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What I Did Today Archive 2011


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  • I found the vine again
    The Allotment Directory - coming soon (watch this space!)
    Movember - I am growing a 'tache in support of men's health


    • Planted out cabbage and cauliflower. Cleared up the sweet peas that finished flowering before they'd even started. Planted about 90 cloves of garlic (earlier this year for no other reason than I had time to do it). Had a good old tidy up, much more to do tomorrow.
      Granny on the Game in Sheffield


      • Originally posted by nkp1962 View Post
        I found the vine again
        Welcome back!
        Granny on the Game in Sheffield


        • Really couldnt get into it at the allotment today. Meh. Anyway picked the last runners and frenchies, pulled up all the beanage and did a bit of half assed weeding. And sprayed my sprouts which are half dead under the weight of whitefly.


          • At my Thursday garden, I started to put the veg beds to sleep for the winter - potato bed dug over, weeded and fresh edges put on it, then given a mulch of leaf mould and then a further mulch of home made compost - will leave it for the worms to do their business now.
            Dug over and weeded the carrot bed as far as the last three rows.
            Dug over and weeded the legume bed now that the peas and broadies are removed - still has runners and frenchies producing so worked round them.
            Weeded the courgette patch and the leek bed.
            Picked loads of fruit and veg for the Big House.

            British by birth
            Scottish by the Grace of God



            • Wednesday went to the lottie and spent hours weeding. Also dug the last of my spuds (Rooster) - will definitely grow again. Yesterday evening turned my foraged rosehips and crabapples (lovely red ones courtesy of my allotment neighbour) into rosehip and crabapple jelly. It's a beautiful colour


              • Forked over a bed for "those" shallots, am about to plant them now.

                Duly planted. I know it's early, but I've had to prune the apple tree really hard, or I'd have had to tread on the shallots to get to it.

                Now I'm whacked.
                Last edited by Florence Fennel; 23-09-2011, 06:38 PM.
                Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                • Planted out the first of the overwintering onions. Wilkinson mixed - red, yellow and white. All started in celltrays and showing shoots and roots. Picked the first of the kale.


                  • Last weeke edn I did fairly well. Weeded second bed of 5 and cleared. Squashed late cabbage white caterpillers, but mostly an act of revenge since the PSB is skeletal now. Picked the last cucumber, courgettes (Defender still going strong - very pleased; Soleil now past it) and tomatos. Found one or two more pick fir apples spuds that had dug themselves in under soil despite most fo them being straight under plastic. Also dug carrots. Deliicuos home grown roasted butternut squash: these are a great success (harrier F1 from Thompson and Morgan if anyone is interested) and even converted my mother.

                    Next weekend I MUST mow lawn, clear hedge clippings, water and weed the next bed - the one full of leeks. Also new slug pellets to protect for autumn salad etc


                    • Dug up a load of blighted tomato plants. Bah.


                      • Weeded the PSB bed.
                        Cut back the unwanted strawberry runners, pegged down the ones I do want, and weeded part of the bed.
                        Harvested 1 Hispi cabbage (and several thousand baby snails), and 3 sweetcorn cobs.


                        • Had my first school garden club of the autumn term: all new kids, and boy, they're great !
                          They were thrilled and delighted at everything - the courgettes, the gourds, the sweetcorn, the newts, the sunflowers. Not at the compost or the earwigs. Everyone took something home (a leaf of chard, a flower). Love it
                          All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                          • Off work this week (for once it appears I've got it right weatherwise) Busy day at allotment today. Pulled out half a dozen tomato plants that were just about finished to make room for my autumn/winter lowering chrysanths which are getting battered by the wind.(a pal of mine was after some green toms for chutney anyway!) Moved approx 20 potted chrysanths into greenhouse and weeded and tied up each as it came in.
                            Managed to knock a trayful of barely rooted onion grass off a shelf so rummaged through the compost and managed to save about half. Pricked out some more onion grass to fill the tray.
                            Pricked out a tray of leek grass also.
                            Planted out some spring cabbage. Went round staking and generally tidying the beds. Dug up some gladioli corms. Ate a few ripe apples and some raw sweet corn for lunch.
                            Had a bit 'crack' with my new neighbour before heading home.
                            My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
                            to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

                            Diversify & prosper


                            • planted out 18 spring hero cabbage �2.97 from mr fothergills and 3 bonus plants
                              Last edited by hawthorns; 29-09-2011, 07:35 PM.
                              my plot march 2013

                              hindsight is a wonderful thing but foresight is a whole lot better


                              • - took ornamental gourds off the plant to dry. I'll varnish them this year so they don't rot
                                - collected seed around school for next year's plants: tagetes Gems did well in the drought
                                - did another cut of alfalfa, shredded & left on soil as a mulch
                                - had to water the new plants I'd put in; it's unseasonably hot & dry
                                - cut more sunflower heads to dry off in gh, for parrot food
                                - was given a notice board at school, filled it up with good pictures of our produce & progress
                                - cut the (messy, sprawling) buddlejas by a third
                                - found hedgehog poops in the school garden, made note to construct a shelter for him
                                All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


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