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What I Did Today Archive 2011


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  • Spent 5hrs down the plot today. Rain held off till i got all i wanted planted.
    Backed up the early spuds, hoed the shallots,spring onions and beetroot.
    Caulli, lettuce, cabbage, salad leaf, 100 onion sets, Pentland and Rocket potatoes all in now.
    Broad bean wigwam, courgettes and leeks still to go.
    Pictures of my plot.


    • Planted out the last of my Banana shallots and long red Florence onions. Tickled the areas over and gave each a good dose of home made compost as a mulch.Thats all the alliums in now apart from the leeks........plenty of time for those!
      Planted out two butternut squash plants (Avalon) and readied an area for some other types of squashes.
      Sowed some seeds from an edible passion fruit I had in a fruit salad. Hopefully they will germinate because i've always fancied a passionflower in the greenhouse but the ones offered at nurseries are usually not the edible variety.
      My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
      to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

      Diversify & prosper


      • Planted out 15 borlotti plants and 7 runner bean plants.

        Carried on with the soaking and bashing and raking of soil business as yesterday yawn yawn

        Thinned carrots and parsnips

        Weeded and watered, and moaned about the weather with three different fellow allotmenteers *grin*


        • Haven't posted for a while, t'internet connection has been appallingly slow and virtually unusable. Last Sunday I put 2 cucumbers and 2 tomatoes into their final location in the greenhouse, did a lot of potting on, planted out the pendular begonias (Inferno) into hanging baskets, which I am currently hardening off. Had to put them into the baskets as they were beginning to show flower buds! Eek. A couple of my bush tomatoes are starting to flower - it seems awful early, I shall have to dig out the diary and see.


          • Planted some brassicas (cabbage, calabrese, sprouts) and some basil plantlets, the basil looked decidedly sad as I was leaving so who knows if that will survive.

            Soaked, bashed, dug and raked what will be the sweetcorn and pumpkin bed. Took ages but it looks good now, like proper soil and not great lumps of rock. Barrowed some earth from the courgette bed to elsewhere as it was too full, soaked that, will dig it properly tomorrow. Ditto what will be the butternut squash bed.

            Gave the spuds a blooming good watering and everything else a little watering.

            Then came home and watered the veggies out front and the pots round the back... and then went to Pizza Hut. LOL.


            • - emptied a dalek, then refilled it with old brassicas
              - pulled out broadies to plant Incredible sweetcorn
              - carried a dozen sacks of leafmold up to the plot, shook em up & watered them, left under ivy to rot down
              - planted out even more French beans and some summer cabbage, gave them all a comfrey feed
              - weeded, weeded, weeded (all the grasses are going to seed now)
              - netted the reddening strawbs
              - put half a dozen toms into their final pots & strung them from the gh roof
              - potted on lots of other stuff too
              Last edited by Two_Sheds; 22-05-2011, 08:11 PM.
              All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


              • My aching back is telling me I had a busy day at the allotment today!

                Planted out all 18 of my squashes today dotted around the allotment.
                Donned some gloves and attacked any thistles and nettles that had dared to try and become established.
                Battled with mature comfrey (in the wrong place) and used the stuff I collected on the tatties as a mulch.
                Potted on some early chrysanths.
                Planted out some Jalapeno's peppers into the raised greenhouse bed.
                Planted out some brandywine tomatoes into another greenhouse bed.
                Bought four bags of layers pellets for the chooks. Filled all there feeders and water containers.
                As usual, it's going to be a struggle to find places for my overload of toms and peppers!

                I already have a two teir system in one greenhouse and if I get a chance I may convert this to a three teir system with the tiny Cheyane peppers dotted along the top tier!
                My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
                to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

                Diversify & prosper


                • Weeded the carrots at home and watered them and the plants in greenhouse then went up the lottie and weeded up there. I also took the 'turf' off the paths between more of the beds so I can put down woodchip on them next week.


                  • Made a sturdy bamboo structure for my tomatoes. I'm quite pleased with myself!
                    Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                    • Dug and raked 2 beds, planted out 6 courgettes ( 2 each of trieste de something, gold something and a green one... lol...) four hunter squashes and two pumpkins.

                      Or at least, I THINK thats what I planted out. Because bright spark here had used cardboard labels in the seed module tray, which had of course disintegrated, so I had to kind of go on memory.

                      Of course it won't be a distaster if there's courgettes in the pumpkin bed, but I'm still kicking myself *grin*


                      • Thinned out my lettuce seedlings, sowed bean seeds (outside, I'm an optimist! I have plenty more seeds to resow if they fail).

                        Trudged to the shops in the rain to get some lego toy thing out of a newspaper for my nephew.


                        • Finished my new second hand greenhouse and immediately filled it with toms peppers and cukes. Chuffed to bits and big thanks to the lads at the lottie for all their help.

                          Planted out courgettes and sowed some autumn giant freebie seeds along with some lettuce catch crop in a new raised bed.

                          Didn't plant my sweet corn coz ov the wind........

                          Loving my allotment!


                          • This weekend: mass planting out of chilli and aubergine babies into buckets. Still doing "pass the parcel" in the greenhouse complicated by the watering system which i set up last year, which means it dictates how many buckets I can have where (!). Tomatoes went out into greenhouse border last weekend, and were topped up this weekend with a mix of soil and well-rotted manure. Planted out marigolds and basil at the front of the border. Planted out climbing french beans (had to dig up spinach to do that, so ate it!). Watering - lots, everything is still very dry! Very windy here, so keeping fingers crossed for the 5 (well, that's all that germinated) sweetcorn I put out among the courgettes!
                            Have a tray of chard, but nowhere to put them; another tray of beetroot to go out; half a tray of lettuce with no gaps - and where can I put the broccoli????? <sigh>


                            • Over the weekend I:

                              Watered broad beans, new potatos, french beans, broadbeans, courgettes, sunflowers, tayberries, redcurents, blackcurrents and blueberries.
                              Planaed 4 cucumber seeds (Burpless tasty green) in greenhouse.
                              And 30 french beans (Allegreti) to keep the succession going. One more lot to be done when these planted out.
                              And purple sprouting brocoli (Ruldolph and Claret - aim to have three plants of each plus ordinary "early" and"late" PSB) to give good succession next year.

                              Harvested first new potatos - red duke of york a bit of a mistake at this age - better left for mashing.

                              Finally planted out tomatos into grow bags in cold frame Glacier (an indeterminate) Stupice, Tamina and Moneymaker - 3 of each. Jerryrigged supports. A bit worried 'cos there's a high wind that won't be much good for them.
                              And tiny carrots (early Nantes) 'cos space needed elsewhere
                              And last of overwintered lettuce (marvel of 4 seaosns I think) to mix with first from this spring's sowings (little gem)
                              Last edited by Loudbarker1; 23-05-2011, 09:48 AM.


                              • I am doing nothing until Hurricane Destroyitall disappears! All plants looking smug in overcrowded greenhouse;-)
                                Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better...Albert Einstein

                                Blog - @Twotheridge: For The Record - Sowing and Growing with a Virgin Veg Grower: Spring Has Now Sprung...Boing! http://vvgsowingandgrowing2012.blogs....html?spref=tw


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