Earthed up potatoes, then potted on courgettes and cucumbers.
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What I Did Today Archive 2011
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Earthed up potatoes, sowed some sweet pepper, spring onion and cress.
And found one (out of two) lettuce in the otherwise empty veg bed has been eated (I assume by slugs), which is annoying as it was protected (so I thought) by a plastic bottle cloche.
Given that the roses in the front garden of The Funny Farm look ever so stunning mid to end of June, I've had designs on opening our garden to the public round about then this year......, and to that end, I thought it'd be a brilliant idea to give the front lawn 'a makeover', having previously been Billy No Mates for the last 8 years.
A beautiful lawn, to show off beautiful blooms, so:
I've spent six whole hours scarifying the lawn, and could've continued for another two, but didn't want to put my trusty machine in hospital?I'll show you the sheer amount of dead and useless stuff that the scarifier and I got out of that lawn on my blog update tomorrow evening.
Prepare to be knocked over by a feather.... I was!
Went to the lottie with grandson. Planted out some more bored beans. Did some more digging and broke my lovely stainless steel fork trying to lever out an unidentified buried objectAlso did more general weeding. How are they germinating and growing when we haven't had rain for weeks?
Back to work after the long easter/wedding break. Lots done in the garden, including;
eating perpetual spinage and over wintered lettuce, asparagus and broad beans (Alquadulce transplanted to greenhouse in december because of cold spell)
Sowing leeks (Musselbrough), lettuce (including the lovely Yugoslavian Red cultivar), carrots (Early Nantes) rocket all direct in soil.
Planted Dwarf French beans (Allegri) in loo rolls in a cold frame. Planted (and planted out) peas (Hurst Greensharft)
Planted Sunflower seeds in copetition for chlfren to see who coudl grow largesr
I planted squash (Harrier) in a heated greenhosue and some in a coldframe.
Watering early potatos (Red Duke of York) and spring sown Broadbeans (Imperial Green Longpod). Watering potted soft fruit (bueberries, tayberries, redcurrent and rosecurrent
Planting out courgettes (Soliel and Defender) - and protecting them from last night's frost)
Cutting holes in black plastic to covering potatos so they can grow through and do away with earthing up requirements. Trying this with the courgettes too.
Sowed some courgettes, planted out my bargain fig trees into pots, pulled out all my red onions (smaller than my spring onions, so doubt they'll do anything more now!). Debated checking to see if the pot the onions failed in actually Had drainage holes...
Rescued 6 chilli plants gutsy were flowering and fruiting. They were on a shelf in my blow away that snapped off and the chills in 7 inch pots descended on my tomato plants causing some damage to two toms........aaaagh
No room outside so the plants have come in for a few days until my greenhouse at the lottie is finished.
Hey ho.....
Loving my allotment!
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