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What I Did Today Archive - 2010


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  • Went to work. Person due on next shift phoned in sick. Contacted Manager. Ended up working a nine hour shift. Then found that I have no work in 3 weeks. Totally p***** off and wondering why I bother.


    • Originally posted by amandajcd View Post
      Not an awful lot, blinkin' weather Not that I mind the rain myself, I'm Irish after all!, but I do mind it when I've got a complaining four and two year old in tow. Bought a couple of saxifrage for the new rockery while doing the weekly shop, so a small element of gardening crept into the day.
      yes I have the same problem...I don't mind the wet and cold too much if well wrapped up, but the two 7 year olds, and 4 year old not so keen!
      lets hope its better next week.
      Gardening forever, housework whenever!


      • Potted on a few squashes/courgettes, rudbeckia into individual cells, and sowed a few cells of nigella and Bo Jangle Marigold. I also put a lot of stuff in the cloche and then refilled my window sills with various toms and chillis.


        • Looked out the window at the rain, then switched on the pc! Maybe it will dry up a bit later


          • Took the dogs out for a walk and it is freezing brrrrr. Hope to get out and get some rosemary and bay cuttings started
            Updated my blog on 13 January



            • Thought about doing housework ............then booted up the poota . Say no more
              S*d the housework I have a lottie to dig
              a batch of jam is always an act of creation ..Christine Ferber

              You can't beat a bit of garden porn


              • Potted on my 3rd of January sown Cayenne chillies into 5" pots. Dibbed out my Black Cherry toms into 3" pots. Sowed a dozen more Salmon flowered peas - suddenly thought I might not have enough!
                Did some more weaving on my very first basket but had to stop as my Brown willow isn't soaked enough. Will do more on Friday!
                Whoever plants a garden believes in the future.

       Updated March 9th - Spring


                • Sowed all my tom varieties, butternut squash, beets, mangetout, spring onions and perpetual spinach into modules and put into the green house in my conservatory.

                  Yes I have a green house in my conservatory, but only temporary so my dog does not eat all my seedlings !!!


                  • Started construction of some wooden frames to edge the beds I am planning. Bought all the timber, but forgot the nails!

                    Planted out shallots and artichokes.


                    • To be perfectly honest, I could have done without my Early, Mid and Late Leeks deciding to germinate so sporadically, but hey! so I sowed some more seeds in modules today, just to ensure that I have zillions rather than nillions.
                      After all, what can one NOT do with a Leek? Answers on a miniscule postcard.X


                      • I went up to the allotment with some garlic that had been sitting in modules for ages and making me feel guilty every time I looked at them. I planted them out and some onions that I hadn't finished last time.
                        I was the only one up there as it was VERY windy, cold and wet but dressed like Scott of the Antarctic I kept going and weeded the parsley bed ( and felt very virtuous as I came home to thaw out)


                        • today got my potatoes in up the allotmant(rocket) and a row of shallots(red sun)..put some shallots in at home and weeded my winter onions,got one asparagus shoot coming through! also put some pink fir potatoes in also at home..
                          totally mad on growing veg and keeping bantams!!!!


                          • Dug over new 4x4 ft bed for her indoors.
                            Found most of my direst sown seedlings dying following thunderstorm+ cloudburst that has flattened them totally.


                            • Marvelled at my garlics sprouting and half-fixed the zip on the cr@ppy plastic greenhouse which has been broken since we got it. Also got grumpy at my other half, who has lost the receipt...


                              • Yesterday, put down some potatoes - just ahead of Good Friday.

                                Saw the firsrt pumpkin seedling is showing in the kitchen.

                                Chllie seedlings are also coming along.
                                My hopes are not always realized but I always hope (Ovid)




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