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What I Did Today Archive 2011


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  • got my potatoes in the egg boxes chitting. ive got rocket and vivaldi for some nice salad spuds. My brand spanking new plot


    • I played the hokey-cokey with my sweet peas today.
      Put them out in the sun at 11.45, when the temperature hit 5C, brought them in again after about an hour because the wind was too strong, out again when it dropped a bit...

      Poor things have just about plaited themselves together.
      The problem with rounded personalities is they don't tesselate.


      • Retrieved various plant pots (some empty, some containing plants including a large Camelia), empty water butts, branches etc from around the garden. Boy the wind sure is strong here!
        keen but (slightly less) clueless


        • put fleece in newly erected poly tunnel,took out early lettuce seedlings from the warm of heated prop to just on the windowsill,went to aldi and brought 6 fruit bushes for �5!


          • Went and peered over the gate to the allotments. I have been offered a half plot but don't get to go in until Sunday
            Put the extra planks on my small raised bed to create a deep carrot bed and started to dig it out to sieve and mix in with old compost, sand and old growbags. I hope to create a fine bed to grow some carrots to show and lots more to eat.
            Listed all the veg I want to grow and a list of questions to ask the allotment guy on Sunday.
            Did I say that I have been offered an allotment


            • Popped to the market to buy some more bird food and a couple of packets of seed followed me home.............
              S*d the housework I have a lottie to dig
              a batch of jam is always an act of creation ..Christine Ferber

              You can't beat a bit of garden porn


              • Yesterday I popped a sweet potato into its glass of water to (hopefully) sprout in a few weeks, also layed out the spuds in eggboxes to chit.


                • This morning I put all my onion sets in some old fruit creates lined with cardboard and filled with compost sorted. Now to sort something for the shallots. I may sow some seeds this afternoon when I get back from driving the OH round..

                  My Allotment Journal @
                  Google+ and Youtube



                  Updated Regularly-Last Update was 30-05-16


                  • Dug out a spade depth from the new carrot bed and put to one side to sieve and mix and then forked over the bottom of the bed. It was quite compacted but suprisingly few stones to pick out. Laid some plastic over, very well weighted down, to warm it up a little and tomorrow I shall mix eveyrthing together and fill the bed ready to sow some early carrots.


                    • Planted some more Onion seeds. Put those that had sprouted into pots, and put them into unheated g/h. Along with, ermmm a lot of Onion sets!

                      Help Wildlife.
                      Take only photos-leave only footprints-Kill only time.


                      • Finally managed to nag OH into going & getting me a replacement greenhouse roof pane to replace the one that shattered during all the snow before Christmas! I now have a weather proof greenhouse again so can make a start on clearing it out, washing it down, fumigating it etc ready for the new season (well, when the weather allows). Yesterday I went to Aldi & bought 2 new bird boxes & 2 Camelias (one red & one white), all in this weeks offers & the lot cost �20.
                        Last edited by Newbie; 05-02-2011, 04:17 PM.
                        keen but (slightly less) clueless


                        • Thursday I cleared last of the leeks (which were rotten), weeded and dug over 1 of our normal beds and then raked in a liberal quantity of chicken manure pellets.

                          Yesterday, I cleared the weeds from the largest of the normal beds and dug out and potted up the strawberry suckers which having rooted themselves there last year, were pretty decent sized plants - 14 new strawberry plants for this year . Then I dug over the bed and as with the smaller bed, raked another liberal quantity of chicken manure into it.

                          I also put another layer of reclaimed bricks around the edge of 2 other normal beds, to allow a deeper soil/compost mix for, hopefully, a more productive yield.

                          Today, I emptied some spent growbags onto the beds with the brick surround but as it is raining that is all I was able to do for today.

                          Tomorrow we're going to get some manure and compost so that I can finally dig it into the beds in which carrots will NOT be growing, with enough time before planting out begins, for most of it to have started breaking down. Only 3 months behind but hey-ho, better late than never .


                          • Mowed the Paddock! Is this a record? Probably not, but I'm all pleased with myself. Also sowed: 8 varieties of Tomato, 4 of pepper, 2 of chilli, 2 of aubergine, parsley, coriander, leeks, thyme, basil, hollyhock (regular and dwarf), Rudbekia, dwarf lupin and 9 - yes nine varieties of lettuce and leaf mixes. All cuddled up nice and warm in the hobby room
                            When the Devil gives you Cowpats - make Satanic Compost!


                            • - sowed Sungold, Jalapeno, leeks, spring onions & hollyhocks in heated prop
                              - had a reshuffle in the gh, things are leaning & stretching for the light
                              - indoor hyacinths are finished, so cut off the flowers & put pots in the gh to die back
                              - 4 flowers open on the hippeastrum indoors
                              - watered the indoor peas, now 7" high
                              - spent an hour weeding the back garden & hacking back the passion flower
                              - got several hour's weeding done on the lotty: autumn sown peas are 3" tall, chives & sorrel are up
                              - started pruning the school's buddlejas (3 of them, never been pruned before)
                              Last edited by Two_Sheds; 09-02-2011, 04:52 PM.
                              All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                              • Was hoping to get some work done on lottie today but it's raining. Lost the roof off one of the larger greenhouses in all the strong wind. Was going to replace it later on in the year but it has now become a priority. Have managed to get a few seeds sown over the last week, peas, beetroot, cabbage, kale, leeks, onions, parsley and a few other bits and bobs.



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