Planted four Shirley tomatoes in greenhouse bed. Pricked out peppers and toms into bigger pots. Tidied the greenhouse floor as I suspect I've had a visit from Roland.
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What I Did Today Archive 2011
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I am at last having a modicum of success with the sweet potatoes,all this leaving the new growth in water & waiting for roots is far too boring,method 2 is way more productive,cut the new growth off with a chunk of flesh about the size of 5p,dampen,dip in rooting compound then plant in cells of potting compost & keep the compost very wet (my cells are sitting in a tray of water 6mm deep),pot up when roots lift the plant out of the cell.
Also do not be too eager when removing new growth from tuber as the more & bigger leaves the faster the roots develop using the above method.He who smiles in the face of adversity,has already decided who to blame
Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity
Over the weekend I:
wondered why my leek, lettuce rocket and carrot seeds haven't germinated (but I only planted them 10 days ago);
said thank goodness for the weekend rain (4.5 mm on Fri and Sat nights)
watered tomatos (Moneymaker, Tamio, Stupice and Glacier) and squash (Harrier) in hot house;
watered french beans (Allegri) and sunflowers (just germnated)
Watered new potatos (Red Duke of York) main crop potatos (Pink Fir Apple) and courgettes (Soleil and defender) (under plastic/cloche).
Watered potted soft fruit: Redcurrent, Rosecurrent, blueberries, tayberries. Tayberry crop looks as if it will be very good - memo to self- must keep birds off;
Cleared out cold frames to make space for tomoatos to be transplanted. Have more space than I expected. Might add a squash or cucmber in extra space? Need to clear untidy bit.
Harvested and ate lettuce, perpetual spinage, asparagus.
Pulled up the flowering purple sprouting broccoli, and overwintered true spinach (delicious!) from the garden and sowed mini salad carrots, lettuce and radish in the space. Direct sown French beans starting to come through in last year's potato bed.
Put sweet dumpling and butternut squash, cucumber and courgette seedlings from a seed tray into pots in the blowaway.
Sowed chitted parsnip seeds at the allotment, resowed swede after the first seedlings were destroyed by flea beetle, sowed chard and true spinach. Also erected a brassica cage from and old broken gazebo frame and some debris netting and resowed the calabrese which suffered the same fate as the swedes.
Tried to ignore smirks from fellow allotmenteers at my well and truley frosted early potatoes. Lesson learnt.
Still very dry, so wondering about waterng. We ar epromised showers later today and over weekend.
Found (on Tuesday) that slugs had eaten some of my french beans and the children's competition sunflowers, so topped up on slug pellets. Nemaslug arrived this morning (about three weeks after being ordered) so that's a job for the weekend. New potatos (and courgettes) are growing through holes in black plastic, so the idea is to water nemaslug through the holes and attempt to reduce the slug damaeg associated with the black plastic method. There as contrl plot of spuds without the plastic for comparison.
Butternut Squash (Harrier F1) planted out into cold frame, so we now have 8 plants which should be plenty.
Ordered new carrot (early nantes) leek (Musselbrough Improved) lettuce (yugoslavian red) from Thompson and Morgan to take advantage of their half price offer and on the basis that that shoulthat what I planted 2 weeks ago should now germinate. Sure enough, checked this morning and the leeks are showing.
Planted out some beetroot (two kinds) and some cabbage. Had half a doz beetroot plants left so thought beetroot might look well interspersed among my gladioli!
Sowed all manor of hardy annuals and H/hardy annuals. Ne plus Ultra and mangetout peas sown in modules.
A totral of seven tomato plants planted up now, four Shirley and three Gardeners Delight.
Potted on some chrysanth cuttings and took the last cuttings from the parent plants before putting same in there summer quarters outside.
Getting a bit overcrowded in the greenhouse now.My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)
Diversify & prosper
Still without rain here and getting desperate... can't put up brassica hoops or anything because we literally cannot get a spade/fork in the ground here. Even if I stand on the spade, and I'm not a small lass.
I've tried soaking it... water just sits on the surface.
Sowed in a small raised bed by dint of bashing the clods repeatedly with a hammer and prising them up, more bashing, THEN soaking, waiting half an hour digging it all up together until it felt like soil again and then sowing. LOL. Not terribly practical for a whole allotment, and I got sunburn.
Rain tonight? Please????
Haven't been around for a while, just too busy. "Waves!!"
But I have managed to keep the worst of the chaos under control on the plot and in the garden. Today, I just weeded and watered at home. And I need to remember to harden off my tomatoes too (some are out all the time, but some younger are still indoors by night).
I have a good lot in the ground already though, so should reap the rewards (and the harvests) over the summer! Yay!! Peas, french beans, borlotti beans, broadies, mangetout, lettuce and other salad leaves, spring onions, red and yellow onions, (poor garlic - boo), potatoes, carrots, parsnips, courgettes, pumpkins, tomatoes, radishes, spinach and leeks. Whew, looks like a lot written down. (And the fruit bushes and rhubarb as always).
Not today, but my aim for over the weekend is to plant some more lettuce in modules for successional growing, and sow more radishes in the back garden. I don't think I'll get to the plot, but if I do, weeding is on the agenda there.
And the rain butt is at last almost full again!!! I was using the tap for about a week in the garden, and the plot hadn't been getting anything for weeks!
Wellie waves back at Winged One?
Today, Wellie telephoned the man that was sposed to be coming to photograph Fert'n'Liza Flobalob for the Village Produce Show Poster, because he must've forgotton? (and he had, but turned up within minutes) and the Photo Shoot was a huge success, so potential posters by the weekend.
SO 'CITING.....!
Planted three Shirley toms in greenhouse plus six Gardeners Delight, three Garten Perle in pots in greenhouse. Planted two california mixed and one chocolate pepper in greenhouse. Planted three cukes (can't remember which) and three gherkin/cornichons de Paris in greenhouse. Moved citrus trees out to orangery. Moved celeriac out for allotment planting. Planted 16 lettuce out. Weeded and watered on allotment. Brassicas in box ready for allotment too.
Lots of general tidying, moving around and mulching.Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better...Albert Einstein
Blog - @Twotheridge: For The Record - Sowing and Growing with a Virgin Veg Grower: Spring Has Now Sprung...Boing! http://vvgsowingandgrowing2012.blogs....html?spref=tw
Originally posted by VirginVegGrower View PostPlanted three Shirley toms in greenhouse plus six Gardeners Delight, three Garten Perle in pots in greenhouse. Planted two california mixed and one chocolate pepper in greenhouse. Planted three cukes (can't remember which) and three gherkin/cornichons de Paris in greenhouse. Moved citrus trees out to orangery. Moved celeriac out for allotment planting. Planted 16 lettuce out. Weeded and watered on allotment. Brassicas in box ready for allotment too.
Lots of general tidying, moving around and mulching............4 Shirley, 4 Gardeners Delight and three hanging baskets with Gartenpearl planted by me this week!
My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)
Diversify & prosper
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