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What I Did Today Archive 2011


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  • Recovered my Cloche from the neighbours garden, winds were so strong it blew away ground stakes and all. Now I have the job of trying to work out what to do with the peas that were under the cloche and they are blown flat now.

    Stupid wind!!!!!!

    Last year when we had wind that bad in June it folded a load of my tomatoes in half ;/.
    My new Blog.


    • Planted a row of ...dare i say it ....Charlotte salad potatoes. Then planted out some crimson flowered Bored beans. Because it had rained I mulched around my fruit bushes . After a fight to get it in the car brought some willow home to make another obelisk . Sowed seeds and did a bit of weeding at home .
      S*d the housework I have a lottie to dig
      a batch of jam is always an act of creation ..Christine Ferber

      You can't beat a bit of garden porn


      • Potted on 17 Okra seedlings (what am I going to do with all those?), sowed Calabrese and Romanescq Broccoli. Moved everything around in the greenhouse and tried to make room - HA HA!
        Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better...Albert Einstein

        Blog - @Twotheridge: For The Record - Sowing and Growing with a Virgin Veg Grower: Spring Has Now Sprung...Boing! http://vvgsowingandgrowing2012.blogs....html?spref=tw


        • So far today i have pricked out 18 tomato seedlings (Roma, Gardener's Delight, Little Sun & Red Robin), re-potted 4 Geraniums grown from cuttings taken last year, pricked out a tray of Love in a Mist, pricked out a tray of Broccolli, sown 8 different types of seeds (peas, sunflowers x2, cornflower, foxglove, cosmos, and others i can't remember), spread 3 bags of manure over two veg beds, forked manure into the two veg beds and helped OH dismantle the Brassica frame which broke under the weight of the snow we had. I'm just refuelling now with a cup of tea & some toast before going back out to tackle the Raspberry bed.
          keen but (slightly less) clueless


          • Emptied 2 daleks of compost which I've spread around my raised beds, veg beds and bean trench. Resited daleks. Planted 6 International Kidney potatoes in two potato bags. Cleared out tires and filled with home made compost ready for pumpkins (but not yet).
            Granny on the Game in Sheffield


            • Potted on about 30 marigolds and gave the rest away because of lack of room. Potted on 40 little gem lettuce into larger pots and planted a few in the home raised's hoping!

              Planted out more peas on lottie and built supports from plastic mesh and canes. I have a mini tunnel over some but not all of them.

              Weeded part of a bed by removing chunks of weedy soil with one of those twisty hoe things and then passing it all through a garden sieve. Great results........and a very civilised way of weeding. Sitting on a stool with my sieve between my legs in the evening sunshine in short sleeves......isn't spring great?

              Prepared wigwam and trench filled with compost and rotted manure.

              Loving my allotment!


              • Yesterday at the plot. Dragged OH down there so he could put glysophate along the edge of the plot where it borders wildness and the nettles,docks and dandelions encroach. While he was doing that I planted my second early potatoes - Marfona - never tried them before, it's an experiment! Planted out another 70 onion sets - 99p from the 99p shop. Bargain! It has been really dry so watered the peas and broadies that are under the mini tunnel ... some of the peas are up. Forked over the area uner the arch where I grew potimarron last year - this year gherkins or outdoor cucumbers will go over the arch and the squash will go elsewhere. I was a bit disappointed with the blandness of the squash, but will try again because I have the seeds. Down again in about an hour I think to prepare the bed for the cauliflowers and to plant out some Cos lettuce in the cold frame. Also to plant cornflower seeds gathered from last year's flowers. Then play in the greenhouse this afternoon.


