Planted out my sweetcorn under a mini polytunnel. Sowed 2nd rows of peas/mange tout. Watered the onions, broad beans and seeds planted this week - really dry in my raised beds currently. Filled the pots in my greenhouse so they can settle before planting toms/cukes.
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What I Did Today Archive 2011
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Spent two solid days in the garden under the sun. Dug out old fencing and put in rosa rugosa hedging. Planted orchard of apple trees, pears and plum. Potted on celeriac. Moved stuff around on benches again. Dug a new seedbed with newly painted coldframe and sited at back of greenhouse. Put in a new Victoria rhubarb plant next to it. Had BBQ and hot bath. Now time to read the Sunday papers!Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better...Albert Einstein
Blog - @Twotheridge: For The Record - Sowing and Growing with a Virgin Veg Grower: Spring Has Now Sprung...Boing! http://vvgsowingandgrowing2012.blogs....html?spref=tw
More about yesterday than today now
staked delphiniums
sow leek seeds direct, and planted those that had been sown in modules
sowed some perpetual spinach
sowed lettuce
weeded some more
planted a couple of hanging baskets
Had a BBQ!!!!I fear no beer
This weekend I got on my hands and knees and weeded the old border I am turning into a cut flower bed - 4 hours. Yesterday I:
potted on onions and leeks and everything else that needed it,
caught up on all my seed sowing,
tied in my peas
enjoyed the sunshine and went to the pub
Over the weekend i sowed a tray each of Sweetcorn & Beetroot, plus a large pot of mixed herby salad leaves, and a pot of French Marigolds. I also pricked out Cosmos, Yellow Chard, French Marigold & lettuce as well as planting out Daylillies x4 (Arctic Snow), Iris x7 (Caeser's Brother) and Peonie x4 (Sarah Bernhardt).
Just cut back all the dead wood amongst my raspberry canes and blackberries.
The smaller wood has gone for kindling, the medium wood is cut into 8" pieces to mark rows and the larger lengths will be used to help support my tomato plants.
A good job done!"Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple
Location....Normandy France
Yesterday - OH mowed the front lawn for the first time this year. I forked over the flower beds in the back garden and the two raised beds. Dug in some well-rotted horse manure that I had brought back from the lottie - planted the remnants of my main crop spuds that would not fit in the bed at the allotment. Pottered about, generally tidying up and removing docks and dandelions. Cleared spaces in the borders for outdoor tomatoes and cucumbers. We decided that the borders looked a bit bare and so went on a mission to the garden centre to find plants. Couldn't find any bedding plants we fancied but I did get some blue geraniums reduced so got 2 for �4.00 and 2 packets of anemones for �1.00. Bargains! Then we went to the Pound shop and bought some very cheap trellis. I'm going to use it to grow honeysuckle up the back fence ... theoretically. Then after lunch I potted on tomatoes, planted some more and planted some sweetcorn. Made a tarte au citron, bakewell tart, cooked supper for FIL and collapsed in a soggy heap at 8.00pm.Last edited by susieq100; 11-04-2011, 06:21 PM.
Watered shallots, onions, garlic, potatoes, broad beans and peas. Dug over and rotorvated bed 6 for maincrop spuds. Hoed out tiny seedlings from between broad beans and peas. Earthed up bagged potatoes at home.Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better...Albert Einstein
Blog - @Twotheridge: For The Record - Sowing and Growing with a Virgin Veg Grower: Spring Has Now Sprung...Boing! http://vvgsowingandgrowing2012.blogs....html?spref=tw
ow ow ow. I ache all over.
Spent all day Sunday outside digging over my garden.
I bought a compost bin and transferred the heap I started 3 years ago to the new bin then built a wall using old bricks to make a raised bed thingy.
My son and I took turns sawing at an old Buddleia (sp) and broke 2 hacksaws in the process but its now gone. I put up a new plastic greenhouse and a plastic storage cupboard/chest.(birthday prezzies)
I planted up 8 bags of spuds and sowed broad beans outside.
I sowed sweetcorn,tomatoes,kale,cauliflower and courgettes in trays for my windowsill and planted a tub of salad leaves and carrots outside.
I mowed the three lawns and broke my mower in the process....grrrr.
I weeded the front garden and found some Primulas lurking under the overgrown beds.
I then planted 4 remaining spuds in the back garden and chased my cat off the newly dug over and raked garden that he obviously thought was a giant litter tray just for him! I then decided to cover my newly sown broadies with a mesh tunnel to keep the little bleeder from digging them all up again!
Despite my aching wrists and back I really enjoyed it but just wish I had paced myself a bit better and not gone quite so mad for 12 hours. I think my hair is the only part of me that doesn't hurt...owwwwwwIts nice to be important but its more important to be nice
This afternoon, cooler but still bright and sunny. Planted some anemones and iris bulbs in the garden. Pound shop bargains - they'll grow or they won't. Potted on some cucumbers that had sprouted and gone incredibly leggy very very quickly - hoping that re-potting them and putting them in the greenhouse will 'slow them down a bit'. Potted on some celeriac - what spindly little efforts they are, and planted some sunflowers in modules.
Potted on my celeriac the other day and they are spindley and very slow growing! Potted on my lettuce today and planted out lambs lettuce into the coldframe.
OH digging over bed 3 as he has finished bed 6 timberworkLook deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better...Albert Einstein
Blog - @Twotheridge: For The Record - Sowing and Growing with a Virgin Veg Grower: Spring Has Now Sprung...Boing! http://vvgsowingandgrowing2012.blogs....html?spref=tw
Sorry this is a couple days late, but this weekend I did:
Watch my husband build a new planter for me! But seriously...
I sowed some leeks, peppers, chillies, rocket, cucumbers, courgettes, carrots (2nd sowing), onion sets, tomatoes (2nd sowing), Beetroot
Earthed up potatoes
Thinned out earlier sown lettuce and rocket
Moved my windowsill chillies into greenhouse
Drown my phone in a slight gardening accident and had to claim on my insurance!Follow my adventures on Twitter: @backyardveggie
My children will grow up knowing the Good Life... one day Tom and Barbara, one day!
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