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What I Did Today Archive - 2010


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  • - potted on Anaheim & Holy Mole chillies (there are 1" fruits on the Cayenne) & tomatoes
    - sowed BNS (Hawk & Harrier) & ornamental gourds (for school)
    - sowed more bedding plants & extra for school
    - sowed Serbian French beans in loo rolls
    - planted out spring onions & Clarion lettuce
    - planted out 3 courgette & 3 sweetcorn, under bottle cloches (need the room in GH)
    - mulched blackcurrants with the 2nd chop of comfrey (which is about to flower)
    - scolded the mummy mouse who has had her babies in one of the Daleks
    - picked a carrier bagful of lettuce
    - planted out hardy annual bedding (echium)
    - took cuttings off white bedding dianthus
    - dug 2 bendy buckets full of dandelions out of the back lawn, with a daisy grubber
    - had to water the back garden: no rain for a fortnight now
    Last edited by Two_Sheds; 16-05-2010, 08:32 PM.
    All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


    • Originally posted by Two_Sheds View Post
      - - scolded the mummy mouse who has had her babies in one of the Daleks
      With Hot water !
      You have to loose sight of the shore sometimes to cross new oceans

      I would be a perfectionist, but I dont have the time


      • Edged all the the flower beds, did a spot of weeding as i picked up all the clippings, Pricked out 10 Brocolli, 6 Spinach, 8 Lupins, 9 Yellow Chard & 5 clumps of Parsley. Also gave OH's leggy money plant a drastic haircut & fresh compost - he's less than happy but it looked cr@p before! Now getting ready before going out to dinner
        keen but (slightly less) clueless


        • Originally posted by Liza View Post
          With Hot water !
          Not scalded, scolded: with v.cross words
          All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


          • At Castle Garden today - sowed Purple Cauliflower, Purple Carrots, Romanesco Brocolli, Chervil, Sorrel, Lovage, Giant Flat Parsley, Tuscan Kale, Sprouts and Verbascum
            Planted an apple tree and a plum tree
            Strimmed grass round fruit cage and fruit trees.
            Repaired the hose that runs down the cliff to the veg patch.
            Earthed up Highland Burgundy tatties
            Started weeding the courtyard garden, after cutting back 2 Rambling Rector roses, and suveral clematis that had totally over-run two apple trees.
            Last edited by sewer rat; 15-05-2010, 08:38 PM.

            British by birth
            Scottish by the Grace of God



            • Lovely and warm today. Planted out sweetcorn, celeriac, borlotti beans, beetroot and spring onions and 3 toms in raised beds. Planted out yellow scallop courgette in wheelbarrow and lupins, cornflowers and hollyhocks in flower border. Also planted some cornflowers inbetween sweetcorn. Watered everything as the ground is bone dry. Left toms outside for the night as no frost forecast and moved cucs into greenhouse. Put down slug wool around the edge of raised beds.
              AKA Angie


              • ohbeary... you are DEAD in trouble if I find out that that's Welsh for something rude?!
                On the other hand, if it's Cornish for something equally as rude, I'm going to get my mate Piskie onto you too?! Look forward to getting to know you.X.
                Today, I did mostly mow the grass. Once the grass is mowed, I find that you can then get much more 'semblence of order' and position plants that want planting - a kind of 'better feel' for the space around you. And then I watered the Brassicas that I planted yesterday, because they were wilting a tad.


                • No frost forecast, in fact lowest forecast was 5c and then -1 overnight

                  Well, yesterday was the big day of the year.

                  Climbing french beans, trail of tears went out. Zazens pinto beans went out. Another 5 courgette plants, squash, outdoor cucumbers all went out.
                  Loads of lettuce was transplanted out, also red and white beetroot, perpetual spinach, rocket.

                  The tomatoes were planted in the greenhouse, together with small french marigolds.

                  I did cover all the cucurbits with buckets, and tried to put some fleece round the climbing beans and all do appear fine this morning.

                  But after going out late last night and seeing how it was 0c already, I decided to act on the tomato/greenhouse back up plan, which I have had in place for 2 years and never needed to use before. A large terracotta pot was placed over a tall candle, the candle lit and I retired for the night.
                  This morning the greenhouse was warm, the candle still it, the pot toasty and loads of condensation on the glass. That is one method, I am definitely going to use again!
                  "Orinoco was a fat lazy Womble"

                  Please ignore everything I say, I make it up as I go along, not only do I generally not believe what I write, I never remember it either.


                  • Took down my pea netting from last year. Dug over a 4 foot X 12 foot bed. Erected pea netting (expandable wire mesh) along length of bed after first knocking in foor X 8 foot metal support poles for the 6 foot netting.

