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What I Did Today Archive 2011


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  • Chelsea

    Finally bought tickets for Chelsea Flower Show. Lived in London over 10 years and never been... I imagine I also be watering the garden again this evening...

    Tickets are still available link on my blog.

    Tooting Flower Show



    • Planted a pocket of Kestrel seed potatoes.
      Sowed swedes in modules.
      I have a blue water barrel with holes punched in the bottom and filled with very peaty soil. Added a 2 inch layer of potting compost to the topsoil and emptied three watering cans of water over it to give it a good drenching. I then sowed 10 stations of parsnip seeds in the top (three or four seeds to a station) I will thin ouit accordingly when they germinate.
      Was attacked once agin by Sid the cockerel...this time he managed to draw blood, the swine!
      One of my black Minorca's was DOA and appeared to have fallen off the perch? I lit the woodburner and cremated it before I left the allotment.
      My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
      to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

      Diversify & prosper


      • I have planted some surplus leek seedlings in my salad bar about an inch apart with two inches between rows. They will be pulled as pencil thick leeks for posh dinners during the summer.


        • Yesterday - ordered a big bag of gravel which arrived later that afternoon! Edged the beds around the lawn in the back garden, emptied the biggest dalek and spread the contents over the flower beds. Cleared all the rubbish - grass, dandelions, docks etc from around the raised beds and greenhouse in preparation for putting down weed suppressant fabric and the said gravel. It's going to look frighteningly tidy! Potted on the potimarron squash and planted some courgettes. Fetched the wheelbarrow from the lottie for gravelling purposes. Guess what I'm going to be doing in a bit!


          • I have watered garden thoroughly at 7 this morning, which explains why the glorious sunshine has stopped and dark clouds are now looming on horizon


            • squirrels

              Tidied up my shallots and garlic after a squirrel managed to get under my netting and decided to dig some up. Grrrrrrr.

              Tooting Flower Show


              • The sun is out and Claire and I will soon be sowing beans and squash seeds as well as some peas.


                • Oh, and right now we are planting out salad plants in the salad bar on my veranda handrail


                  • Potted up some flowers and picked out my tomato seeds for sowing this weekend, eight different ones!


                    • More fruit cage work,should be knocked on the head late t'moz
                      He who smiles in the face of adversity,has already decided who to blame

                      Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity


                      • Sowed some MORE San Marzano toms as last lot haven't germinated. These were from the same packet so I'm hoping it was something I did/hadn't done and not just dud seed!
                        Did loads of weeding at allotment, concentrating on dandelion plants (one years seeding seven years weeding!). Chooks love them but after the second wheelbarrow load even they started to struggle.
                        Gave chooks some cooked pasta and they went crazy for it!
                        My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
                        to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

                        Diversify & prosper


                        • Lots of weeding-strawberry bed all cleaned and watered,herb rockery weeded and ready for new plants.


                          • Weeded all beds at allotment to keep on top of them.

                            Planted 10 tubers of early maincrop potatoes, planted 11 broc raab 60 days & 50 onion sets.

                            Started off some comfrey tea in a tub.

                            Moved some potted up seedlings into cold frame - cabbage & calabrese.

                            Watered everywhere - I can't believe how dry everywhere is!!


                            • repotted about 20 strawb plants
                              weeded everything
                              swept up and had a general clear out
                              repotted all of my herbs
                              planted some seeds in modules - PSB, spring onions, and another tray of salad.
                              Potted on 6 tomato plants
                              thinned out salad trays
                              watered and fed everything
                              picked off white and greenfly with sticky tape (time consuming but VERY satisfying)
                              potted on 8 more tomato plants
                              potted on some houseplants

                              been very busy...but greatful for the work. I cannot wait until my tomatoes go outside, then the real work starts!!


                              • Sowed some runner bean seeds (moonlight) in rootrainers and filled some more for cucumbers and courgettes.
                                "He that but looketh on a plate of ham and eggs to lust after it hath already committed breakfast with it in his heart"


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