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What I Did Today Archive 2011


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  • Visited 2 local garden centres with my parents, then in the afternoon Mam & I planted my purchases: Twisted Hazel, Miniture iris x2, Aconites, Camelia x2, plus some others i can't remember!
    keen but (slightly less) clueless


    • what a beautiful day today!

      Some general tidying of the garden, organising seed trays etc.

      Then I potted up some of my tomato seedlings & popped a few lettuce seedlings into an old mushroom tray to keep indoors for some early salads.

      Then planted aubergine, gerkin & pepper seeds, plus the tomatos for the armpit challenge.

      Also finally picked the monster mushroom from my windowsill kit, it maxed out at 5 inches


      • spent 5 hours digging on the plot in between everyone winding everyone up. Hubby made me a compost bin I can now nove the heap left by previous owner into compost bin. Also got a 6 x 4 ex display shiplap shed for �100 for my lottie yay.....
        My allotment


        • Yesterday - it was a glorious day so did an hour in the garden whilst waiting for OH to get his act together and go and get grocery. Dug up 2 old shrubs (one I have no idea what it is, but it was big, bushy and boring! So, that's out and so is a miniature conifer that was languishing in very poor dry soil under the fence. It was half dead (literally) so that's out too! I am clearing the beds of stuff that we inherited when we moved here as I have bought some honeysuckle from T&M - it we're going to have shrubby stuff, it will have to be decorative, smell nice and be good for the insects! Then in the afternoon instead of watching the rugby I went to the plot. I am filling one of those big builder's bags with soil in which to plant carrots. My lottie neighbour did this last year as a solution to carrot root fly and it was a huge (literally and metaphorically) success. He had carrots the size of parsnips. My OH adores carrots ... if we have a gravy dinner then it is not a proper dinner unless carrots are involved! Pottered about a bit, planning the beds. OH came down to help me stake out the big bag and said "It's looking really tidy down here" (in a suprised tone!).


          • So far have glared at the weather..........
            S*d the housework I have a lottie to dig
            a batch of jam is always an act of creation ..Christine Ferber

            You can't beat a bit of garden porn


            • Doe the same Binley, RAIN RAIN and more RAIN today. Was a good day yesterday though and managed to get one of the new beds dug over. Also sowed 10 varieties of tomato and another tray of broad beans.


              • ......what makes it worse is I had to work yesterday and the next day I can get up there is Tuesday , and guess what the forecast is........
                S*d the housework I have a lottie to dig
                a batch of jam is always an act of creation ..Christine Ferber

                You can't beat a bit of garden porn


                • Can't seem to motivate myself to clean the greenhouse out sooooooooo going shopping as its to wet to go to the lottie and I have completed the work I need to get done on my assigment.
                  My allotment


                  • planted my aldi fruit bushes in the front garden...
                    May the road rise to meet you,
                    May the wind be always at your back,
                    May the sun shine warm upon your face,
                    The rains fall soft upon your fields and,
                    Until we meet again, May God hold you in the palm of His hand


                    • Been and met an amazing lady through freecycle who runs a duck sanctuary. Came home with over a hundred plant pots, guttering, 10 m of underground water pipe to make cloches, 3 bags of chicken manure and an invitation to return to find more bounty whenever I want. The rain had made me gloomy but that's put a huge smile on my face. Hooray for the human race. Now off to venture into the garage and find at least five items to put on freecycle to keep the karma flowing


                      • Today's been a fab freecycle day for me too.

                        Just been and collected this and look forward to putting it to good use

                        Fab freecycle fruit press by purplebint, on Flickr
                        Noob Gardening Blog updated 15th January


                        • Couldn't get to the garden or plot on Saturday when the weather was good... so spent Sunday clearing a pathway in the garden and then sowed some seeds - yay! Then emptied, scrubbed and burnt a sulphur candle in the greenhouse... felt fantastic to get started on the new season...


                          • I removed the entire contents of my allotment shed, swept it up, peered at the spiders, and put it all back again. Neatly.

                            Felt good to be able to move in there again.
                            Real Men Sow - a cheery allotment blog.


                            • Busy day today,planted 12 rhubarb crowns, 72 broad bean plants, dug 2 beds and allowed the chickens to roam free on them (and to scratch around the leafmould for 6 hours) to save me raking!


                              • Put my newly arrived International Kidney spuds to chit in egg boxes.
                                Granny on the Game in Sheffield


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