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What I Did Today Archive 2011


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  • OK not today but over the weekend...cleared all the vines from the squash plants and left the pumpkin exposed! Weeded and weeded, gave up on sweetcorn and dug over that bed ready for broadbeans in a few weeks. Picked another bag of runners (and I thought they were done!). Laid a little path to the shed door so I can get to my wellies without getting muddy shoes!. Picked a carrier bag of perpetual spinach and a handful of carrots (they are small as too cramped in their bottomless pot but delicious). Checked on winter lettuce seeds growing on windowsill - not sure when they can go out and harvested first of the red chillis to make a salsa with the tub of tomatoes I also picked........
    Also spread lots of compost onto cleared beds and started a new dalek with the clearings....bagged up the horrid vine weed things to go to tip.......also made time for a sit in the sun with a cold drink
    Ran out of time to plant the extra garlic I couldn't resist and still have to make room for the Mr Fothergill's Its a real shame its getting dark earlier despite the sunshine as its a real rush to do anything after work


    • OH helped me get the veg beds more or less sorted for winter this afternoon so i'm happy

      We pulled up the bolted PSB & binned it & pulled up the last of the dwarf French Beans - this leaves three of the four veg beds empty. The fourth has over wintering Leeks and the last few Lettuce in it, so the empty half of this bed and two of the other empty ones were spread with the contents of the compost bins which the worms will dig in for me over winter. The fourth bed is just awaiting me popping over the road at some point to visit my friendly chicken farmer neighbour for a few barrow loads of Chicken manure so i can cover it over with it ready for next years Pumpkins etc.

      Feel a bit better about the garden now as i was starting to panic about not getting it sorted before Christmas. Just the dying pots and the GH to sort out and the Onion sets & Garlic to plant now and that will be the veg dept. done for this year.
      keen but (slightly less) clueless


      • Barrowed the last of the well-rotted manure to the big beds on the lottie and spread it over. Planted out the cauliflowers from Mr Fothergill in the raised beds at home - had a tidy out in the gh - tomatoes and cukes still going strong. They like this last gasp of summer. Made a vat of minestrone (ish) soup using the recipe for Ed's passata ... awesome!


        • Got my garlic in and fifty overwintering "Keeper" onion seedlings. Got another fifty to go in in a couple of weeks. It's go-o-o-o-o-d feeling!
          When the Devil gives you Cowpats - make Satanic Compost!


          • OH and I planted out spring cabbage, kale, purple sprouting broccoli and spring cauliflower plants. We then put up posts and hug debris netting over to protect the plants from the birds and the weather. All weighted down with stones from around the garden.

            OH turned the compost and we both did some weeding. Harvested some small turnips and winter radish and these made it into a vegetable casserole. The green tops were made into turnip leaf, leek and potato soup.

            We didn't expect to get much done in the garden this weekend, but worked through the showers and feel very satisfied with what we managed to achieve.


            • Planted some garlic. Also, used up the last of my aquadulce broad bean and meteor pea seeds by sowing directly outside just to see if they'll over winter at all in the garden.


              • Bust my thumb and back as I weeded half the allotment within two to three hours. I was like a whirlwind - celeriac swelling and looking good, bigger than tennis balls! That's an improvement. Pulled out failed crop sweetcorn - bad year for me there. Pulled up butternut squash plant with one still in. Cleared a dead brassica bed. Planted overwintering red onions. Weeded, mulched and pruned asparagus, rhubarb and raspberry canes. Started to weed leeks - back there tomorrow for more of the same and to plant garlic. Pulled up peas.
                Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better...Albert Einstein

                Blog - @Twotheridge: For The Record - Sowing and Growing with a Virgin Veg Grower: Spring Has Now Sprung...Boing! http://vvgsowingandgrowing2012.blogs....html?spref=tw


                • Harvested last of the beetroot too.
                  Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better...Albert Einstein

                  Blog - @Twotheridge: For The Record - Sowing and Growing with a Virgin Veg Grower: Spring Has Now Sprung...Boing! http://vvgsowingandgrowing2012.blogs....html?spref=tw


                  • - planted out 5 trays of onions (sets & seed: Winter Lisbon, Shakespeare & Senshyu)
                    - and 2 of garlic (Aldi)
                    - planted some more sets of the above, with school garden club
                    - took home the last sweetcorn, rasps and strawberries
                    - made strawberry jam
                    - racked all the wines
                    - made limoncello
                    - made red onion marmalade (with chilli in it)
                    - picked another handful of chillies, watered the plants with comfrey tea & sprayed with garlic water
                    - gathered lots of tagetes, sweet pea & phacelia seeds
                    Last edited by Two_Sheds; 12-10-2011, 06:51 PM.
                    All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                    • Busy weekend for a change!

                      Picked last outdoor tomatos, a cucumber, dug over spud bed (finding enough extra for a good meal or too) and harvested raddishes.

                      Also thinned turnips and 60 day raab (tops steamed for supper very nice but children didn't like them) and corn salad and weeded as well.

                      Also cleared tomato grow bags and pruned tayberry, cutting off the end I had rooted in to to create new plant. Lastly cleared sunflowers. Heads to go to neighbour's chickens as a treat. Variety was Giant Yellow - about 10 feet tall and the flowers more than 1 ft in diameter.

                      Next weekend need to plant overwintering broad beans and more autumn clearing.


                      • Planted 50 Radar onion sets, 50 Sen Shyu Yellow Onion sets and aprox 25 Garlic from own saved, into one veg bed. Cut down all tomato plants in the GH and harvested remaining tomatoes, tied up Chilli plants in GH that were getting a bit top heavy and harvested all red chillis.
                        keen but (slightly less) clueless


                        • Harvested most of my Beetroot and have it pickled...
                          Planted out some Onions grown in modules...hope they survive the ordeal...!
                          Planted out 8 Spinach plants grown in modules..(getting late for them I think, but hopefully will get something back)
                          Planted out strawberry plants from pots
                          Quick hoe over empty beds where weeds were starting....
                          I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives....

                          ...utterly nutterly


                          • harvested some pak Choi, to clear a bed, then raked in some compost.
                            Planted some Radar onion sets......I'm still scratching my head wondering where the garlic is going

                            Hoed the cauliflowers.


                            • I built a raised bed out of 38 old bricks lying in the garden!!! My new tom patch I feel=] Then I got the manure into my new Strawberry beds and covered in old composte bags to stop weeds! Can't wait for next year now hehe=]


                              • Cleared the courgette plants, dug over this area plus another section of the plot. Covered the spring cabbage with a mini polytunnel. Got home and found the onion sets and garlic have arrived, that'll be Saturday's post


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