung up the decent ones to dry out and put the infected ones to one side. They were half and half autumn planted Senshyo and sprring planted Sturon.
Other onions, of which I have numerous types are nowhere near ready, but the Golden Bear grown from seed are looking particulary good.
Planted Walking Stick cabbage and Chrysanthemums in area vacated by onions.
Took the bottom leaves off my toms i have in pots, sideshooted them and put another tie on them. Put a small handfull of BFB around each plant and watered it in well. In pots I have Berner Rose, Brandywine Pink, Cherry Fox, Golden Queen,Roma and Zukertraube, 2 of each!
Sideshooted toms in other greenhouse which are Tigerello,Alicante and San Merzano.
Chillies I am growing are Anaheim,Red Cherry hot,Serrano,Fresno,Thai hot and Jalapenos. These were all fed with BFB and tied to their canes and watered.
Two projects for tomorrow are to weed around the sweetcorn,tomatoes and chrysanthemums in my third greenhouse. Also to replace the temporary (six months ago) polythene cover on part of my chicken runs with some rigid perspex that I've scrounged!My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)
Diversify & prosper
Harvested the Redcurrants, pruning them as i went along. Also pruned the goosegogs and sprayed them to get rid of the sawflies that are munching them. Also resorted to spraying my Damson tree which is absolutely covered, and i mean completly covered in greenflies and another horrible looking little beastie which is black & orange & looks like a tiny caterpillar without legs on the back half of its body!
Sowed a couple or 4 of courgettes to go in when the few potatoes I have in come out.
Planted the couple of PSB given to me to replace those gone wrong.
Need to dib in the leeks today and do a general tidy up.
Still worried about the heat and lack of rain."Orinoco was a fat lazy Womble"
Please ignore everything I say, I make it up as I go along, not only do I generally not believe what I write, I never remember it either.
- pulled up the broadies to make room for 10 ornamental gourds
- pulled up the garlic (tiny) to make room for 5 Harrier butternuts
- pulled up phacelia to plant 10 PSB
- pulled up Sweet William to plant another dozen climbing beans (Cherokee)
- planted 6 cukes amongst the peas which are nearly over
- watered strawbs, celeriac & spuds. Then everything else, as no rain for a month now
- started broad bean wine
- collected festuca, muscari, nigella, phacelia seed heads
- de-armpitted the toms & fed
- fed chillies
- harvested dried oregano & stuffed into a coffee jar
- potted on armpit toms & chillies
- Garden Club: planted up donated pots with pink & purple pretties, a dozen garish dahlias & a cuke. Kids sowed all kinds of seeds in different containers; painted stones with plant namesLast edited by Two_Sheds; 09-07-2010, 07:45 AM.All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.
Pulled up some onions and readied the area for PSB.Hung up onions to dry out. Weeded my sweetcorn,toms and chrysanths in greenhoue 3. Applied BFB to all and watered in well.
Planted up my six autumn/winter flowering chrysanths into flower buckets using old compost and new compost mixed with BFB. These will stand outside until toms are finished when hopefully they will go indoors to flower for Christmas.
Weeded some of my pathed areas (beginning to wonder whether weed seeds have been brought in with woodchippings applied to paths?)
Managed to salvage a couple of eggs from the ones broken by my eggeating chook! Grrrrrrr!!!!My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)
Diversify & prosper
Well, as it was our local Gala this week, and yesterday being the last day, I took Saturday off and spent the day at the Gala with the kids (after being on the float entered by the pub/club I bounce for - which came first)
So I went to work today instead - at the Castle.
And by the time I left I had two more trophies for my horticultural show sponsored, a show veg and herb garden to design, grow and plant for an eco housing exhibition, an outlet to sell my excess produce, the free use of a professional catering kitchen to make all my preserves, and a verbal agreement that all my preserves will be bought, professionally packaged and sold as part of a box set containing my preserves and a hand made pottery "jam pot" with the full marketing potential of the other business (high class pottery, rugs, fabrics etc)
All in all not a bad dayRat
British by birth
Scottish by the Grace of God
Just had a great day. I've been unwell for a month or so and a neighbour has been in and done the watering and essential garden chores helped by Mrs. Sarra who is really useless for anything like that without being told exactly what to do. Felt a lot better this a.m. and got up at 6. At 7, 5 neighbours turned up with their own tools and weeded, raked, hoed, prepared for compost etc. all the rubbish whilst I sat and watched. Had a strawberry breakfast with everybody at 8. We had Cambridge Favs., an old variety but my first choice.
Then I pottered round the garden just looking, mainly at fruit. The strawberries are nearly finished already (we ate them all) the rasps will be ready next few days, I ate the first one today but the autumns (Polka) seem more advanced than the summers (Glen Moy). The tayberries are ripening. The quince seems to have lost all its fruit but the medlar looks good. The eating cherries should be ripe next week and the morellos maybe 2 weeks. The gooseberries, despite loads picked whilst I was laid up, are still going strong, the reds are just coming in, and the rhubarb is ready for its last pullings. The currants will all soon be ripe. Toms in a few days. Lots of other things looking good despite neglect. Nice day with great neighbours.
Why didn't Noah just swat those 2 greenflies?
Why are they called apartments when they are all stuck together?
>If flying is so safe, why do they call the airport the terminal?
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