- spent 3 hours weeding (mostly dandelion, speedwell & bindweed)
- sowed a row of spicy salad
- picked loads of lovely lettuce (4 kinds) & planted out another row
- planted out the Jan onion seedlings (pathetic specimens) & spring onions
- planted out sweet peas, alyssum & cerinthe
- made up another hanging basket
- watered a baby mouse who was sat in one of my Daleks: he just sat there looking miserable
- pricked out the best 40 celeriac seedlings, and composted the rest
- pricked out & thinned drastically the viola seedlings, leaving 160 to grow on
- sowed more radish
- mulched spuds with wet newspapers & grass clippings
- the spring onions in greenhouse have finally decided to grow, so started hardening them off
- decanted some of the home Dalek to the lotty in carrier bags on my bike (not pleasant)
- then took the whole lot off and found 2/3 of it was perfectly rotted & spreadable
- cleaned out the garage, took cardboard to lotty for mulch
- set up 3 water butts off new greenhouse, linked together
- the leeks are starting to bolt, so dug them up and made a vat of soup
- sowed a row of spicy salad
- picked loads of lovely lettuce (4 kinds) & planted out another row
- planted out the Jan onion seedlings (pathetic specimens) & spring onions
- planted out sweet peas, alyssum & cerinthe
- made up another hanging basket
- watered a baby mouse who was sat in one of my Daleks: he just sat there looking miserable
- pricked out the best 40 celeriac seedlings, and composted the rest
- pricked out & thinned drastically the viola seedlings, leaving 160 to grow on
- sowed more radish
- mulched spuds with wet newspapers & grass clippings
- the spring onions in greenhouse have finally decided to grow, so started hardening them off
- decanted some of the home Dalek to the lotty in carrier bags on my bike (not pleasant)
- then took the whole lot off and found 2/3 of it was perfectly rotted & spreadable
- cleaned out the garage, took cardboard to lotty for mulch
- set up 3 water butts off new greenhouse, linked together
- the leeks are starting to bolt, so dug them up and made a vat of soup