                    Couldn't decide what to plant next to it as I have purple podded peas, Ne plus ultre peas, borlotti bean, scarlet runner beans,shop bought butter beans and various climbing french beans to choose from.

                    I will be making a serie of wigwams and another 12 foot long bed so I need to work out in my head what goes where.

                    I then helped my allotment neighbour to put up the support framework on his huge industrial polytunnel. Too windy to put plastic on though.

                    After putting the hose on the plot before I left, I notice it has rained overnight...........typical!
                    My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
                    to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

                    Diversify & prosper


                    • Yesterday we moved the blowaway green house to a new 'temporary' home and moved all the plants into it. Cleared the bed where it stood to prepare for today.
                      Today DH, DS and myself put the 'new' greenhouse up, well to be accurate I stood and supported sides, held bits and handed up the glazing clips at the right moment, they did all the rough, tough, manly stuff. I now have a lovely 6x6 aluminium greenhouse courtesy of my aunt and have to give it a good wash down so I can move the growbags in and plant tomatoes and cues. WHOOPEE!

                      Originally posted by womble View Post
                      A large terracotta pot was placed over a tall candle, the candle lit and I retired for the night.
                      This morning the greenhouse was warm, the candle still it, the pot toasty and loads of condensation on the glass. That is one method, I am definitely going to use again!
                      I tried this earlier in the year when the temps were really low and it is great isn't it. I have a parafin heater now but will try this method as much as possible

                      ETA: greenhouse now washed down inside & out and 5 growbags in place to warm up Well, if we get some sunshine now!
                      Last edited by Suky; 16-05-2010, 03:54 PM.


                      • Potted on toms into their final buckets and put them outside (hope there's no frost tonight). Pulled the dratted bluebell leaves out of the strawberry bed and watered and fed the strawberries. I must dig the whole thing out to get rid of the bulbs after this year's strawberries. Planted some more runner bean seeds directly into the wigwam as the frost got my bean plants that went on to the wigwam a couple of weeks ago.
                        Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                        • Went to the plot about midday, to sow Beetroot, radish, spring onion, chard, spinach, swede and turnip seeds, plus put in the last few onion sets (where there was gaps in the rows that have already grown), got the beetroot, radish and sprin onions in when I heard a mega buzzing noise!

                          Hive 3 was swarming, the plot was absolutely covered in flying bees, so sat down with a brew to watch where they landed, rang our beekeeping partners, then ran hom to get bee suits etc.

                          When I got back our friends had arrived at the plot, and we succesfully managed to capture the swarm from the branch it was in (overhanging our plot at about 10' high) and rehome it into one of the nucleus boxes that Lee built thru the winter!

                          Managed to get the onion sets in and one row of turnips, but had to call it a day then as Mr D was just back from work n hungry!
                          Suzanne (aka Mrs Dobby)

                          'Garden naked - get some colour in your cheeks'!

                          The Dobby's Pumpkin Patch - an Allotment & Beekeeping blogspot!
                          Last updated 16th April - Video intro to our very messy allotment!
                          Dobby's Dog's - a Doggy Blog of pics n posts - RIP Bella gone but never forgotten xx
                          On Dark Ravens Wing - a pagan blog of musings and experiences


                          • Weeded the front garden then planted out 24 stock plants and some nemesia grown from seed. Potted up some aubergines and planted some sunflowers. Then the rain came! Weather forecast said light grass frost so went out in the rain and put all toms and peppers and anything else that I thought was vulnerable back into gh. Put bell cloches over 3 toms already in raised beds and squash.
                            AKA Angie


                            • Today I dug over and weeded the last large L shaped bed on my plot WooP \o/ It's has now been completely dug and weeded, all in under 4 weeks

                              Just raking to do now and I'm set for this season (I hope!)

                              Photo to follow in profile album...

                              My Allotment Journal @
                              Google+ and Youtube



                              Updated Regularly-Last Update was 30-05-16


                              • Went out to my place with the girls this afternoon after OH returned from her 15 mile training run () but called in to see one of my clients en route - the girls got to see the thoroughbred horses ( including a grandson of Mill Reef), feed a pet lamb and see 4 x 8hrs old chicks. Then we went to the tunnel / one acre of mine and sowed peas, carrots, spring onions, chard, french beans and runner beans.
                                Watered chillies, toms and cukes.
                                Was going to plant out courgettes and pumpkins but it's still a wee bit nippy through the night as yet.
                                The brassicas I had already planted are looking a wee bit sorry - lack of rain, cold dry winds - not the easiest start in life I suppose.

                                British by birth
                                Scottish by the Grace of God



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