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What I Did Today Archive 2011


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  • Didn't think i was going to be able to get anything done in the garden today due to the torrential downpour that lasted all night. However by Midday the sun had come out & the day turned rather pleasant, if not a bit soggy under foot.

    I managed to finally clean away the remains of last years climbing French Beans, took down their cane supports & stored it in the garage. I then weeded the bed & emptied last years tomato growbags onto it & forked it over.

    After that i dug up the last of my Leeks which have now all started to go rotten due to the extreme cold we've had, they found their way onto the compost heap & that bed was then weeded too.

    Was starting to flag after that but then OH made an appearence to Jet wash the patio (which the greenhouse stands on), i helped him move all the pots etc off the patio & thought i'd have a go at weeding between the flag stones. As it had poured down all night the weeds came out really easily, roots & all (although we now will have to re-fill all the gaps between the flagstones!) Half a patio & a full trug later and i'm done in.

    Time for a little snooze before getting ready to go out for a friends birthday tonight.
    keen but (slightly less) clueless


    • Replaced broken glass in greenhouse then went up to lottie. Put my fork in problem heap number 1 left over from previous owner ...... didn't like the feel of it so left that and went back to digging. When I got home dh was asleep so claned greenhouse inside with ***** fluid ...... my hands are now streile and stink :-)
      My allotment


      • - composted lots of dead stuff from the gh, inc. ALL the Senshyu onions (sowed too late)
        - picked some flowers from the front garden
        - made some fat balls for the hungry birds
        - ordered a new pruning saw, a proper good one this time (Bahco 396)
        - stripped all the turf off my central path and filled 3 daleks with it
        - discovered 2 nests of couch grass & bindweed in the path, dug as much out as I could
        - transplanted lots of self-sown limnanthes
        - planted up a spring tub with wallflowers, primroses and ivy
        - put lots of the gh stuff out in the sunshine, then back in again at night
        - potted on toms & chillies (half in peat free, half in peat for TeakDesk's challenge)
        - sowed lots of HHA flowers in the heated props
        - sowed even more flowers (hardy) in the cold gh
        - sowed shallots, spring onions, Tendergreen broc in the cold gh
        - edged the lawn
        - weeded the front garden
        - started digging out the couch grass from school's wildlife garden
        Attached Files
        Last edited by Two_Sheds; 03-03-2011, 08:27 AM.
        All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


        • Today , Ive picked up and erected 4 x 4 tier mini greenhouses to put in the unheated conservatory, they were such a bargain at about �10 each from wilkos. Once everything heats up a bit I'm going to put them outside for some toms and peppers and things. I also found a bag of forgotten bare rooted strawberry plants. I dug up about 200 from my allotment when I was clearing it. I potted up about 100 and I can't believe how great they look after 3 weeks. Anyhow I gave up at 100, low and behold even though the rest had been in the bag for 3 weeks there were signs of life, so spent the afternoon potting those up too. They look a bit mangled, saved about 75 , you never know nothing ventured nothing gained ...... I love all this veg and fruit growing business.... hoorah ... now just need some sun


          • You have flowers in your garden?

            Well, I suppose we have too, but only snowdrops and winter aconites. What have you got?

            Had to bring in my sweet peas for the night because there's a frost forecast
            The problem with rounded personalities is they don't tesselate.


            • Originally posted by wellie View Post
              Sometime last year, I bought one of those gadget thingies to make your own newspaper pots with, and Trousers told me at the time that I would never use it. How wrong he was children? Whoever invented that thing, deserves better praise than that. It is brilliant.
              I heart my paper pot maker


              • Jelliebabe,
                Way to Go Angel! In the kitchen last night, whilst Trousers was ont' computer, no word of a lie, I must've made a hundred?
                For some strange reason, as if I've not got enough to do, I thought I might do a Car Boot sometime soon of veg and bedding plants.....


                • Took son to the lottie so he could remove a very elderly blackcurrant entwined with bramble and a few brambles by the shed and measure up the shed door for some new boards. I stayed a bit longer and dug out a load of creeping (galloping?) buttercup but you know it's too wet when the soil goes 'shlurp' as you lift the fork and 'blupp blupp' as you put it down so I came home. Potted up some chitted bored beans and put some parsnips to chit in the airing cupboard. May go and sow some more seeds and prick out the chillis and sweet peppers later.


                  • Found my Nan's old tatty thermometer and stuck it in my blowaway, sat and watched it for 15 minutes until it settled on 18c, so I got a chair sat in there and had a cuppa and a fag, toasty. Re arranged all my indoor pots of chilli's, peppers and tomatoes so they are in the sunny window and I planted out under fleece my salad bowl lettuce and spring onions which were doing nicely in the non-heated prop. Stuck a couple of early cucumber seeds in one pot to see how they go. Pay day tomorrow and shooping for 700litres of compost and some new canes.


                    • Poured down more or less all day again today but inbetween showers i managed to get another trugfull of weeds from inbetween the patio paving slabs. Just with what i've done so far it looks twice the size as i've reclaimed about a foot of it all round from the lawn which was over growing the edges.

                      I also rigged up 2 of my 4 new waterbutts, just waiting for OH to drill their holes in the tops, and for me to go buy 2 new stands and an link-up kit and then they're all done.
                      keen but (slightly less) clueless


                      • Planted a few shallots today, just to say I'd made a start. Planted up a peach tree in a large pot in greenhouse. Finished draining my 1000ltr tank ready for re-positioning. Took the last of the glass out of my crappy aluminium greenhouse........also ready for re-positioning. Got some rat poison off one of the plot holders and put two lots down............I HATE rats!
                        My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
                        to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

                        Diversify & prosper


                        • Gave OH a guided tour of our new the rain
                          Planted two rose beds the rain
                          Planted bulbs the rain
                          Spread bark chippings the rain
                          got a little bit wet........but had a good day
                          S*d the housework I have a lottie to dig
                          a batch of jam is always an act of creation ..Christine Ferber

                          You can't beat a bit of garden porn


                          • Today i ~
                            Finished off my square foot garden in the wind (lots of vermiculite flying around)

                            Planted out some garlic.
                            Sowed some sweet peppers, chives,sweetcorn, sweet peas, mustard greens in my conservatory.

                            Also made a list of what ive got and where its going.


                            • Sowed 10 broad beans and 10 peas, pricked out some sweet peppers that have come up, marvelled at my one little wild strawberry seedling that is just so dinky, cursed at the last few F1 geraniums that are still refusing to germinate (50p a seed!!!) and then realised that my canary Frank has eaten 4 that I pricked out yesterday

                              Contemplated sowing some leeks but I want to plant them out to follow my first earlies so I'll probably hold off until April. I live in North Wales and I swear our growing season is about 2 months shorter than everyone else.

                              Thought about veg a lot.


                              • Paid 2 builders to install a field drain in my garden as it floods, 3 ton of pea gravel, and a membrane covered 8 inch pipe went in, hope it works!!


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