OK not today but over the weekend...cleared all the vines from the squash plants and left the pumpkin exposed! Weeded and weeded, gave up on sweetcorn and dug over that bed ready for broadbeans in a few weeks. Picked another bag of runners (and I thought they were done!). Laid a little path to the shed door so I can get to my wellies without getting muddy shoes!. Picked a carrier bag of perpetual spinach and a handful of carrots (they are small as too cramped in their bottomless pot but delicious). Checked on winter lettuce seeds growing on windowsill - not sure when they can go out and harvested first of the red chillis to make a salsa with the tub of tomatoes I also picked........
Also spread lots of compost onto cleared beds and started a new dalek with the clearings....bagged up the horrid vine weed things to go to tip.......also made time for a sit in the sun with a cold drink
Ran out of time to plant the extra garlic I couldn't resist and still have to make room for the Mr Fothergill's
Its a real shame its getting dark earlier despite the sunshine as its a real rush to do anything after work
Also spread lots of compost onto cleared beds and started a new dalek with the clearings....bagged up the horrid vine weed things to go to tip.......also made time for a sit in the sun with a cold drink

Ran out of time to plant the extra garlic I couldn't resist and still have to make room for the Mr Fothergill's