                • Potted on the last few California Wonder peppers and chillies (Peruvian Chinense, Scotch Bonnet, Numex Twilight) and put them in the gh for the day.
                  Pricked out pak choi seedlings into a wine box for the patio.
                  Washed out even more plant pots and posted radish seeds to my mum to start off her gyo patio!
                  come visit a garden
                  or read about mine


                  • First major sowing day of the year. Managed to get sown:-
                    • Three lots of tomatoes
                    • 4 lots of chilli peppers
                    • 3 lots of squash
                    • 2 lots of beetroot
                    • 2 lots of cabbage
                    • 1 lot of cauli
                    • 2 lots of onions
                    • 1 lot of shallots
                    • 1 lot of sunflowers
                    • 2 lots of sweetcorn
                    • 1 lot of sweet banana peppers
                    • 2 lots of leeks
                    Feel a bit happier that I'm not getting left behind now!
                    My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
                    to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

                    Diversify & prosper


                    • Planted a dozen shallots
                      The 7 Broad Bean plants are now in the bed
                      Laid bubble wrap over the peas
                      Deweeded one of the beds
                      AKA - BigMatt over at Chillis Galore......


                      • - spent 3 hrs pulling flowering chickweed, speedwell & dead nettle
                        - planted another row of spuds (Mayan I think, self-saved) in leafmould and grass clippings
                        - planted 3 short rows of black turtle beans
                        - planted another short row of peas (self-saved)
                        - and another row of garlic
                        - cut lots of veg for tea: chard, lettuce, leeks, cabbage, kale, parsnips, PSB
                        - it's now 10c at night in the gh, so the tomatoes have gone in there
                        - took RustyLady some tomatoes for Mother's Day (also dug over her lotty & took her a bale of mpc)
                        - planted half a dozen comfreys at school veg plot
                        - split & divided another dozen comfrey on my lotty - I reckon I must have 50 plants now
                        - turned & then relocated one of school's daleks
                        - planted all the school veg that we didn't get done in Gdn Club (because I was shouting too much)
                        - wrote a note to all my neighbours, begging for grass clippings (and got some)
                        - dug over another bed for school veg
                        - had the tinies for a morning and got them sowing beans, carrots and nasturtiums
                        - dug another few buckets of couch out of my lotty, which encroaches from neighbour's path
                        - brought home a carrier bag of PSB, nom
                        - sowed French beans with school, in the blowaway
                        - got them to weed and deadhead the daffs
                        - took 3 of them to our local GC to spend �200 - brilliant fun! we got useful as well as frivolous stuff
                        Last edited by Two_Sheds; 09-04-2011, 09:30 AM.
                        All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                        • spent the weekend
                          planted 30 asparagus plants in a new raised bed system
                          finished digging over the new plot we have taken over, so now 1 plot fruit and perenial veg and 1 plot totally veg
                          rotovated the new plot and laid the new planting areas and pathways
                 sturon onion sets in modules as previous had been dug up at home in raised beds by neighbours bleedin cat


                          • Sowed first seeds in the Centenary Garden , Tender and true parsnips (thanks Zaz ) Chantenay Carrots and amsterdam forcing carrots , planted out Bored beans, Bunyards Exhibition and a few Crimson flowered.
                            On the big lottie planted a pear tree that had been in a pot at home and OH fixed up the rabbit proof fence.
                            On the little lottie sheltered from the rain and hail then harvested some psb and small leeks (the only ones to have escaped the dreaded allium leaf miner) for tea.
                            S*d the housework I have a lottie to dig
                            a batch of jam is always an act of creation ..Christine Ferber

                            You can't beat a bit of garden porn


                            • Spent a few hours at the allotment digging another bed, almost finished no 3 only 3 or 4 to go plus a fruit area and a compost bin to build, eventually
                              Came home and while Daughter cooked supper I put up a cloche and planted out 10 Valdor lettuce under it and watered the greenhouse.


                              • Been doing mostly structural work this week.

                                Finished fencing off an area for the little 'uns to play about in and planted some beech hedging.

                                Planted some pansies and violas in a newly constructed raised beds around our washing line poles.

                                Helped my 3yo sow some sunflower seeds and potted on a few geraniums.

                                This week I must get a few more raised veg beds made and filled. Wondering if I'm going to have room for all the seedlings I have

                                Have to prepare a spot for my new (secondhand) greenhouse too.


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