I been putting the last of my frames up to keep the Pigeons and Cabbage Whites off my Cabbages and Sprouts. I built them over the winter and have made them so that the tops can easily be taken off so I can get to the plants to weed between them.

I also planted my Carrots. I've done an experiment this year. I have got a load of 2 litre plastic milk bottles and I cut the bottoms off and turned them upside down and filled with with a mix of compost and soil, and then planted them in the dirt. That should help them retain moisture and it may also help deter Carrot Fly. I can hope anyway.

I also planted my Carrots. I've done an experiment this year. I have got a load of 2 litre plastic milk bottles and I cut the bottoms off and turned them upside down and filled with with a mix of compost and soil, and then planted them in the dirt. That should help them retain moisture and it may also help deter Carrot Fly. I can hope anyway.
