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What I Did Today Archive 2011


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  • My deep pots arrived in the post today, so was able to pot on ten more toms, two more to do tomorrow, ran out of steam.
    Granny on the Game in Sheffield


    • 10 hours of pulling and digging out nettles and brambles. Need to find some gloves that are nettleproof!


      • Potted on and pricked out .........anything that sat still long enough at home in the gh and conservatory
        S*d the housework I have a lottie to dig
        a batch of jam is always an act of creation ..Christine Ferber

        You can't beat a bit of garden porn


        • Planted up 4th strawberry planter (old mussel float cut in half, keeps everything off the ground!).
          Prepared a trench for first attempt at broad beans - young plants being slowly hardened off.
          Can't believe someone mentioned their nasturtiums are up - I'm only considering planting mine in a week or so, this far north !


          • Sowed 49 pak choi in compact plant propagator after potting on 45 lettuce plugs.
            Sowed Greek oregano
            Sowed basil mignette
            potted on large flowering beef toms into morrisons bucket
            Sowed 15 dwarf French in 3 morrisons buckets
            Marigolds starting to flower! Still to risky to plant out........
            Padron chilli fruit forming

            I'm in thecfrozen north......wierd

            Loving my allotment!


            • Put up half the bean poles at allotment, sieved a load more soil from the back of shed (an area where many other plot holders dumped 'stuff' over the years plot was empty) to remove bindweed, glass and large stones. Barrowed sieved soil onto potato beds to top up the cardboard and manure layers already there. Weeded bindweed amd marestail out of bored beans and peas. Sat and drank coffee and admired how far we have come in 3 months
              ETA: had lunch with Fi and put the world to rights
              Last edited by Suky; 27-04-2011, 02:24 PM.


              • sowed some yellow and purple bush beans (plenty left if it gets cold and they don't grow/ die) plus some fennel, calabrese, swede and carrots. Plenty left there if they don't grow, too.


                • Sweetcorn was planted out this evening after work. Built a makeshift cold frame around it to keep it warm until it gets established!
                  My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
                  to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

                  Diversify & prosper


                  • Planted my greenhouse cukes. More potatoes in bags x 3. Tidied greenhouse and watered again
                    Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better...Albert Einstein

                    Blog - @Twotheridge: For The Record - Sowing and Growing with a Virgin Veg Grower: Spring Has Now Sprung...Boing! http://vvgsowingandgrowing2012.blogs....html?spref=tw


                    • Came home to find a shelf slipping in the blowaway and the spinach and spring onion tottering precariously! Rebuilt, checked obesseively for a little bit and the decided to take it down and rebuild it the other side of the shed in a more sheltered spot


                      • With my plethora of Tomato plants setting their first truss of flowers today, I decided to stake each individual plant in its' pot, so that final 'potting on' or 'planting' doesn't break the stem at all.

                        And Trousers did finish making the four remaining triangliar raised beds outside this evening, and too, repaired the open gaps in The Peachy Greenhouse roof, both of which he's been nagged within an inch of his life recently to complete? He's an absolute Angel..... Thank You Trousers Babe.X.


                        • Today I; Well yesterday actually, but as I only joined the forum today I wont split hairs LOL

                          I planted out my couldbe's my swedes, beets and put polythene over the spuds to encourage the lazy ones through as I have some shaded spots in my garden. I also planted the Tomatoes into a grow bag in the green house thingy I bought and put spare ones in some pots lets see if they are ok? I also watered the garden and collected loads of bricks off a neighbour as I am going to make raised beds once I have enough bricks and as they are having a new extension built they got loads of old bricks. Need to get more out the skip tomorrow. hahaha


                          • I have done more sowing! 24 parsnips, 3 Jack be Little Pumpkins - 3 Hasta la Pasta squash, 6 of 2 types of dwarf green beans and 6 of midor yellow french beans, 12 little gems, 12 round lettuces and 24 beetroots and 3 green courgettes.

                            So where am I going to put all 19 squash (not including 6 courgettes) if they all come up?


                            • I've been cutting grass with my new push mower... fabulous! arms ache now though...

                              Also been digging, weeding, trimming edges of beds and other stuff like that. Was there quite a while, and feel most efficient, now. Arms ache, though!


                              • Planted some mint, sunflower and squash seeds. Then had to dig up a couple seeds as i couldn't remember if it was sunflower in black pots and squash in brown or the other way round.

                                Had some small plants outside for a bit to harden them up.

                                Earthed up my potatoes slightly, didn't completely bury the current growth.

                                And purchased a small (1.5mx45cm) polytunnel for �1. Along with a few other bits and pieces, yay for Poundland.


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