yesterday dug over an unused area , planted nearly all of my 200 bulbs (saved some for home) today went shopping , cleaned the bathroom and helped OH rack two gallons of wine ......
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What I Did Today Archive 2011
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Pulled up last of marigolds, dead basil and aubergines out of greenhouse. Replanted with winter gem lettuce and oriental mustards sown a while back in modules. Also pruned back cape gooseberries to let in a bit more light and hopefully help some of the remaining fruits ripen - found a few nice and ripe ones to snack on while I worked.
I found an edible wild mushroom, a wood blewitt, while out walking. There was a damaged/gritty edge to the cap, so I cut that bit off and put it in a quiet spot in the garden similar to the habitat I found it in. I hope a few spores fall out and start a new organism. It would be great to have them growing in the garden, the one I ate today was delicious - thin slices, fried quickly in butter and eaten on toast.
~ took out the tasteless little strawberry plants and
~ planted a dozen Pacific 2000 asparagus crowns
~ weeded out lots of seeding grass & chickweed (again)
~ dug out nearly all the rest of my spuds
~ planted some Asda shallots in modules. They've never worked before, but there's always next time
~ mowed & edged the lawn
~ collected another 9 sacks of autumn leavesLast edited by Two_Sheds; 15-11-2011, 09:51 AM.All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.
Planted my Laurel hedging (back breaking stuff!!)
Manured the area where I hope to plant my Aquadulce beans in next few weeks...
Noted that one of my garlic varieties is sprouting already....(must have been the frost last week)I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives....
...utterly nutterly
planted the hedging I got from Aldi yesterday. Fetched 4 barrowloads of chippings to mulch round the new plants.
Did food shopping
Made 6 mini christmad cakes ......S*d the housework I have a lottie to dig
a batch of jam is always an act of creation ..Christine Ferber
You can't beat a bit of garden porn
Supervised OH finishing off the weeding in one of the flower beds, pulled up the last three (now rotten) Lettuce plants & composted, also composted the dwarf Cherry Tomato plants from the Greenhouse and brought the last money plant into the house from the GH.
I managed to get the last of my beetroot out at the weekend before the first frosts. So planning chocolate and beetroot muffins tonight! I also thinned out the cabbages again, they seem to be going nuts! I used the thinnings in my stir fry last night - yummy!
today checked up on the compost bin, to see that the mealwoms which i have neglected have know evolved to be a lot smaller beatles then their predecessors
Tried to keep sweet potato slips from the carribean alive, but its a loosing battle, in the garden harvested some carrots and put my yacon into the greenhouse. Sowed broad beans in the greenhouse and pruned the fruitsDont judge a plant by it's pot.
- pulled lots of flowering chickweed off the school beds
- filled another 2 sacks with autumn leaves
- tipped them out at school for Garden Club to pick up, to learn leafmolding
- investigated the suddenly-flopped cyclamen in tub: yep, vine weevil grubs. Now deceased
- dug up lots of carrots, plenty more to come
- was given 2 bunches of Welsh onions; unsure what to do with them
- was going to compost the last courgette plant, but it's STILL giving fruits, crazy thing
- racked all my wines, bottled the limoncello and the Sloe & HoneyLast edited by Two_Sheds; 23-11-2011, 08:59 AM.All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.
Got to the allotment early this morning after first visiting Knox's at Swalwell and buying 4 X 29kg bags of Lloyds layers pellets for the chooks.(Cheaper this wek than last!)
Unloaded and stored the pellets, along with a car full of broken furniture I was chucking out.
First priority at allotment was to get the woodburner lit (by burning the broken furniture)and make the greenhouse nice and toasty.
While greenhouse was warming up I sorted the chooks, feeding, watering and collecting only 3 eggs!
With greenhouse nice and warm I mixed up a batch of old compost that the peppers had been in wirh about 50% of my own home made compost. Added a couple of handfuls of granular slow release fertiliser to the mix before filling five plastic waste buckets that I had scrounged from a skip with the mix. I had previosly burned holes in the bottom of them with a hot poker (another use for woodburner)
Into these bins/buckets I then planted my garlic which was growing in modules, had a good root system and is about 8 inches tall.
Managed to fill all five containers at about 3 inch spacing and still have a tray left for planting direct outside.
Its a bit of an experiment, and a way of utilising greenhouse space through the winter. When I need the greenhouse space in the spring, the containers of garlic can go outdoors.
Whilst indoors I decided to shell all my runner bean seeds from the pods, some of which were quite slimy and yuck, but the beans seemed ok. These are may seed for next years planting, so after putting in a small bucket with holers in, I rinsed them through under the tap then hung the bucket from a nail in the top of the greenhouse to dry.
Hopefully the mice or rats won't get them like they did with my Crimson flowered broadies stored in the shed.
Seeing as I was now thoroughly warmed up i decided to have a potter outdoors and chopped my JAs down along with taking the runner bean plants off the canes and pulling the canes up. I also took a lot of the bottom leaves off the sprouts and was surprised to find that not all of them had blown and I have a few large useable sprouts.
Crikey, just realised i'm waffling again so I'd better shut up!My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)
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