Moved my broad beans in loo rolls thats germinated into the greenhouse then potted on some Marigolds.
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What I Did Today Archive - 2010
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- tipped rainwater out of the seed trays AGAIN
- bought goosegog & rhubarb from Wilko's (for winemaking: I hate eating them)
- potted up a dark red dahlia to force some cuttings
- took the guinea pig to see the first open crocus. She weren't interested, it wasn't grassAll gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.
Originally posted by Two_Sheds View Post- tipped rainwater out of the seed trays AGAIN
Sowed some carrots (variety called Ideal from B&Q range) into a container and covered it with one of my newly converted water cooler bottle cloches.
Visited lottie and dropped some more stuff off. Quite a bit of standing water around but the farmer is putting some more trenches in around the site to help drain it better.
Gave my onions a stern talking to......following advice given by bigmally. Ithink it may be working.
What I didn't do was go to lottie as planned. Rain stopped play.S*d the housework I have a lottie to dig
a batch of jam is always an act of creation ..Christine Ferber
You can't beat a bit of garden porn
I finally ran out of patience today and sowed some seeds. Don't normally sow anything till March but we're nearly there so what the heck. Toms on windowsill above radiator and lettuce/cabbage by unheated window. A bloomin' miserable day and I just got fed up of not being able to do anything in the garden...there's only so much tidying up you can do in a greenhouse and I've rearranged things a dozen times now.
Took advantage of the lull in the weather and dug over 1 of the raised beds (just where does all that grass come from??).
I must be getting older as it took me all day to do the one, still 1 + 2/3rds to do of the 4 (onions overwintering nicely in the 4th).
Still, got to watch the birds on / around the hedge feeder in my rest spots.Last edited by dogsbody; 27-02-2010, 05:16 PM.The cats' valet.
Sown some more Marigolds, peas and geraniums.
Potted up Costoluto and garden pearl toms.
Moved broad beans, peas, sprouts, leeks, beetroot and spinach into greenhouse.
Cleaned out the garage.You have to loose sight of the shore sometimes to cross new oceans
I would be a perfectionist, but I dont have the time
Re-felted garden shed roof.
Went to lottie and tacked the felt down on the shed, put some more screws in to hold the roof on a bit better, weighted the empty compost bin down with a building slab and left four more in the shed to give it some more weight in preparation for what are likely to be windy conditions tomorrow given the storm that's coming up through France!
As regards gardening- work stopped play
Came home marvelled at broadies popping up got jealous of OH cos he saw the auto vent open (first time) and I didn't.
Made a cheesecake.S*d the housework I have a lottie to dig
a batch of jam is always an act of creation ..Christine Ferber
You can't beat a bit of garden porn
Potted on moneymaker, garden pearl and roma tomatoes, sowed Lyon 2 Leeks, tagetes and parsnip seeds - all while sitting in the kitchen watching magpies, crows and wood pigeons fight over the fat balls on the apple tree. The poor blue tits didn't get a look in today!come visit a garden
or read about mine
true to form, i cleared some brambles today. Very satisfying as I'd been eyeing one up last year but couldn't get to it as it was in the middle of some flowering.
pulled up everything that didn't look good.
Pricked out some tomatoes, hardening off broad beans and early peas (feltham first). Seriously running out of space so may turf them out in a day or two, worried about hard frosts but i am ever hopeful.
sowing a whole load of stuff.
first time properly out in the garden for a while, was lovely.
Stapled black plastic to the inside edges of my pallet compost bin (thanks for the tip Jacob) - I haven't been able to use it properly yet, as I needed to do this so had to leave it pretty empty. Then I forked most of the old compost bin into the new one, to mix it all up - and was thrilled to bits to discover that I have proper compost in the bottom of the old one!Dug over a little bit of the bed that will be for my roots, but had to stop as my back was saying enough was enough.
Finished digging over and manuring my peas and beans bed yesterday, hurrah! I seriously need to think about re-sizing my beds I think, as they are so bloomin' massive. 20' x 5'!!
Onion sets from T&M arrived today, 3 out of the 4 packs I ordered. Need to get on with digging over that bed now, but the chooks are still on that one, so will have to move them first... (Garlic is in modules on the patio, and is sprouting well).
Now having a well earned glass of wine and off for a soak in the bath, probably won't be able to move tomorrow...!Life is brief and very fragile, do that which makes you happy.
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