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What I Did Today Archive 2011


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  • Today I Did This:

    I've been researching my cookery books for some weeks now, to source recipes to provide for people taking part in our local village show Cookery Category, and I found two lovely recipes for cakes, so I made the time to actually make those cakes today, to ensure that the recipes came true in the end. One of them did, and one of them didn't, on account of the fact that the ground almonds were mentioned in the ingredients list, but they then neglected to make reference to them, or what to do with them in the method of cooking, and so I discovered that before it was too late... Aha!
    I'm not going to reveal the identity of the cakes yet, because I don't want to spoil the show, but suffice to say, peeps, you are just going to adore them!

    During that, I copied my most up-to-date Show Schedule compilation for Gina, which she's taken away now to begin typing.

    I removed all the seedlings of various tommies, aubergines etc. that have 'damped off' overnight in their own little pots, made up a fungicide solution to treat any further casualties with, and sown more seeds today of:
    *Ferline Tomatoes
    *Summer Cabbage
    and stuff
    * stuck a few supermeerkat Basil stems in a vase of water to try and get them rooted, pricked out a handful of Globe Artichoke seedlings, potted up the second lot of Broadie pre-germinated seedlings and begun hardening off my Banana Shallot/Red Onion/Leek and January Broadie seedlings.

    Then AFTER Breakfast........(!) joking, obviously


    • Didn't manage the allotment but have sown a tray of sweetpeas and my first caulies, then potted on some bulbs that I got out of a 10p bin to see if I can get them to live. Had a bit of a tidy in the front garden and started to tackle the bramble patch in my back garden (have only been here a month) until it got to cold. If I can get it cleared between now and the weekend I will fence it off and put some of my chooks there to clear the ground before putting fruit bushes in.

      Fingers crossed for the allotment tomorrow Up-dated Regularly

      Biodynamic grower in training


      • Yesterday after work, forked over 2 beds and fetched out the last of the leeks, some quite spindly (quite a lot of soup to be made today I think). Planted out some onion sets (Sturon) that I got from the �1 shop for 50p ... even more of a bargain, planted out some shallots that I found under the table in the garage when I had a clear out last week ... they've got two chances and erected my mini polytunnel. The shed at the plot is so full that I need to start getting stuff out of there - I can't actually get in to the shed. It's like the guards on Japanese commuter trains in Tokyo - I stand in the doorway and shove things in and shut the door quickly. It was great being at the site - watery sunshine, 4 or 5 of us about the place, someone had a bonfire and I could smell woodsmoke, the birds were singing fit to bust and the only other sound, the distant roar of Friday night traffic from the A34. Lovely!


        • did a couple of hors digging in the bonfire heap :-(
          now off to have a long hot soak in the bath
          My allotment


          • I finally got my veg patch today so worked out where my beds are going to go and got out some brambles and picked up a load of glass. Also went to B&Q for a few cheap packets of seeds.

            Trying to tame the mad thing called a garden and getting there I think!

            My Garden Mayhem...inspirational blog for me I hope! - updated 16/04/09


            • First of 2 raised beds in today, to be filled tomorrow. New trees arrived today, so put into pots, a quince, mulberry and medlar. Good day today, but boy oh boy are railway sleepers heavy.


              • Forked over a raised bed to dig the green manure in. Then sieved homemade compost into it to fill it. Hope the courgette plants are appreciative of my efforts later in the spring.
                Also direct sowed some Ambassador peas.
                come visit a garden
                or read about mine


                • Half erected the blow the frame up but suffered cracking of two of the connectors. I managed to adapt the design so it should still work.

                  I will get the cover on Tomorrow with balast in the form of grow bags from the lottie shop and hope it doesn't blow away !

                  Sowed my chitted beans in root trainers and half in the ground. Firmed them in like on country file last's hoping!

                  Sowed a tray of leeks autumn giant

                  Loving my allotment!


                  • Carried on working on the bramble patch at the top of my garden until I ran out of buckets to chop them up into, the goats will love me for them so not going to waste them, am pleased with how it's coming along. Should be able to set up a chook pen next weekend so they can finish clearing the ground
           Up-dated Regularly

                    Biodynamic grower in training


                    • Personally, I went for it 'big-stylie' today, because I've been beating myself up for being such a lazy bint for the last few weeks.

                      There was a bonfire on the go, so I just kept adding to it all day. My humblest apologies to anyone that thought our neighbour's bonfire was over yesterday and decided to hang their washing out to dry in the sunshine today......

                      Trousers utilised the roofrack of his van with a plank to stand on, to finally free the poor little autumnalis tree of it's strangling Clematis montana tyrant, and I heard it breathe once again in the sunlight.

                      I cleared underneath the Wisteria and rambling roses of all dead autumn leaves. Normally, you'd choose to leave them in situ to rot down, but these borders have been allowed that nicety for an eternity, and sadly neglected for so long, that perennial weeds have taken hold, which I need to deal with now. Besides, I have loads of dry woodash from our logburner saved to scatter at their feet, and a whole load of well-rotted to mulch with afterwards to my hearts' content.

                      Starting to get my gardening 'Mojo' back, and hugely motivated for the beds ahead this season now.

                      Even working towards opening my garden up in June? because the rambling roses are so beautiful, and then they're over forever until next year, but Trousers assures me that I'm taking on way too much again.......

                      Personally, I disagree.
                      and thank you for listening.X


                      • Cut and carried a load of willow donated by a plot holder to our Centenary garden ready to make a living willow archway over the path from one half of the garden to the other.......then work got in the way.
                        S*d the housework I have a lottie to dig
                        a batch of jam is always an act of creation ..Christine Ferber

                        You can't beat a bit of garden porn


                        • Had a great afternoon yesterday. Prepared the florist buckets I'm going to grow my parsnips in, planted some salad leaves under a cloche, weeded the onion and garlic and gave two of my beds a final dig over.

                          Went home and had a cup of tea and a massive slice of cake.
                          Real Men Sow - a cheery allotment blog.


                          • Yesterday-

                            put up the blowaway, filled pots and tubs with compost, sorted out the bird feeders and had a general tidy up


                            • - took photos of my seedlings: Flickr: 2_Sheds' Photostream
                              - planted chitted pea seeds direct in the ground
                              - marked out some more paths with string, sowed green manure on them (phacelia)
                              - visited RustyLady and took a clump of snowdrops off her in exchange for onions
                              - sorted about 1000 plant pots into correct sizes
                              - took germinated HH annuals out of heated prop and sowed some more
                              - sowed cornflower & beetroot in modules in gh
                              - put the garlic modules & stocks outside for some fresh air
                              - sorted out the strawberry bed, and potted up 18 runners for the school's garden
                              - hacked back the ivy & bramble on the fence
                              - pegged out some east-west paths in my beds
                              Last edited by Two_Sheds; 08-03-2011, 05:59 PM.
                              All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                              • Cleaned out two chook houses of............poooooooH!!!!!!! Planted some shallots randomly. Spent rest of time trying to join two different sized and shaped greenhouses together in a 'L' shape. Slow work, but I'm getting there.
                                My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
                                to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

                                Diversify & prosper


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