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What I Did Today Archive 2011


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  • did a bit more digging at lottie today very nearly all dug over. I suppose I could have finished it but I have squash tonight and last time I spent 5 hours digging on a sunday I couldn't move never mind run round a squash court for 40 mins.

    Went to the tip with 5 more bags of weed. Got a compost bin for home, rake and hoe for lottie all for the grand sum of �7 bargain.

    Tidied out the greenhouse and decided how many more sets of staging I need to order.
    My allotment


    • Yesterday: Dug over and weeded all 3 beds at OH mum's house and topped them up with topsoil, constructed polytunnel and put it over one of the beds. HAD A BONFIRE

      Today: Pulled up all dead plants for compost, cleaned out the bins and general garden area, repotted a few blueberries, washed the floor under all the pots, went to the garden centre and bought some new kit, bought some seed trays indoors with soil in to warm them up for planting. Washed a load of now empty pots, started sorting through seed packets.


      • Dug out all the couch grass from a 5 metre strip of the new lotty and planted first early spuds under a tunnel cloche.

        Planted all the potted garlic plants that were started in November.

        Prepared a bed and sowed parsnip seeds (fingers crossed).

        Dug a big hole and put a butlers sink in it which will be my new mini-pond.

        Ermm.... No think thats it


        • Sowed more broadies and peas into loo rolls, into cold g/h to be started off as it still feels so cold here outside. First lot of broadies and peas are up in the g/h
          Sowed parsnips into kitchen roll tubes again into cols g/h (MAN, they are fiddly to fill)
          Sowed more toms.
          Pricked out first lot of toms.
          Sowed calabrese, cabbages, caulis, sprouts, salads, leeks all into trays in the g/h.


          • Yesterday, dug part of trench for new polytunnel, planted some rhubarb seeds and sorted out the strawberry runners.

            Today, sowed a row of parsnips, helped make and fill a home made potato bag and planted some white Duke of Yorks, planted a third strawberry bag, sowed some Butternut squash seeds.

            Finished off with a general tidy up and sweep of the path.


            • Lovely day again today - went to plot this morning and barrowed some woodchips both to my plot and to the 'community' heap. Started digging my bean trench. It was so nice I went home early for lunch and then dragged OH back with me so that he could do some clearing (it's what he likes best) whilst I barrowed well-rotted horse manure and constructed bed edges with bricks. He has a low boredom threshold so we only did about 75 minutes, but progress has been made!


              • Retrieved a Butler's sink from a neighbours plot, (he was just going to smash it with a hammer to get rid of it ). Cleared around the greenhouse which is now ready for me to attack the brickwork base with an angle grinder which will ultimately end with me repointing it.

                Started the crazy paving "patio" at the side of the greenhouse, this will ultimately house my four apple trees, a couple of cold frames and be an area for the dogs to chill out in when completed.

                Filled five tubs with compost and placed some glass sheets over it hoping that it will warm through over the next few days ready for my herb seeds.

                Planted some shallots, stacked my sharp sand, bales of peat, grow bags and bags of mortar mix all nice and neatly and then finished of with a good clean-up and oiling of all my tools.

                Now, bring on the alcoholic ginger beer and a hot bath, I think I deserve it.
                It was dark. And cold. And very, very empty.

                And in the middle of all of the dark, cold, emptiness lay something darker, and colder, but very, very full.


                • Blow away erected and still in one piece. Now home to 20 broadies in root tubes, leeks sown in a tray, little gem seedlings in modules and grow bags for balast.

                  Dug over more beds at lottie and replanted some strawberry runners in pots of last years's hoping. Oh I also have an onion question.........

                  Loving my allotment!


                  • Constructed a living willow arch........fingers crossed now that it lives.......
                    Attached Files
                    S*d the housework I have a lottie to dig
                    a batch of jam is always an act of creation ..Christine Ferber

                    You can't beat a bit of garden porn


                    • Took Mum to allotment to have bonfire (her idea of heaven) and cleared loads of bramble and weeds and 'stuff' plus broke up some of the old compost bins that were only held together by ivy. All burnt now. Turned over some more ground to get the weeds and roots out. A lovely day


                      • Obviously seems to be the weekend for Bonfires as I had one too on Friday. Brilliant incinerator constructed for me by Mr Teez from an old oil drum. Managed to burn all the old lelandi and loads of rubbishy bits of wood.
                        Took delivery today of 20 bags of year old farm manure. Used it to fill three of my new beds in preparation for potato planting in a week or two. While waiting for it to arrive I finally got rid of the last of the heap of topsoil that has been sitting in the courtyard under a tarp for the best part of eighteen months! All bagged by hand (29 of them!) and carted up to the lottie in Mr Teez' new van.
                        I wonder if I'll be able to move tomorrow?
                        Just discovered that Vodka and Pomegranite juice makes a very refreshing, and restoritive beverage. Cheers!
                        When the Devil gives you Cowpats - make Satanic Compost!


                        • Finally got to spend some time on the lottie putting tyres in place and filling them with the rotted manure I have been saving for them to grow potatoes in, put half a border for my garlic bed (which has all been started off in pots as the plots were under about 6inch of snow), sorted out some of the sacks of manure and where they are going
                 Up-dated Regularly

                          Biodynamic grower in training


                          • I planted 6 types of lettuce in my cold greenhouse plus assorted salad leaves. The kohl rabi and spring cabbage (hispi), planted a week ago are showing now. I cleaned the GH yesterday (putting everyting in the garage covered with fleece) so the heated prop, chitting pots etc are all back today, with fleece covering everything at night as it might get low.
                            I could not live without a garden, it is my place to unwind and recover, to marvel at the power of all growing things, even weeds!
                            Now a little Shrinking Violet.



                            • I got my head down today and did some serious weeding.
                              Can hardly move a muscle now, obviously..... but will start again in ernest tomorrow, as ya do!X


                              • Yesterday, I finally sowed my tomatoes! So satisfying


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