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What I Did Today Archive 2011


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  • Planted out my broad beans. Three different varieties so I can see which ones I prefer.


    • My Cats just knocked down a full tray of 40 tomato plants

      Wheres me brush?? ahh well, back to buy more seeds, i did think i had started them too early.. maybe the cat agreed?


      • I dug for 4 hours ..... nearly cleared the whole plot am now at the bonfire area oh joy..... DH and FIL put a fence up on the front of my plot :-) that's it now until Saturday.
        My allotment


        • Found a lovely new nursery specialising in willow, got a colorful mix of 40 withys - they were cut for me as I waited and he labelled them all and undercharged me too!
          Hoping to block my view of the Quagmire/Stables next door!


          • Emptied and turned my six "Dalak" composters, gleaning 19 full feed bags of usable compost in the process! Yay!
            Shall have fun chucking it about on my new beds sometime in the week when I've stopped aching from the effort!
            When the Devil gives you Cowpats - make Satanic Compost!


            • Bought 700 litres for all my pots and containers and lugged em from the shop to the car, from the car to the hallway, from the hallway to the garden, from the garden into the pots = BACK ACHE!

              I also planted a few carrots and my first year of my favourite herb, oregano.


              • Worked on the Centenary garden.........OH is laying a brick path between the cottage garden and the veg garden, and I moved and spread a mahoosive pile of bark chippings.....
                S*d the housework I have a lottie to dig
                a batch of jam is always an act of creation ..Christine Ferber

                You can't beat a bit of garden porn


                • We went to buy weldmesh for the chicken pen and run - new to us - but we want fresh eggs daily and the manure goes back into the lottie. The kids want MORE pets.
                  On way home we followed a truck that had freshly chipped wood in it, asked the men at the lights if we could have it (well I didn't, my OH did much to my shame). They said "Sure mate, we'll follow you". OMG!
                  Five minutes later and we had a whole load of wood chips for the lottie paths and the bottom of the chicken pen/run with enough left over for months. They got �10 beer money and straight home instead of having to make the trip back to their yard.
                  We shovelled it all into three x one tonne gravel bags. We put one in the back of the car ready for the allotment tomorrow.
                  Watered my seedlings in the greenhouse - all doing well.
                  Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better...Albert Einstein

                  Blog - @Twotheridge: For The Record - Sowing and Growing with a Virgin Veg Grower: Spring Has Now Sprung...Boing! http://vvgsowingandgrowing2012.blogs....html?spref=tw


                  • Originally posted by splatcat View Post
                    My Cats just knocked down a full tray of 40 tomato plants

                    Wheres me brush?? ahh well, back to buy more seeds, i did think i had started them too early.. maybe the cat agreed?

                    I feel your pain! My cat did the same last week, he wrecked a tray of tomato seedlings, I managed to salvage two, bad kitty!!


                    • Have had a busy few days, raised bed number one is now built, filled & finished (using the lasagne method, thanks for the advice everyone)

                      Then my son & I had a seed planting marathon last night, planted 2 more types of tomatos, Moneymaker & another one Maskota? I think, plus aubergines, alpine strawberries, Aqua dulce broad beads & some Feltham First peas.

                      Then my first tray of cucumbers

                      I am converting our conservatory into a greenhouse this year, so spent a bit of time organising shelves out there to stand all these trays on, think I need to order some greenhouse staging

                      I cant believe it is finally March tomorrow, the sooner the spring weather gets here the better, its been so dreary this year so far


                      • Originally posted by growerkari View Post
                        Have had a busy few days, raised bed number one is now built, filled & finished (using the lasagne method, thanks for the advice everyone)

                        Then my son & I had a seed planting marathon last night, planted 2 more types of tomatos, Moneymaker & another one Maskota? I think, plus aubergines, alpine strawberries, Aqua dulce broad beads & some Feltham First peas.

                        Then my first tray of cucumbers

                        I am converting our conservatory into a greenhouse this year, so spent a bit of time organising shelves out there to stand all these trays on, think I need to order some greenhouse staging

                        I cant believe it is finally March tomorrow, the sooner the spring weather gets here the better, its been so dreary this year so far
                        Could I ask what the lasagne method is please as we are putting in raised bed areas too - thank you?!
                        Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better...Albert Einstein

                        Blog - @Twotheridge: For The Record - Sowing and Growing with a Virgin Veg Grower: Spring Has Now Sprung...Boing! http://vvgsowingandgrowing2012.blogs....html?spref=tw


                        • I have been looking forward to today for ages because I'm off to buy seed potatoes from a superb local nursery. Now which varieties to go for? ...
                          Reine de la cocina


                          • Pricked out 24 Brussels Sprouts. Still plenty in the seed tray.

                            Originally posted by VirginVegGrower View Post
                            Could I ask what the lasagne method is please as we are putting in raised bed areas too - thank you?!
                            Whilst I'm a newbie i am acquainted with this method

                            Mince-Pasta-Sauce-Mince-Pasta-Sauce in layers to build a lasagne dish. In compost terms its the layering of each component rather than a mishmash of everything bunged in together.


                            • Originally posted by Chef_uk View Post
                              Pricked out 24 Brussels Sprouts. Still plenty in the seed tray.

                              Whilst I'm a newbie i am acquainted with this method

                              Mince-Pasta-Sauce-Mince-Pasta-Sauce in layers to build a lasagne dish. In compost terms its the layering of each component rather than a mishmash of everything bunged in together.
                              Sounds interesting, thanks - for a minute there I thought you were telling me how to do a real lasagne. I was going to ask why your pasta wasn't on the bottom
                              Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better...Albert Einstein

                              Blog - @Twotheridge: For The Record - Sowing and Growing with a Virgin Veg Grower: Spring Has Now Sprung...Boing! http://vvgsowingandgrowing2012.blogs....html?spref=tw


                              • Been and raided Lidls fruit bushes........
                                S*d the housework I have a lottie to dig
                                a batch of jam is always an act of creation ..Christine Ferber

                                You can't beat a bit of garden porn


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