I went to the village seed swap then met a friend for shopping and lunch followed by plannning tomorrow's jobs.
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What I Did Today Archive 2011
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Planted out 30 Red Onions
Pricked out 12 Brussels
Pricked out 12 Lettuce
Sowed 10 Tomatoes
Helped my mum fix up an old chicken house and cut up some wood from a pile of stuff that was taken down from a hawthorn tree that was shading her veg garden.
Collected a large bucket of well rotted horse manure and topped up my potato planters at home (as I was worried frost would get to them with what they had) and sowed some Musselburgh leeks, not sure how many as it was an old packet so just sprinkled the whole lot over the top of the box
Such a gorgeous day today, 14 degrees of lovely sunshine.
I potted on several peppers, chillis & tomatos, almost filled the next raised bed & went shopping for more compost, three little strawberry kits also fell into the trolley somehow.
But the best bit of today, parents popped round for a visit & I took them to see my kitchen garden in the making, dad agreed that a corner I am clearing would be perfect for a chicken house & run, he then offered to measure, plan & build me one for my birthday pressie
Dropped car off @ garage for MOT. While waiting, I gave the greenhouse staging its' annual staining (Quick drying). Transferred seedlings into modules - 48 Caulis, 30 Marigolds, 30 Callendula. Picked car up �125 lighter........sigpic�Gorillas are very intelligent, but they don't have to be as delicate as chimps -- they can just smash open the termite nest,�
Official Member Of The Nutters Club - Rwanda Branch.
Sent from my ZX Spectrum with no predictive text..........
KOYS - King Of Yellow Stickers..............
OH decided to come to lottie to help great I though I would finally get the whole plot dug over ........... wrong one hour into it........"what time are you thinking of going home?" ........ arrrrrrrgh the best day since I have had the plot and I only managed 2 hours there. Spent the afternoon washing my pots and trays for the greenhouse ..... MEN!
Planted garlic, onions, some summer bulbs and climbing beans. Re-potted a miniature apple tree, miniature peach tree, olive tree (bought from lidls 4 years ago for �1, now 3ft tall) and blueberry. Covered the whole lot with fleece ... just in case...!
Then emptied the small shed ready for the new bigger one to be built... OH offered the small shed on freecycle - 25 replies in an hour!
Feels great to be able to finally start planting things!
OK - broke my back (well feels like it) shoveling hens' poop and wood chippings, popped them straight onto border 1 of 6 at home. Cleaned whole henhouse out - OH named it Peckingham Palace, sarcastic so and so!
Then we raked up the last of next door's leaves off OUR garden. Bagged and made holes for more leaf mold.
Sowed beetroot, spring onions and put onion sets into allotment.
Wound up with a nice hot bath and OH making chicken and leek pie for dinner. Hope he does the ironing too as I am bushed!Last edited by VirginVegGrower; 13-03-2011, 08:46 PM.Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better...Albert Einstein
Blog - @Twotheridge: For The Record - Sowing and Growing with a Virgin Veg Grower: Spring Has Now Sprung...Boing! http://vvgsowingandgrowing2012.blogs....html?spref=tw
Cleared out the greenhouse (at last).
sowed broad beans.
found an old pack of spring onion seed in the greenhouse, sowed that too.
watered the garlic, cauli, chives, tomato.
sowed in modules sprouts, cauli, a trial lettuce and some lettuce direct in greenhouse.
sowed some more chilli and tomato.
had a good burn up.
Also had slow roasted shoulder of pork..hmmm<*}}}>< Jonathan ><{{{*>
Went down the allottment and had a good tidy up, sorted the greenhouse, pots etc. This is my first year on the allottment, my hubby and I took it on.
Been growing veg in the garden for a few years but this is a different ball game, wish me luck...il be on here with loads of questions.
My minds working overtime now on all the things im going to grow, gonna order seeds now.
Finished sieving homemade compost into one of the raised beds.
Tackled a huuuuuge bramble tangle growing out of the laurel hedge at the bottom of the veg garden. The thickest stem was about 3cm in diameter, so I may go back with the pruning saw to finish it off!
Sowed some chitted parsnip seeds, started to harden off some mystery peas and nasturtiums that I sowed in pots in the greenhouse.
Fed some cavalo nero leaves to the chooks (they have very sophisticated tastes!)come visit a garden
or read about mine www.suburbanvegplot.blogspot.com/
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