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What I Did Today Archive 2011


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  • Picked a great day for some annual leave, the weather was beautiful. Weeded out the strawberry bed and onions and garlic, and put up a frame for my sweet peas. Growing them for my wedding on June 18th, so fingers crossed they'll flower in time!
    Real Men Sow - a cheery allotment blog.


    • Yesterday was amazing, warm and sunny - spent some of it tidying the allotment.
      Today was cloudy with a biting wind - spent it in the garden mixing the soil to fill the carrot bed. Sieved the topsoil from the bed and mixed it with last years compost, some of the growbags from last years tomatoes and some horticultural sand to, hopefully, grow some decent carrots this year.
      Sowed some cabbage & some early lettuce as I am sort of following Terry Waltons veg challenge from GN.


      • Well today i moved my peas from the conservatory to the unheated green house. Only done this to try and slow them down. They are now about 7inch high but still to cold to put outside i think? Started off some more peas just in case Told the wife i have put my name down for an Allotment,she was not very happy as she thinks she will see less of me Did try to explain that Burnley has a 3 year waiting list,so i would be 40 by then But im still excited


        • After work I did my normal visit to the allotment to sort the chooks.

          Progressed a bit more with my greenhouse roof fter nearly falling off my rickety ladders..........twice!

          10 foot X 8 foot of my roof is now more or less sorted. The hard bit comes now when I try and sort the other couple of feet, with a wood burning stove flue sticking out of the glasswork!
          My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
          to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

          Diversify & prosper


          • Spent 4 hours digging over the new allotment and removed a fair bit of weed. Also dug up some spuds left by previous owner (bonus) ate spuds left by previous dinner with a chicken dinner YUM YUM. Put some of my seed potatoes in the spare room to chit.
            My allotment


            • more pulling up of the patio today, and clearing out my pots, to get rid. hoping to get some peas and beans started today...


              • What I did today

                I wanted to garden all day but thick fog and heavy rain have put me right off.
                I watered the seedlings in the greenhouse the broad bean plants for my tunnel are now nearly ready to transplant, and I took the sweet peas of the heat before they grow to much. The first lettuce seedlings (all year round ) are now up at last.


                • If the drizzle stops I'm going to plant out the Broad beans I've grown in 4" pots in a cold GH - now 6" tall.

                  - and hopefully remember to cover with some net!


                  • Bought two Elstar apples and a Cox's at Aldi. All now sitting in a water butt ready to be planted at the weekend!

                    After sorting chooks continued with my greenhouse rebuild. Don't ask why, cos its a long story, but I finished up with my rickety set of wooden ladders which are missing there bottom three rungs, being stuck in an old cast iron bath full of water and propped up against my greenhouse to work on the roof.
                    If I survived the fall from the ladders without breaking my neck..........I would have probably drowned in the bath anyway!
                    My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
                    to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

                    Diversify & prosper


                    • Went to the polytunnel and hoed, dug over and put rotted muck on three of the beds and 6 of the tanks, watered them all.
                      Weeded and pulled off any runners from the strawberries, watered them.
                      Planted the volunteer garlic I found in the garden earlier, planted some broad bean seeds.
                      Weeded the main path in the polytunnel, or at least my partner did, had help for a change, yay!
                      Spread some compost over one bed, and turned over the compost outside.


                      • Today i actually managed to get some work done in the garden! My Mam & Dad are here staying for the week so mam & I spent an hour having a good chopping down & tidying up session.
                        Last edited by Newbie; 11-02-2011, 11:47 PM.
                        keen but (slightly less) clueless


                        • Finally managed to pot up some red currant bushes, they have been sat in a jug of water waiting for the right moon day for over a week now.
                 Up-dated Regularly

                          Biodynamic grower in training


                          • had a very good day on the plot today.

                            finished making 2 compost bins from pallets.
                            transplanted 30 strawberry plants
                            moved 8 raspberry canes
                            planted a peach and apple tree (from aldi)
                            5 more bags from recycle centre (mainly on paths)
                            pulled more bramble roots out
                            my plot march 2013

                            hindsight is a wonderful thing but foresight is a whole lot better


                            • Planted two cordon red currant bushes and re-potted two gooseberries. Had a general tidy up and moves strawberries go gh.
                              AKA Angie


                              • - sowed lots more chillies & some Sungold tomatoes
                                - sowed celeriac too, all in heated prop
                                - moved the baby spring onions & hollyhocks to a cool windowsill
                                - restarted the rosehip wine for a 2nd time
                                - put the broad bean wine in the cold shed to try and clear it
                                - syphoned the elderberry port into DJs from the fermenting bucket
                                - brought the surviving pelargoniums (all pink) inside from the gh to force them for cuttings
                                - took the indoor peas to the cold gh to toughen them up ready for planting out
                                - took the turf off my lotty path & put it upside down in the school's raised bed
                                - spent 3 hrs pruning the school's buddleja
                                - and dug out a sack full of couch grass roots
                                - went out with a bucket collecting molehill soil for the school's new raised beds
                                - we won a �200 voucher to spend at GC, so spent an hour making up a wish list
                                Last edited by Two_Sheds; 18-02-2011, 10:41 PM.
                                All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


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