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What I Did Today Archive - 2010


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  • Very lethargic today. My green globe and violettia di chioggia arts are up, and the toms are going great guns. Planted out lupins into the bed in front of the house then retreated back indoors with the cat to watch a man install a boiler. Then cooked supper of lamb chops over the fire in the sitting room using the toast thingy from an aga, much to OHs amusement ('I do love you darling, but you're such a savage') It worked a treat, and we had delicious bbq without having to endure any weather or fuss.
    The Impulsive Gardener

    Chelsea Uribe Garden Design


    • Today I started taking photos of my rice trials at work. I'm a little bit worried though as this is my first time growing rice, and i've noticed they are going a bit yellow. So I think it has something to do with the phosphorus in the water. We shall see i'll try and do a blog about it.


      • - Tried and failed to build my Rhino greenhouse. Called a man who can
        All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


        • Planted up 25 (yes twenty five) 55cm pots with 3 varieties of potatoes.

          Ran out of pots before I ran out of pots so gave some King Edwards to a mate across the road.
          The cats' valet.


          • nice & warm, quite a lot of sun today, spent all day on the lotty
            - planted Mr Little's Yetholm Gypsy & (Tesco) Rooster spuds
            - planted more chitted Profita peas
            - planted out a row of lettuce my neighbour kindly gave me
            - planted out more Red Baron onion sets (a lot were mouldy)
            - planted out snowdrops & violets that Rustylady gave me
            - started to sort the strawberry bed: some are going to Victoria26
            - made more plant labels out of louvre door slats (painted white)
            - transplanted the redcurrants (from Rustylady) in their final positions
            - turned over a Dalek & spread the contents on the bed
            - planted s/s nemophila round the lotty borders & on the bike lane behind my house
            - dug out a bag of nettles for Nerobot
            - sowed 120 leeks in modules (Snowstar, Musselburgh & Carentan 2)
            - sowed Little Gem lettuce in 3" pots
            - potted on chillies & tomatoes
            - started hardening off the onion seedlings (they are very wimpy looking, very thin)
            Last edited by Two_Sheds; 02-04-2010, 08:29 AM.
            All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


            • Trousers and I spent quality time in the kitchen garden (arguing, as usual, but anything else would seem unnatural?!) and we got loads of Fruit Trees and Bushes planted and the soil around them suitably fed as well on the strength of it.

              Rather beautifully, my first sowing of Sweetcorn 'Incredible' germinated on the Rayburn last night, as did the Pumpkin 'Turks Turban'.
              Is it just me? or can anyone on this entire planet germinate any seeds pertaining to Snakes of Sicily? I try every single year, and I fail so very miserably, however hard I try?
              And I so wanted to brag to Don Vincenci just ONCE that I'd succeeded?
              But yet again, I cannot My Friend?X


              • hubby planted out early onward peas, broad beans and parsnips,then planted a few more early onwards indoors to fill up the space in the bed. Will plant some green shaft peas indoors next week after our hols. Planted a few iceberg lettuce seeds bought at local seed fair yesterday which was a bit disappointing as only really 2 stalls actually selling seeds and only maybe another 2 selling plants. Bought iceberg and pepper seeds from 1 stall Rebekah's seeds (anyone heard of them) as both our iceberg and pepper seeds we already planted are duds well the icebrgs were last years and had no joy then so decided to give them one last try this year before buying more. Decided to wait till after hols to plant new pepper seeds as want to be here with them. Entrusting 17 yr old daughter with rest of the seedlings but hoppefully they won't need much watering a this time of yr. Hubby finally set the waterbutt up properly instead of catching the water in buckets and pouring it in he has put a gutter on the shed as he couldn't cut through the cast iron drain pipes.


                • I potted on my tomato plant's into 6" pots, pricked out my leek's, sweet Williams and sweet peas while sat out in the sun, which managed to stay out all day I might add.


                  • Work got in the way
                    S*d the housework I have a lottie to dig
                    a batch of jam is always an act of creation ..Christine Ferber

                    You can't beat a bit of garden porn


                    • Started some home-brew wine from a concentrate bought from the brew shop, got the rest of last year's plums out of the freezer for another batch. Set Sturon onion sets in cells, sowed leeks and red sunflowers.


                      • Lost the will to live..........

                        This flaming chicken house and run is taking FAR longer than I anticipated but I need to get those chooks out of my greenhouse.

                        All thats left to do now is cut pophole, make nestboxes and roosting bars, repair bottom edges of second hand shed, felt the roof and use up remaining scraps of wire mesh around bottom edge of run sides to try and deter Roland. Have loads of tin sheeting that needs burying around edge of run also.
                        Once I get the chooks re-housed I should actually be able to get a bit of gardening done!
                        My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
                        to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

                        Diversify & prosper


                        • As i am spending a long weekend visiting my parents, no gardening for me this weekend. However we did manage to visit a local garden center (well, it would be rude not to!) and i bought 2 evergreens and a beautiful fritillaria, also acquired a large bag of snowdrops!
                          Last edited by Newbie; 28-03-2010, 03:46 PM.
                          keen but (slightly less) clueless


                          • Sowed a couple of cucumber seeds and put them in mini propogator and took the basil seedlings out. Moved them to the greenhouse to keep the tomatoes company.
                            Planted the blackcurrant and moved the tayberry from the big pot where it has been for the last year to it's permanent home.
                            Made a Square foot grid from canes for the new SFG bed, planted out 24 onions (seedlings from the autumn) and 9 cloves of garlic and planted 3 strawberries which have been in pots since last autumn, all in the SFG bed.
                            Cleared out the shed, throwing away some ancient plant food and 'stuff' in boxes where the writing had faded so much couldn't tell what it had been! Now have some pots and trays to recycle at the local GC next week.
                            Oh, and moved 2 mini houses up to a sunnier part of the garden to house a couple of tomatoes later in the year.
                            Now sipping a cuppa and admiring the results of our hard work.


                            • Homebrew from concentrate is fizzing nicely. Plums and raisins in brewing bucket with sugar, water and yeast. Tidied up a bit in the garden. Gone cold and dark now, looks like its going to rain.


                              • Over the weekend I

                                Started some seeds off, summer crookneck squash x 2, wautoma cucumber x 2 and waltham butternut x 3.(sow more of each at end of April)
                                Moved dwarf french beans into the ploytunnel and started some more in root trainers.
                                Finished planting my early spuds
                                Finished woodchip path at bottom of plot and started to dig the trench for the double row of climbing beans that will grow in front of said path.

                                Checked on tomato plants as last night left them in the PT overnight for first time.


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